首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 狗狗幣價格預測:當 DogWifCat (DWIFC) 等其他迷因幣試圖取代它時,DOGE 會突破 0.20 美元嗎?

Dogecoin Price Prediction: Will DOGE Push Past $0.20 As Other Meme Coins Like DogWifCat (DWIFC) Look To Dethrone It?

狗狗幣價格預測:當 DogWifCat (DWIFC) 等其他迷因幣試圖取代它時,DOGE 會突破 0.20 美元嗎?

發布: 2024/03/25 20:59 閱讀: 321



Meme coins have had an excellent past 12 months, with Dogecoin of course leading the pack as far as established meme tokens go. The bull run has been good for DOGE, but there are some hurdles it has to cross before further growth is cemented. 

Meme 幣在過去的 12 個月裡表現出色,狗狗幣當然在成熟的 Meme 代幣中處於領先地位。牛市對 DOGE 來說是件好事,但在鞏固進一步增長之前,它必須克服一些障礙。

As Dogecoin sits on the fence and could go either way, other tokens like Smog (SMOG), DogWifCat (DWIFC), and Dogecoin20 (DOGE20) have been showing signs of tremendous growth. We offer a DOGE price prediction here, along with details on the aforementioned tokens.

由於狗狗幣處於觀望狀態並且可能走向任何一個方向,其他代幣如 Smog (SMOG)、DogWifCat (DWIFC) 和 Dogecoin20 (DOGE20) 已經顯示出巨大增長的跡象。我們在此提供 DOGE 價格預測以及上述代幣的詳細資訊。

DOGE Price Prediction: Meme Coin Go Either Way

DOGE 價格預測:Meme 幣無論哪種方式都會上漲

With BTC demonstrating strength, the price of Dogecoin is undergoing a recovery rally and may encounter resistance around the midrange of the market’s price movement, specifically at the 50% Fibonacci level of $0.1663. A clear candlestick close above this threshold could pave the way for further gains, potentially reaching the resistance level at $0.1855.

隨著 BTC 表現出強勢,狗狗幣的價格正在經歷復甦性反彈,並可能在市場價格走勢的中區間遇到阻力,特別是在 0.1663 美元的 50% 斐波那契水平。燭台收盤價明確高於該門檻可能為進一步上漲鋪平道路,有可能達到 0.1855 美元的阻力位。

The Relative Strength Index (RSI) adds weight to the bullish argument, rebounding above the 50 level amidst a notable uptick in momentum. If buyer activity continues to surge, Dogecoin’s price could surpass the significant hurdle at $0.1855 and aim for a new high above the March 5 peak of $0.2071.

相對強弱指數 (RSI) 增強了看漲論點,在勢頭顯著上升的情況下反彈至 50 水平以上。如果買家活動繼續激增,狗狗幣的價格可能會突破 0.1855 美元的重要障礙,並爭取突破 3 月 5 日高峰 0.2071 美元的新高。

On the flip side, early profit-taking could lead to a dip in Dogecoin’s price, testing the support level at $0.1368. In a worst-case scenario where this support level is breached, further downside movement could occur, potentially reaching the lower end of the market range at $0.1255 before a potential rebound. A decisive break and close below this level would undermine the bullish outlook.

另一方面,早期獲利回吐可能導致狗狗幣價格下跌,測試 0.1368 美元的支撐位。在最壞的情況下,如果該支撐位被突破,可能會出現進一步的下行走勢,在潛在反彈之前可能會達到市場區間的下限 0.1255 美元。果斷突破並收盤低於該水平將削弱看漲前景。

Smog (SMOG) Could Join Top Meme Coins

菸霧(SMOG)可能會加入頂級 Meme 代幣行列

Smog (SMOG) emerges as a formidable contender for the top position among these tokens, positioned to seize the premier spot in this highly coveted niche. This Solana-based meme coin has swiftly gained momentum on decentralized exchanges (DEXs), achieving a market cap of $2 million on Jupiter in a remarkably short period. The upcoming airdrop further underscores the potential for significant growth.

Smog(SMOG)成為這些代幣中頂級地位的強大競爭者,並有望在這個令人垂涎的利基市場中佔據首要位置。這種基於 Solana 的模因幣在去中心化交易所 (DEX) 上迅速崛起,在極短的時間內在 Jupiter 上達到了 200 萬美元的市值。即將到來的空投進一步凸顯了顯著成長的潛力。

Meme coins consistently vie for attention as crypto tokens with the most outstanding growth rates. Over the past year, numerous meme coins have consistently outpaced the broader market, suggesting a trend that may endure. The meme coin sector remains dynamic and proficient at yielding profits. Following in the footsteps of predecessors like Bonk and Myro, Smog (SMOG) has already exhibited signs of surpassing them. Its DEX trading volumes have recently exceeded those of Uniswap, showcasing strong momentum.

Meme 幣一直以最出色的成長率爭奪關注度。在過去的一年裡,許多迷因幣的表現一直跑贏大盤,這表明這種趨勢可能會持續下去。模因幣行業仍然充滿活力並且擅長產生利潤。追隨Bonk和Myro等前輩的腳步,Smog(SMOG)已經展現出超越他們的跡象。其DEX交易量近期已超過Uniswap,展現出強勁的勢頭。

With its remarkable growth trajectory, Smog (SMOG) is positioned to potentially surpass the achievements of SPONGE, which experienced a 50x surge from $2 million to $100 million. Undoubtedly, Smog (SMOG) presents one of the most compelling investment opportunities currently available, with the imminent airdrop possibly catapulting it to the forefront as the premier meme coin of 2024.

憑藉其非凡的成長軌跡,Smog (SMOG) 有可能超越 SPONGE 所取得的成就,後者經歷了從 200 萬美元到 1 億美元的 50 倍飆升。毫無疑問,Smog (SMOG) 是目前最引人注目的投資機會之一,即將到來的空投可能會使其成為 2024 年首屈一指的迷因幣。

DogWifCat Brings A Dog And A Cat Together

DogWifCat 將一隻狗和一隻貓聚集在一起

You’ve heard of FrogWifHat, you’ve heard of DogWifHat and you’ve heard of several dog-based meme coins – but have you heard of DogWifCat (DWIFC)?

您聽說過 FrogWifHat,您聽說過 DogWifHat,也聽過幾種基於狗的迷因幣 - 但您聽說過 DogWifCat (DWIFC) 嗎?

That’s the latest meme coin that’s creating a craze among investors, and it certainly looks like it’s got some strong momentum going for it. Available on Dextools, this token has seen a massive increase in the last 24 hours, going up by around 400%!

這是最新的迷因硬幣,在投資者中掀起了一股熱潮,而且看起來它確實有一些強勁的勢頭。該代幣可在 Dextools 上使用,在過去 24 小時內大幅上漲,上漲了約 400%!

It’s one crazy meme coin all right, best summarized in the motto “Much coin, such meme, add cat. Dogwifcat = so investment.” It’s clear why meme coins investors are going crazy for this token and why it could see a sizable increase in the months to come. 

這是一枚瘋狂的模因幣,最好用座右銘來概括:“多幣,這樣的模因,加上貓。” Dogwifcat = 所以投資。”很明顯,為什麼迷因幣投資者會為這種代幣瘋狂,以及為什麼它在未來幾個月可能會大幅增長。

A Solana-based meme coin, this has the potential to overthrow other meme coins that have been rising and become one of the hottest new meme coins on the market. 

一種基於 Solana 的 meme 幣,它有可能推翻其他一直在上漲的 meme 幣,成為市場上最熱門的新 meme 幣之一。

There’s a market cap of about $20 million already on the cards, but this could easily go 10x if the momentum continues. The circulating supply is just under $1 billion. You’ll find the price of DWIFC hovering around $0.020 at the time of publishing.

市值已經達到約 2000 萬美元,但如果這種勢頭持續下去,市值很容易就會成長 10 倍。流通供應量略低於 10 億美元。您會發現 DWIFC 的價格在發佈時徘徊在 0.020 美元左右。

Dogecoin20 Could Take Over Dogecoin

Dogecoin20 可能會取代狗狗幣

Dogecoin 20 (DOGE20) enters the scene as the newest meme sensation in presale, joining the ranks of previously mentioned platforms. Running on the Ethereum blockchain and leveraging smart contracts, use can stake to gain more DOGE20. This iteration of Dogecoin builds upon the foundation of its predecessor, blending its essence with the allure of passive rewards, thus embodying the quintessence of meme coins with notable enhancements.

狗狗幣 20 (DOGE20) 作為預售中最新的迷因轟動一時,加入了前面提到的平台的行列。在以太坊區塊鏈上運行並利用智能合約,用戶可以透過質押來獲得更多 DOGE20。狗狗幣的這個迭代建立在其前身的基礎上,將其本質與被動獎勵的誘惑融為一體,從而體現了模因幣的精髓,並具有顯著的增強。

Dogecoin20 transcends the typical meme coin narrative by aspiring to enact tangible change in the real world. Its ethos, encapsulated in the phrase “Do Only Good Everyday,” extends beyond the digital realm. Dogecoin20 leverages its online influence to inspire users towards real-world benevolence and community action, prompting engagement in projects aimed at noble causes, and thereby fostering global betterment.

Dogecoin20 超越了典型的迷因硬幣敘事,渴望在現實世界中實現切實的改變。它的精神體現在「每天只做好事」這句話中,它超越了數位領域。 Dogecoin20 利用其線上影響力來激勵用戶走向現實世界的仁慈和社群行動,促進參與旨在崇高事業的項目,從而促進全球進步。

All participants in staking contribute to the network’s expansion, reinforcing Dogecoin20’s commitment to promoting its ethos while offering users the opportunity to passively earn income. This innovative staking model fosters a community ethos dedicated to supporting local communities in tangible ways.

所有參與質押的參與者都為網路的擴張做出了貢獻,強化了 Dogecoin20 推廣其精神的承諾,同時為使用者提供被動賺取收入的機會。這種創新的質押模式培育了一種致力於以實際方式支持當地社區的社區精神。

The presale has already managed to raise over $5.6 million, with the current price of DOGE20 being $0.000205. The next price increase takes place in about 2 days.

預售已成功籌集超過 560 萬美元,DOGE20 目前的價格為 0.000205 美元。下一次漲價將在大約 2 天後進行。

There is a total supply of 140 billion DOGE20 tokens. Only 25% is available during the initial presale, providing early investors with a foundation for future growth. A significant portion, 25% of tokens, is earmarked for an extensive marketing campaign aimed at fostering a robust Dogecoin20 community and ensuring widespread availability on major crypto exchanges. An additional 25% is held in reserve to sustain Dogecoin20’s long-term development and viability, facilitating the introduction of new features and covering operational costs. 

DOGE20 代幣的總供應量為 1,400 億枚。首次預售期間僅提供 25%,為早期投資者提供未來成長的基礎。很大一部分(25%的代幣)被指定用於廣泛的行銷活動,旨在培育強大的 Dogecoin20 社群並確保在主要加密貨幣交易所上廣泛使用。另外 25% 保留用於維持 Dogecoin20 的長期發展和生存能力,促進新功能的引入並涵蓋營運成本。

15% is allocated for staking rewards over an extended period, fostering stable growth and incentivizing users to stake their tokens for enhanced rewards. Finally, the remaining 10%, equivalent to 14 billion tokens, are dedicated to providing liquidity on decentralized exchange platforms, enhancing trading efficiency and mitigating volatility.

15% 分配給長期的質押獎勵,促進穩定成長並激勵用戶質押代幣以獲得更高的獎勵。最後,剩下的10%,相當於140億代幣,專門用於在去中心化交易平台上提供流動性,提高交易效率並減輕波動性。



Dogecoin (DOGE) remains one of the best altcoins to invest in, but up-and-coming tokens like Smog (SMOG), DogWifCat (DWIFC), and Dogecoin20 (DOGE20) make a strong case for themselves. We advise taking a look at these tokens and engaging with their respective social media channels.

狗狗幣 (DOGE) 仍然是最值得投資的山寨幣之一,但 Smog (SMOG)、DogWifCat (DWIFC) 和 Dogecoin20 (DOGE20) 等新興代幣為自己提供了強有力的理由。我們建議查看這些代幣並參與其各自的社交媒體管道。

Check Out DogWifCat

查看 DogWifCat

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The post Dogecoin Price Prediction: Will DOGE Push Past $0.20 As Other Meme Coins Like DogWifCat (DWIFC) Look To Dethrone It?  appeared first on CaptainAltcoin.

狗狗幣價格預測:DOGE 是否會突破 0.20 美元,而其他 Meme 幣如 DogWifCat (DWIFC) 是否會取代它?首先出現在 CaptainAltcoin 上。


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