首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 2023-2032 年狗狗幣價格預測:狗狗幣登陸月球?

Dogecoin Price Prediction 2023-2032: DOGE to the Moon?

2023-2032 年狗狗幣價格預測:狗狗幣登陸月球?

發布: 2023/10/18 16:24 閱讀: 948



Dogecoin Price Prediction 2023-2032

2023-2032 年狗狗幣價格預測

Dogecoin used to be the best-performing crypto within the top 10 and the 3rd best-performing within the 100 behind FTM and LINK. Our Dogecoin Price Prediction 2023-2032 is shaping up beautifully, and that’s something to be grateful for. We need more of these price spikes, not just for DOGE!

狗狗幣曾經是前 10 名中表現最好的加密貨幣,也是 100 名中表現最好的第三名,僅次於 FTM 和 LINK。我們的 2023-2032 年狗狗幣價格預測進展順利,這是值得慶幸的。我們需要更多這樣的價格上漲,而不僅僅是狗狗!

How much is DOGE worth?

DOGE 值多少錢?

Today’s Dogecoin price is $0.059542, with a 24-hour trading volume of $113,761,677. Dogecoin is up 2.31% in the last 24 hours. The current CoinMarketCap ranking is #9, with a live market cap of $8,419,950,620. It has a circulating supply of 141,412,406,384 DOGE coins and the max. supply is not available.

今日狗狗幣價格為 0.059542 美元,24 小時交易量為 113,761,677 美元。狗狗幣在過去 24 小時內上漲了 2.31%。目前 CoinMarketCap 排名第 9,即時市值為 8,419,950,620 美元。它的流通供應量為 141,412,406,384 DOGE 幣,最大流通量為 141,412,406,384 DOGE 幣。供應不可用。

Dogecoin price analysis: DOGE plummets to $0.05954 as bearish pressure intensifies

狗狗幣價格分析:隨著看跌壓力加劇,狗狗幣暴跌至 0.05954 美元

  • Dogecoin price analysis favors the bears.
  • 狗狗幣價格分析有利於空頭。

  • Support is rigidly standing at $0.0583.
  • 支撐位牢牢位於 0.0583 美元。

  • DOGE/USD is down by 2.31  in the past 24 hours.
  • DOGE/USD 在過去 24 小時內下跌了 2.31。

The Dogecoin price analysis shows a bearish trend in the market today. The price underwent a considerable decline and is now struggling at $0.05954. The bears have a slight advantage over the bulls in this range which has made it difficult for the price to break out of it. Support, however, is strong at $0.0583, and if bears can manage to break through it, the price could fall further. At present, the DOGE/USD pair is down by 2.31% in the past 24 hours.

狗狗幣價格分析顯示當今市場呈現看跌趨勢。價格經歷了相當大的下跌,目前掙扎在 0.05954 美元。在此範圍內,空頭比多頭具有輕微優勢,這使得價格難以突破該範圍。然而,支撐位為 0.0583 美元,如果空頭能夠突破該支撐位,價格可能會進一步下跌。目前,DOGE/USD貨幣對在過去24小時內下跌了2.31%。

DOGE/USD 1-day price chart: DOGE price follows a downward path to $0.05954

DOGE/USD 1 日價格圖表:DOGE 價格下跌至 0.05954 美元

The daily Dogecoin price analysis chart does not look good for the bulls today. The price experienced a bearish slide, and it has been trying to break above $0.05958, However, there is still support at $0.0583 that might give the price some momentum to climb up again and reach higher levels in case of a bullish run. The market capitalization also has decreased by 1.23 percent in the past 24 hours, while trading volume has decreased by 34 percent.

今天的狗狗幣每日價格分析圖表對多頭來說看起來不太好。價格經歷了看跌下滑,一直試圖突破 0.05958 美元,但 0.0583 美元仍有支撐,可能會給價格帶來一些動力,在看漲的情況下再次攀升並達到更高水平。過去24小時內,市值也下降了1.23%,交易量下降了34%。

DOGE/USD 4-hour price chart: Tradingview

DOGE/USD 4小時價格圖:Tradingview

The one-day technical analysis also favors the bears as 20-SMA and 50-SMA are below the current, and 200-SMA is way above it. The RSI also drops to 41.87, indicating that the bears have the upper hand in the market. The moving average convergence divergence (MACD) also shows bearishness as the MACD line is below the signal line. The average directional indicator (ADX) is also trending in a bearish way as the ADX line is above the -DMI line.

一日技術分析也有利於空頭,因為 20-SMA 和 50-SMA 均低於當前價格,而 200-SM​​s 則遠高於當前價格。 RSI也跌至41.87,顯示空頭在市場上佔上風。移動平均收斂背離 (MACD) 也顯示看跌,因為 MACD 線位於訊號線下方。平均方向指標 (ADX) 也呈現看跌趨勢,因為 ADX 線位於 -DMI 線上方。

Dogecoin price analysis 4-hour chart: DOGE price stuck in a range 


The four-hour chart for Dogecoin price analysis shows that the price is stuck in a trading range between $0.0583 and $0.05958. The bulls have not been able to break out of this zone yet, which has left the price hovering near the lower end of it. Buyers need to see significant bullish momentum in order to break out the resistance level of $0.05958 and move higher.

狗狗幣價格分析的四小時圖表顯示,價格陷入 0.0583 美元至 0.05958 美元之間的交易區間。多頭尚未能夠突破該區域,這使得價格徘徊在該區域的下端附近。買家需要看到明顯的看漲勢頭才能突破 0.05958 美元的阻力位並走高。

DOGE/USD 4-hour price chart: Tradingview

DOGE/USD 4小時價格圖:Tradingview

The RSI is also at a neutral level of 43.98, indicating that bears dominate the DOGE market. The histogram shows a flat trajectory, implying that the price action will likely remain range-bound for some time. The MACD line is above the signal line, but the crossover has not been completed yet, meaning that a bearish trend might still be in play. The Average directional index (ADX) has decreased to 32.13, implying that the momentum in the DOGE market is decreasing and the range-bound trading will be dominant in this session.

RSI 也處於 43.98 的中性水平,表明空頭主導 DOGE 市場。長條圖顯示出平坦的軌跡,這意味著價格走勢可能會在一段時間內保持區間波動。 MACD線位於訊號線上方,但交叉尚未完成,這意味著看跌趨勢可能仍在發揮。平均方向指數(ADX)已下跌至32.13,這意味著DOGE市場的動能正在減弱,區間交易將在本時段佔據主導地位。

Dogecoin price analysis conclusion


The Dogecoin price analysis shows that the bulls are struggling to push the price higher and break out of the $0.00.0583- $0.05958 range. The technical indicators also point towards a bearish trend, which could lead to further declines if support doesn’t hold up. Until buyers can gain momentum and break out the resistance level, DOGE/USD will likely remain range-bound. 

狗狗幣價格分析顯示,多頭正在努力推高價格並突破 0.00.0583 美元至 0.05958 美元的範圍。技術指標也指向看跌趨勢,如果支撐位無法維持,可能會導致進一步下跌。在買家獲得動力並突破阻力位之前,狗狗/美元可能會保持區間波動。

Recent News/Comments on Dogecoin


Elon Musk’s Deep Involvement with Dogecoin Highlighted in New Biography


In the ever-evolving world of technology and cryptocurrency, Elon Musk stands out as a prominent figure. A recent biography about the tech mogul sheds light on his profound engagement with Dogecoin (DOGE), a popular cryptocurrency. This revelation underscores the depth of Musk’s interest in the digital currency realm, far beyond his ventures with Tesla and SpaceX.

在不斷發展的技術和加密貨幣世界中,馬斯克(Elon Musk)脫穎而出,成為一位傑出人物。最近關於這位科技大亨的傳記揭示了他對流行加密貨幣狗狗幣(DOGE)的深刻參與。這項消息凸顯了馬斯克對數位貨幣領域的興趣之深,遠遠超出了他與特斯拉和 SpaceX 的合資企業。

The biography delves into Musk’s journey with Dogecoin, revealing how he wasn’t just a casual observer or commentator. Instead, he was deeply involved, often influencing the trajectory of the coin. His tweets and comments about Dogecoin have been known to send its value soaring or plummeting, reflecting the weight of his influence in the crypto community.


While many know Musk for his groundbreaking work in electric vehicles and space exploration, this biography paints a more comprehensive picture. It showcases a side of Musk that is deeply entrenched in the world of digital currencies. His passion for Dogecoin, in particular, is evident, suggesting that he sees potential in its growth and application.


This new insight into Musk’s relationship with Dogecoin offers a fresh perspective on the billionaire entrepreneur. It reminds the world that his interests and influence span a vast range of sectors, from space to the digital currency market. As the crypto world continues to evolve, Musk’s role in it, especially concerning Dogecoin, will undoubtedly be a topic of keen interest.


Dogecoin Price Predictions 2023 – 2032

狗狗幣價格預測 2023 – 2032

Dogecoin price movements show DOGE has been trading inside a narrow bearish trendline of between $0.061 and $0.068 in the past 30 days. Despite the recent drop in price, DOGE has managed to stay afloat and remains above the $0.060 level for the third week in a row. Looking ahead, the price of DOGE is estimated to follow an upward trend if the market sentiment shifts in its favor.

狗狗幣價格走勢顯示,過去 30 天,狗狗幣一直在 0.061 美元至 0.068 美元之間的狹窄看跌趨勢線內交易。儘管最近價格下跌,DOGE 仍設法保持穩定,並連續第三週保持在 0.060 美元上方。展望未來,如果市場情緒向有利於其的方向轉變,DOGE 的價格預計將呈上升趨勢。

Dogecoin Price Prediction 2023

2023 年狗狗幣價格預測

Dogecoin’s price forecast for 2023 is DOGE to attain a minimum price of $0.089 and an average forecast price of $0.093.The price of DOGE is expected to attain a maximum price of $0.098 by the end of the year.

狗狗幣 2023 年的價格預測是 DOGE 的最低價格為 0.089 美元,平均預測價格為 0.093 美元。到年底,DOGE 的價格預計將達到最高價格 0.098 美元。

Dogecoin Price Prediction 2024

2024 年狗狗幣價格預測

According to our DoGE price prediction for 2024, DOGE is estimated to reach an average trading price of $0.14 and a maximum price target of $0.16.The price of DOGE is estimated to record a minimum trading price of $0.13.

根據我們對 2024 年 DoGE 價格的預測,預計 DOGE 的平均交易價格將達到 0.14 美元,最高目標價為 0.16 美元。預計 DOGE 的最低交易價格將達到 0.13 美元。

Dogecoin Price Prediction 2025

2025 年狗狗幣價格預測

Dogecoin DOGE price prediction for 2024 suggests DOGE might attain a maximum value of $0.24 and an average forecast price of $0.20. The cryptocurrency is expected to trade at its lowest possible price of $0.20 in this period.

狗狗幣 DOGE 2024 年價格預測顯示 DOGE 可能達到最高 0.24 美元,平均預測價格為 0.20 美元。預計該加密貨幣在此期間將以 0.20 美元的最低價格進行交易。

Dogecoin Price Prediction 2026

2026 年狗狗幣價格預測

Dogecoin price prediction for 2026 suggests the price may experience a major surge, reaching an average trading price of $0.30 and a maximum possible value of $0.34.The minimum trading price for DOGE is expected to be around $$0.29.

狗狗幣 2026 年價格預測表明,價格可能會大幅上漲,平均交易價格達到 0.30 美元,最高可能價值 0.34 美元。預計 DOGE 的最低交易價格約為 0.29 美元。

Dogecoin Price Prediction 2027

2027 年狗狗幣價格預測

In our Dogecoin price prediction 2027, we anticipate DOGE to reach an average trading price of $0.41 and a maximum possible value of $0.46.The minimum trading price for DOGE is expected to be around $0.38.

在我們的 2027 年狗狗幣價格預測中,我們預計 DOGE 的平均交易價格將達到 0.41 美元,最高可能價值為 0.46 美元。DOGE 的最低交易價格預計約為 0.38 美元。

Dogecoin Price Prediction 2028

2028 年狗狗幣價格預測

Dogecoin price prediction for 2028 suggests that the cryptocurrency may reach an average trading price of $0.56 and a maximum possible value of $0.62.The minimum trading price for DOGE is expected to be around $0.54.

狗狗幣 2028 年價格預測表明,該加密貨幣的平均交易價格可能達到 0.56 美元,最高可能價值 0.62 美元。預計 DOGE 的最低交易價格約為 0.54 美元。

Dogecoin Price Prediction 2029

2029 年狗狗幣價格預測

Based on our analysis, the price of DOGE may reach an average trading price of $0.77 and a maximum possible value of $1.04 in 2029. The minimum trading price for DOGE is expected to be around $0.84.

根據我們的分析,2029 年 DOGE 的平均交易價格可能達到 0.77 美元,最高可能達到 1.04 美元。預計 DOGE 的最低交易價格約為 0.84 美元。

Dogecoin Price Prediction 2030

2030 年狗狗幣價格預測

The Dogecoin price prediction for 2030 suggests the price of DOGE could reach a minimum price of $1.15 and an average forecast price of $1.30.The maximum possible value for DOGE is estimated to be $1.45.

2030 年狗狗幣價格預測顯示 DOGE 的價格可能達到最低價格 1.15 美元,平均預測價格為 1.30 美元。DOGE 的最大可能價值估計為 1.45 美元。

Dogecoin Price Prediction 2031

2031 年狗狗幣價格預測

Our prediction for the year 2031 shows that the price of DOGE may reach an average price of $1.85 and a minimum possible value of $1.80.The cryptocurrency market sentiment is expected to be highly bullish, resulting in a maximum trading price of $2.21 for DOGE.

我們對 2031 年的預測顯示,DOGE 的平均價格可能達到 1.85 美元,最低可能價格為 1.80 美元。加密貨幣市場情緒預計將高度看漲,導致 DOGE 的最高交易價格為 2.21 美元。

Dogecoin Price Prediction 2032

2032 年狗狗幣價格預測

Based on our analysis, 2032 may bring significant gains for DOGE as we predict an average trading price of $2.82 and a maximum possible value of $3.13. The minimum Dogecoin price in 2032 is estimated to be around $2.74.

根據我們的分析,2032 年 DOGE 可能會帶來顯著收益,因為我們預測平均交易價格為 2.82 美元,最高可能價值為 3.13 美元。 2032 年狗狗幣的最低價格預計約為 2.74 美元。

Dogecoin Price Prediction by Coincodex

Coincodex 的狗狗幣價格預測

Dogecoin, a cryptocurrency that has garnered substantial attention, exhibits varied price predictions, according to CoinCodex. In the short term, the price is expected to see some fluctuations: $0.155 to $0.179 in 1 day, $0.148 to $0.171 in 1 week, and $0.141 to $0.163 in 1 month, with technical indicators like the RSI, MACD, Bollinger Bands, and Stochastic Oscillator suggesting a bearish momentum and potential volatility.

根據 CoinCodex 的數據,狗狗幣是一種受到廣泛關注的加密貨幣,其價格預測各不相同。短期來看,預計價格將出現一定波動:1日內0.155美元至0.179美元,1週內0.148美元至0.171美元,1個月內0.141美元至0.163美元,技術指標包括RSI、MACD、布林線路和隨機指標震盪指標顯示看跌勢頭和潛在波動。

Looking at a longer horizon, the 6-month prediction places the price between $0.112 and $0.130, while in 1 year, it might hover from $0.089 to $0.103 and potentially sit between $0.028 and $0.033 in 5 years. Various technical indicators, including long-term moving averages and Fibonacci retracement levels, hint at a bearish trend and crucial support and resistance zones.

從更長遠的角度來看,6 個月的預測將價格置於0.112 美元至0.130 美元之間,而1 年後,價格可能會在0.089 美元至0.103 美元之間徘徊,5 年後可能會在0.028美元至0.033 美元之間。各種技術指標,包括長期移動平均線和斐波那契回檔水平,都暗示看跌趨勢以及關鍵的支撐和阻力區域。

Dogecoin Price Prediction by Wallet Investor


WalletInvestor.com, a financial forecasting platform, has provided an updated price prediction for Dogecoin. In their recent analysis, they project that the cryptocurrency will reach a price of 0.0628 USD in 14 days. The platform offers short-term and long-term analyses for Dogecoin from 2023 to 2028. These projections encompass metrics such as monthly and daily opening, closing, maximum, and minimum prices, all based on WalletInvestor’s technical assessments.

金融預測平台 WalletInvestor.com 提供了狗狗幣的最新價格預測。在他們最近的分析中,他們預計加密貨幣的價格將在 14 天內達到 0.0628 美元。該平台提供 2023 年至 2028 年狗狗幣的短期和長期分析。這些預測包括月度和每日開盤價、收盤價、最高價和最低價等指標,所有這些均基於 WalletInvestor 的技術評估。

Dogecoin Price Prediction by DigitalCoinPrice

DigitalCoinPrice 的狗狗幣價格預測

According to DigitalCoinPrice’s forecast for 2023, Dogecoin experienced some volatility early in the year. In January 2023, the cryptocurrency reached a high of $0.0928 before seeing a decline, dropping below the $0.0693 mark for the first time since January 2021. Nevertheless, based on the assessment of investors and market experts, DigitalCoinPrice anticipates that Dogecoin can potentially exceed $0.13 by the end of the year.

根據 DigitalCoinPrice 對 2023 年的預測,狗狗幣在年初經歷了一些波動。 2023 年1 月,該加密貨幣達到0.0928 美元的高位,然後出現下跌,自2021 年1 月以來首次跌破0.0693 美元大關。不過,根據投資者和市場專家的評估,DigitalCoinPrice 預計狗狗幣可能會在2023 年1 月突破0.13 美元。年底。

Dogecoin Price Forecast by Market Experts


Various market experts are predicting that Dogecoin will break through the $1 milestone in the near future. The cryptocurrency, often called the “king of meme coins” due to its strong presence on social media, has steadily climbed in value over the past few months, and many believe this trend will continue.

多位市場專家預測狗狗幣將在不久的將來突破 1 美元的里程碑。由於在社群媒體上的強勢存在,這種加密貨幣通常被稱為“表情包之王”,在過去幾個月裡,其價值穩步攀升,許多人相信這種趨勢將持續下去。

Ash WSB, a prominent crypto trader, believes that Dogecoin is undervalued and has set his sights on the $1 mark. Matt Wallace, another well-known investor in the cryptocurrency space, is also expecting prices to reach there soon, with Dogecoin climbing as high as $0.90 in the future.

著名加密貨幣交易員 Ash WSB 認為狗狗幣被低估,並將目標瞄準了 1 美元大關。加密貨幣領域的另一位知名投資者 Matt Wallace 也預計價格很快就會達到這一水平,狗狗幣未來將攀升至 0.90 美元。

Crypto Rover has gone even further, predicting that Dogecoin will be integrated with Twitter soon – giving over 200 million users a reason to use it, and ultimately driving its value higher. Dogecoin can be used for online tipping, but it could have more utility if additional use cases were incorporated. There are rumors that Musk may integrate it into Twitter, which could further increase its value. It is possible that by the end of 2023, the price of Dogecoin might reach $0.6.

Crypto Rover 更進一步,預測狗狗幣很快就會與 Twitter 整合,為超過 2 億用戶提供使用它的理由,並最終推高其價值。狗狗幣可用於線上小費,但如果納入其他用例,它可能會具有更多實用性。有傳言稱馬斯克可能會將其整合到Twitter中,這可能會進一步增加其價值。到 2023 年底,狗狗幣的價格可能會達到 0.6 美元。

Nevertheless, Dogecoin is still a relatively new and volatile asset class with plenty of room for growth. Its future price trajectory will depend on the number of merchants that accept it as payment, its market capitalization, user adoption, and other factors.


According to the recent Dogecoin price prediction by the Crypto Vault, DOGE’s increase in market capitalization with more and more investors entering the market has caused a significant surge in Dogecoin’s price. Experts believe that if DOGE maintains its current growth trend, it could potentially reach $1 by 2028. The survey also revealed that many experts have estimated Dogecoin to get up to $2 or even higher within a few years.

根據Crypto Vault近期對狗狗幣的價格預測,隨著越來越多的投資者進入市場,DOGE的市值不斷增加,導致狗狗幣的價格大幅上漲。專家認為,如果DOGE維持目前的成長趨勢,到2028年它可能會達到1美元。調查還顯示,許多專家預計狗狗幣在幾年內將達到2美元甚至更高。

Dogecoin Overview


Dogecoin Price History




Born in 2013, Dogecoin’s growth was slow in the beginning. The $3.5 million market capitalization was not worthy of the market’s attention. However, within a few months, it began its upward trajectory and grew exponentially.

狗狗幣誕生於2013年,一開始成長緩慢。 350萬美元的市值根本不值得市場關注。然而,幾個月之內,它開始呈上升趨勢並呈指數級增長。



The second-year Dogecoin prediction was disappointing as Dogecoin hit new lows and felt the pain of a market-wide downturn. Also, it faced immense competition from new coins, including Stellar, Neo, and Monero.

第二年的狗狗幣預測令人失望,因為狗狗幣觸及新低點並感受到了整個市場低迷的痛苦。此外,它還面臨來自新幣的巨大競爭,包括 Stellar、Neo 和 Monero。



Jackson Palmer, the co-founder of Dogecoin, quit Doge, which didn’t bode well for the coin. The year saw much negative press about Dogecoin, and many analysts predicted the death of Dogecoin.




The year 2018 was bearish for cryptocurrencies, and Doge was no different. The altcoins went down significantly in a few months.

2018 年對加密貨幣來說是悲觀的一年,Doge 也不例外。山寨幣在幾個月內大幅下跌。

The recovery saw the Dogecoin trade near the $0.017 level, but bullish Dogecoin predictions were short-lived as the price touched a low of $0.002 and remained there for an extended period.

復甦使狗狗幣交易接近 0.017 美元水平,但看漲狗狗幣的預測是短暫的,因為價格觸及 0.002 美元的低點並長期保持在該水平。



Dogecoin traded in a strict range of $0.002 to $0.005 for most of the year. It gained steam at the end of 2020 when Bitcoin was touching new highs.

今年大部分時間,狗狗幣的交易價格嚴格限制在 0.002 美元至 0.005 美元之間。 2020 年底,當比特幣觸及新高時,它的發展勢頭增強。



In January, the Dogecoin price chart saw green candles all across the chart as the month ended with the Dogecoin price live at 0.037 USD. In just a few days, the Dogecoin price managed a 692.14% price surge while in April 2021, Dogecoin’s price rose by 527.6%.

1 月份,狗狗幣價格圖表上全是綠色蠟燭,月底狗狗幣價格為 0.037 美元。短短幾天內,狗狗幣價格飆升了 692.14%,而 2021 年 4 月,狗狗幣價格上漲了 527.6%。

Dogecoin’s price finally fell by 22% in June, and the price declined by more than 18% in July. Recent Dogecoin price prediction shows that the market price of the coin has risen after Elon’s Tweets.

狗狗幣的價格最終在 6 月下跌了 22%,7 月價格下跌了 18% 以上。最近的狗狗幣價格預測顯示,在伊隆發推文後,狗狗幣的市場價格有所上漲。

This Dogecoin (DOGE) price currently is $0.2 as the market value of the coin experiences a surge today. In September, Doge’s price fell by more than 26%, although, recently, we have witnessed that AMC will start to accept Dogecoin for payments.

狗狗幣 (DOGE) 目前的價格為 0.2 美元,因為該幣的市場價值今天經歷了飆升。 9 月份,Doge 的價格下跌了 26% 以上,儘管最近我們看到 AMC 將開始接受狗狗幣付款。

According to the Dogecoin community, the Dogecoin network is perfect for transactions. Hence, Dogecoin projections ahead to 2021 show that one should expect abrupt Dogecoin market changes in the short term as the price journey and abrupt price changes continue beyond 2021 as Bitcoin’s price rally continues.

根據狗狗幣社群的說法,狗狗幣網路非常適合交易。因此,狗狗幣對 2021 年的預測表明,隨著比特幣價格持續上漲,價格走勢和突然的價格變化將持續到 2021 年之後,人們應該預期短期內狗狗幣市場會發生突然變化。

Compared to prices at the start of the year, DOGE has gained massive profits in 2021, gaining over 3100% in 2021.

與年初的價格相比,DOGE 在 2021 年獲得了巨額利潤,2021 年漲幅超過 3,100%。



In 2022, Dogecoin began bearishly. The bulls were struggling to sustain a breakout above the $0.20 level during that time. In the Dogecoin technical analysis In the current 4-hour chart, we can see that the cryptocurrency is trading above the 50-day MA but slightly below the 100-day MA. The coin price broke out of its upper Bollinger band, and there was resistance at $0.135. Until it breaks the resistance, it may retrace down to the support at $0.126 in the next few days. Doge is still trading in the green zone, and it has been up by 0.61% in the last 24 hours.

2022年,狗狗幣開始看跌。在此期間,多頭努力維持突破 0.20 美元的水平。在狗狗幣技術分析目前的 4 小時圖表中,我們可以看到該加密貨幣交投於 50 日均線之上,但略低於 100 日均線。幣價突破布林線上限,阻力位為 0.135 美元。在突破阻力位之前,未來幾天可能會回撤至支撐位 0.126 美元。 Doge仍處於綠區交易,過去24小時上漲0.61%。

More on Dogecoin price analysis


Elon Musk, known for his outspoken and controversial nature, has yet to respond publicly to the allegations made in the lawsuit. As the legal proceedings unfold, the cryptocurrency community eagerly awaits the resolution of this high-profile case, which could have far-reaching consequences for the intersection of cryptocurrencies, market manipulation, and the accountability of influential figures within the industry.


Dogecoin is among the most popular cryptocurrency with a very active social media background. Since market analysts are upbeat about the potential of this currency, there is a lot of speculation over the price of Dogecoin in the future. Dogecoin has support from Elon Musk. All of you have already seen the hype that boosted the Dogecoin price. When Elon Musk tweets about Dogecoin, the price always goes up. 

狗狗幣是最受歡迎的加密貨幣之一,具有非常活躍的社群媒體背景。由於市場分析師對這種貨幣的潛力持樂觀態度,因此對未來狗狗幣的價格有很多猜測。狗狗幣得到了馬斯克的支持。你們所有人都已經看到了狗狗幣價格上漲的炒作。當馬斯克(Elon Musk)發布有關狗狗幣的推文時,價格總是會上漲。

Elon Musk has changed the Twitter logo, bidding goodbye to the signature bird logo, and replacing it with a DOGE meme. You will be greeted by a friendly dog Kabosu, the Shiba Inu, instead of a blue bird logo, upon opening the Twitter web. If there was a jump in the DOGE price, that was shorlived. DOGE is -0.11% in the last 24 hours. It is currently -3.08% from its 7-day all-time high of $0.08176, and 4.20% from its 7-day all-time low of $0.07604.

馬斯克 (Elon Musk) 更改了 Twitter 徽標,告別了標誌性的鳥徽標,並用 DOGE meme 取而代之。打開 Twitter 網站時,迎接您的是一隻友善的狗 Kabosu(柴犬),而不是藍鳥標誌。如果 DOGE 價格上漲,那麼上漲就會縮短。 DOGE 在過去 24 小時內為 -0.11%。目前距離 7 天歷史高點 0.08176 美元為 -3.08%,距離 7 天歷史低點 0.07604 美元為 4.20%。

Six months ago, there was already a lot of speculation about the future price of Dogecoin as market experts are bullish about the prospects of this coin. Some market experts are even predicting that DOGE might reach $1 by the end of 2025. For instance, Matt Wallace, a YouTuber with over 244k subscribers on his channel “Final stand,” says that Dogecoin will be epic at $100 by 2025.

六個月前,由於市場專家看好狗狗幣的前景,已經有許多關於狗狗幣未來價格的猜測。一些市場專家甚至預測狗狗幣到2025 年底可能會達到1 美元。例如,YouTuber 馬特華萊士(Matt Wallace)在他的頻道「Final Stand」上擁有超過244,000 名訂閱者,他表示狗狗幣到2025 年將達到100 美元。

Experts are positive about Dogecoin for a variety of reasons, despite the fact that the humor coin presents certain challenges. The market for digital payments holds a great deal of untapped potential. As a consequence of this, cryptocurrencies that make it possible to make micropayments have a promising future. Because of this, there is a chance that Dogecoin may continue to gain popularity well into the foreseeable future.


Due to the accuracy of its forecasts and the size of its global community, keeping Dogecoin (DOGE) for a longer period of time may prove to be a lucrative investment. It is possible that in the future, there will be a considerable increase in value if the people responsible for developing it give it some sort of practical use. However, prior to making an investment in this cryptocurrency, you should first make sure that your decision is well thought out by considering a variety of elements, such as fundamental analysis, technical analysis, and other market variables.


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More on Dogecoin


What Is Dogecoin?


Dogecoin (DOGE) is based on the popular “Doge” Internet meme and features a Shiba Inu dog on its logo. The open-source currency was created by Billy Markus from Portland, Oregon, and Jackson Palmer from Sydney, Australia, and was forked from Litecoin in December 2013.

狗狗幣 (DOGE) 基於流行的「Doge」網路迷因,其徽標上有一隻柴犬。這種開源貨幣是由來自俄勒岡州波特蘭的 Billy Markus 和來自澳洲雪梨的 Jackson Palmer 創建的,並於 2013 年 12 月從萊特幣中分叉出來。

With the introduction of several Tweets, Bitcoin turned from a meme coin to everyone’s favorite. It was considered the coin of people, and Elon Musk was called the “Dogefather.” It is the 5th most popular cryptocurrency among fans. Elon revealed in a recent statement that he owns BitcoinDogecoin, and Ether personally.


Although co-founder Billy is promoting Dogecoin NFTs, his partner Jackson Palmer has remained critical of the industry, considering it corrupt and manipulated.

儘管聯合創始人 Billy 正在推廣狗狗幣 NFT,但他的合作夥伴 Jackson Palmer 仍然對該行業持批評態度,認為該行業腐敗且受到操縱。

How do you mine Dogecoin?


Dogecoin mining differs from Bitcoin’s Proof-of-Work protocol in several ways, one of which is by using Scrypt technology. The altcoin also has a block time of 1 minute, and the total supply is uncapped, which means that there is no limit to the number of Dogecoin that can be mined. You can mine Dogecoin either solo or by joining a mining pool.

狗狗幣挖礦在幾個方面與比特幣的工作量證明協議有所不同,其中之一是使用 Scrypt 技術。山寨幣的出塊時間為 1 分鐘,且總供應量沒有上限,這意味著可以開採的狗狗幣數量沒有限制。您可以單獨或加入礦池來開採狗狗幣。

A Doge miner can mine the coin on Windows, Mac, or Linux and with a GPU. As of 2014, you can also mine Litecoin in the same process of mining Dogecoin as the processes were merged.

Doge 礦工可以在 Windows、Mac 或 Linux 上使用 GPU 挖掘硬幣。自 2014 年起,您還可以在挖掘狗狗幣的相同流程中挖掘萊特幣,因為流程已合併。

What can Dogecoin be used for?


Dogecoin has been used primarily as a tipping system on Reddit and Twitter to reward creating or sharing quality content. You can get tipped Dogecoin by participating in a community that uses it, or you can get your Dogecoin from a Dogecoin faucet.

狗狗幣主要用作 Reddit 和 Twitter 上的打賞系統,以獎勵創建或分享優質內容。您可以透過參與使用狗狗幣的社群來獲得小費,或者您可以從狗狗幣水龍頭獲取您的狗狗幣。

A Dogecoin Faucet is a website that will give you a small amount of Dogecoin for free as an introduction to the coin so that you can begin interacting in Dogecoin communities.


How can you buy Dogecoin?


You can buy or sell Dogecoin at any exchange that offers the coin, store it on an exchange or in a Dogecoin wallet, and tip Dogecoin in any community that accepts Dogecoin. Click on our market pairs tab for the latest list of exchanges and trading pairs for this cryptocurrency.


Two hundred part-time developers and an army of internet admirers support DOGE’s operations. Many look like Ross Nicoll, a fundamental contributor who works for free to keep an ever-expanding system running smoothly. There aren’t enough resources to create proprietary code, which is why so much of its code is copied from other coins. Dogecoin’s tens of thousands of social media followers are a good example of this: They regularly beg the currency’s developers to limit the supply.

200 名兼職開發人員和一群網路崇拜者支持 DOGE 的營運。許多人看起來像羅斯·尼科爾(Ross Nicoll),他是一位免費工作的基本貢獻者,以保持不斷擴展的系統平穩運行。沒有足夠的資源來創建專有程式碼,這就是為什麼它的大部分程式碼都是從其他硬幣複製的。狗狗幣的數以萬計的社群媒體粉絲就是一個很好的例子:他們經常懇求貨幣的開發人員限制供應。

Dogecoin’s price will rise to $10 if investors do more than buy the currency and tweet about it. Improvements may only be made with the support of a generous donor.

如果投資者不只是購買狗狗幣並發布有關狗狗幣的推文,狗狗幣的價格將上漲至 10 美元。只有在慷慨捐助者的支持下才能取得改善。

Several high-profile backers have already expressed interest in the currency. Elon Musk said sometime back that his SpaceX company will launch a penny to the moon. By forming a “Dogecoin Foundation,” he may have a greater effect on the future of cryptocurrency. So far, he’s blamed the “Dogecoin Whale” for everything. Instead of hounding developers, regular investors might aid by making a financial contribution instead. There is a potential that Dogecoin might rise to $10 if the community comes together one day.

一些備受矚目的支持者已經表達了對該貨幣的興趣。伊隆馬斯克不久前曾表示,他的 SpaceX 公司將向月球發射一枚便士。透過組成“狗狗幣基金會”,他可能會對加密貨幣的未來產生更大的影響。到目前為止,他將一切歸咎於「狗狗幣鯨魚」。普通投資者可能會透過提供財務捐助來提供幫助,而不是追逐開發商。如果有一天社區團結起來,狗狗幣有可能會升至 10 美元。



In recent weeks, Dogecoin has witnessed a notable stagnation in its price, maintaining a position around the $0.06 mark. This stability, however, is underpinned by a series of dynamic activities from two major market participants: the miners and speculative traders.

最近幾週,狗狗幣的價格明顯停滯,維持在 0.06 美元大關附近。然而,這種穩定性是由礦商和投機交易商這兩個主要市場參與者的一系列動態活動所支撐的。

Dogecoin miners have embarked on a substantial sell-off, reducing their reserves from 4.67 billion DOGE to 4.35 billion DOGE between August 17 and October 5. This translates to an approximately 320 million DOGE sale, equivalent to about $19.2 million. Such a significant reduction in miners’ reserves typically implies a liquidation of a notable portion of their block rewards, which can introduce downward pressure on the price of DOGE. The sell-off has been identified as a potential contributor to the ongoing price stagnation of DOGE since mid-August.

狗狗幣礦工已開始大幅拋售,8 月 17 日至 10 月 5 日期間,其儲備金從 46.7 億 DOGE 減少至 43.5 億 DOGE。這意味著大約出售 3.2 億 DOGE,相當於約 1,920 萬美元。礦工儲備金的大幅減少通常意味著其區塊獎勵的很大一部分將被清算,這可能會對 DOGE 的價格造成下行壓力。此次拋售被認為是自 8 月中旬以來 DOGE 價格持續停滯的潛在原因。

In contrast, speculative traders have been injecting fresh capital into the Dogecoin derivatives markets, potentially offsetting the bearish impact of the miners’ sell-off. From September 21 to October 5, Dogecoin Open Interest has seen a rise from $205 million to $234 million, indicating fresh capital inflows of $29 million within the last two weeks. This influx of capital from speculative traders might be a pivotal factor in maintaining DOGE’s price at the $0.06 support level, despite the miners’ substantial sell-off.

相較之下,投機交易者一直在向狗狗幣衍生性商品市場注入新資金,這可能抵消礦商拋售帶來的利空影響。從 9 月 21 日到 10 月 5 日,狗狗幣未平倉合約從 2.05 億美元增加到 2.34 億美元,顯示過去兩週內新增資本流入 2,900 萬美元。儘管礦商大幅拋售,投機交易者的資金湧入可能是將 DOGE 價格維持在 0.06 美元支撐位的關鍵因素。

The future of Dogecoin’s price seems to be hanging in the balance, with the actions of miners and traders creating a neutralizing effect. While miners exert downward pressure on the price, traders provide a counteracting upward momentum. The stability of DOGE’s price amidst these opposing forces raises questions about its future trajectory and whether the speculative traders can continue to uphold the price amidst ongoing sell-offs from miners.

狗狗幣價格的未來似乎懸而未決,礦工和交易者的行為產生了中和效應。雖然礦商對價格施加下行壓力,但貿易商提供了抵消的上行動力。在這些對立力量中,DOGE 價格的穩定性引發了人們對其未來軌蹟的質疑,以及投機交易者能否在礦商持續拋售的情況下繼續維持價格。


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