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Dogecoin Price Prediction as Founder Comments on Bitcoin Volatility – What’s Next for DOGE?

創辦人評論比特幣波動性時的狗狗幣價格預測 – DOGE 的下一步是什麼?

發布: 2024/01/25 22:00 閱讀: 757



創辦人評論比特幣波動性時的狗狗幣價格預測 – DOGE 的下一步是什麼?

The Dogecoin price has slumped by 3% today, falling to $0.07756 as the wider crypto market experiences a very slight 0.2% loss in the past 24 hours.

狗狗幣價格今日下跌 3%,跌至 0.07756 美元,因為更廣泛的加密貨幣市場在過去 24 小時內經歷了 0.2% 的輕微下跌。

Today’s loss means that DOGE has now dropped by 9% in a fortnight and by 16% in a month, with the popular meme coin also losing 7.5% in a year.

今天的損失意味著 DOGE 在兩週內下跌了 9%,在一個月內下跌了 16%,流行的 meme 幣在一年內也下跌了 7.5%。

This latter percentage loss is particularly disappointing, given that most major tokens have enjoyed double-digit percentage growth over the last 12 months.

鑑於大多數主要代幣在過去 12 個月中都實現了兩位數的百分比增長,後者的百分比損失尤其令人失望。

However, with such underperformance making DOGE highly underpriced, it could lead to disproportionate gains in the not-too distant future.

然而,由於如此不佳的表現使得 DOGE 的價格被嚴重低估,因此可能會在不遠的將來帶來不成比例的收益。

Dogecoin Price Prediction as Founder Comments on Bitcoin Volatility – What’s Next for DOGE?

創辦人評論比特幣波動性時的狗狗幣價格預測 – DOGE 的下一步是什麼?

Judging by its chart, DOGE appears to be about halfway through a slump, with more losses likely before its ship steadies.

從圖表來看,DOGE 似乎已陷入低迷狀態,在其走勢穩定之前可能會出現更多損失。

Its RSI (purple) has dipped almost to 40 today, down from 60 a week ago and from 80 in mid-December.

其 RSI(紫色)今天已幾乎跌至 40,低於一周前的 60 和 12 月中旬的 80。

Source: TradingView


Likewise, its 30-day average (yellow) continues to slide almost unavoidably towards its 200-day (blue), with its current price falling below both averages.

同樣,其 30 日均線(黃色)幾乎不可避免地繼續向 200 日均線(藍色)下滑,目前價格低於這兩條均線。

The latter development is a particularly bad sign, and likely predicts further losses to come in the next one or two weeks.


DOGE’s volume also remains relatively flat, at around $300 million, compared to over $1 billion a week ago and between $2 billion and $3 billion in December.

DOGE 的交易量也保持相對平穩,約為 3 億美元,而一周前超過 10 億美元,12 月在 20 億至 30 億美元之間。

As such, it will be interesting to see if DOGE’s current support level (green) can prevent a drop below $0.07750.

因此,看看 DOGE 目前的支撐位(綠色)是否可以阻止跌破 0.07750 美元將會很有趣。

If it can, it might be able to recover a little, yet a clear breach of this support may indicate the worst.


Having said all this, it’s entirely arguable that DOGE’s disappointing performance in recent weeks and months makes it more attractive as an investment, given that it’s conceivably selling at a big discount.

話雖如此,完全有爭議的是,DOGE 最近幾週和幾個月令人失望的表現使其作為一項投資更具吸引力,因為可以想像它的售價可能會大幅折扣。

And while DOGE is a meme token, it continues to remain in the public eye and attract a following.

雖然 DOGE 是一種迷因代幣,但它仍然留在公眾視野中並吸引了追隨者。

good morning to everyone except bitcoin


— Shibetoshi Nakamoto (@BillyM2k) January 23, 2024

— Shibetoshi Nakamoto (@BillyM2k) 2024 年 1 月 23 日

The tweet above – from DOGE founder Billy Markus – highlighted this fact yesterday, given that it drew a strong response from the Dogecoin community and Crypto Twitter.

上面的推文來自 DOGE 創始人 Billy Markus,昨天強調了這一事實,因為它引起了狗狗幣社群和加密推特的強烈反響。

And it shouldn’t be forgotten that the introduction of DOGE payments on X (formerly Twitter) remains a possibility, especially with the latter introducing a dedicated account for its upcoming X Payments feature in the past week.

不應忘記,在 X(以前稱為 Twitter)上引入 DOGE 支付仍然是可能的,特別是後者在過去一周為其即將推出的 X 支付功能引入了專用帳戶。

For this reason, the Dogecoin price could make a concerted recovery in the next few months, potentially returning to $0.1 by the spring.

因此,狗狗幣的價格可能會在未來幾個月內同步回升,到春季可能會回到 0.1 美元。

Alternative Meme Tokens with High Potential


Traders who don’t want to put all their eggs in DOGE’s basket may want to consider looking at newer, smaller cap meme tokens, with a number currently creating plenty of momentum in their presales.

不想把所有雞蛋放在 DOGE 籃子裡的交易者可能會考慮考慮更新、規模較小的 meme 代幣,其中一些代幣目前在預售中創造了充足的動力。

Possibly the hottest such token is Meme Kombat (MK), an ERC-20 coin that has raised $7.4 million in its ongoing presale.

最熱門的此類代幣可能是 Meme Kombat (MK),這是 ERC-20 代幣,在正在進行的預售中籌集了 740 萬美元。

We have surpassed the $7.4 million mark in the $MK presale

我們的 $MK 預售已突破 740 萬美元大關

One step closer to finishing this up pic.twitter.com/QdKOPIjv5G

距離完成這項任務又更近了一步 pic.twitter.com/QdKOPIjv5G

— Meme Kombat (@Meme_Kombat) January 25, 2024

- Meme Kombat (@Meme_Kombat) 2024 年 1 月 25 日

Transcending the tag of ‘meme token’, Meme Kombat is also a social gambling platform that will enable its users to bet on the results of AI-generated battles between meme characters.

Meme Kombat 超越了「meme 代幣」的標籤,它也是一個社交賭博平台,用戶可以對 AI 生成的 meme 角色之間的戰鬥結果進行押注。

AI will enable it to randomize battle outcomes, while the use of the Ethereum blockchain and smart contracts will ensure full transparency of results.


At the center of this all is the MK token, which users can spend to place bets, and which they’ll receive if they win.

這一切的核心是 MK 代幣,用戶可以用它來下注,如果獲勝,他們將收到該代幣。

On top of this, holders will be able to stake MK, making the token more than worth holding.

除此之外,持有者將能質押 MK,讓該代幣更值得持有。

Investors can grab some early by going to the official Meme Kombat website, where they can buy MK at a final presale price of $0.279 per token.

投資者可以訪問 Meme Kombat 官方網站,以每個代幣 0.279 美元的最終預售價購買 MK。

The sale doesn’t have much further to go until it reaches its hard cap of $10 million, at which point it will list on exchanges, potentially making early investors a nice profit.

此次出售不會有太遠的進展,直到達到 1000 萬美元的硬上限,屆時它將在交易所上市,這可能會為早期投資者帶來可觀的利潤。

Visit Meme Kombat Now

立即造訪 Meme Kombat


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