首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 狗狗幣價格預測:今年還有可能突破 1 美元大關嗎?

Dogecoin Price Prediction: Is the $1 Mark Still Possible This Year?

狗狗幣價格預測:今年還有可能突破 1 美元大關嗎?

發布: 2023/11/10 06:00 閱讀: 263

原文作者:News BTC


Dogecoin investors are in full anticipation mode as they eagerly await a massive pump that will drive the price of the token to $1 and beyond. More experienced investors, on the other hand, are asking the more important question: Is it still possible for Dogecoin to hit $1 in 2023?

狗狗幣投資者正處於充分的預期狀態,因為他們熱切地等待著大規模的上漲,將代幣的價格推至 1 美元甚至更高。另一方面,更有經驗的投資者正在問一個更重要的問題:狗狗幣在 2023 年還有可能達到 1 美元嗎?

In this article, we’ll discuss experts’ opinions on the price prediction of Dogecoin for 2023. We’ll also take a detour to examine the amazing features of Pikamoon, a new hybrid coin that is sending shockwaves of excitement across the industry.

在本文中,我們將討論專家對 2023 年狗狗幣價格預測的看法。我們還將繞道研究 Pikamoon 的驚人功能,這是一種正在整個行業中引起興奮的新型混合貨幣。

Dogecoin Price Prediction: Dogecoin Price in 2023

狗狗幣價格預測:2023 年狗狗幣價格

Dogecoin has gained a small 0.5% in the last 7 days and an impressive 10% in the last 30 days. While this may not seem like much to non-dogecoin enthusiasts, this is all the Dogecoin army needs to rekindle their hope after a long period of drawdown.

狗狗幣在過去 7 天內小幅上漲了 0.5%,在過去 30 天內上漲了 10%,令人印象深刻。雖然對於非狗狗幣愛好者來說,這似乎沒什麼大不了的,但這正是狗狗幣大軍在長期縮編後重新燃起希望所需要的。

Dogecoin fans and investors are beginning to get really hopeful, as they desperately want to know if Dogecoin will reach $1 in 2023. Expert analysis of the Dogecoin chart shows that the price of the DOGE token is in a descending channel and may break out any time from now.

狗狗幣粉絲和投資者開始變得充滿希望,因為他們迫切想知道狗狗幣是否會在2023 年達到1 美元。專家對狗狗幣圖表的分析顯示,狗狗幣的價格處於下降通道,隨時可能突破現在起。

While these prospects seem promising, expert prediction shows that the price of DOGE is trading under a strong resistance zone in the $0.078 region. Analysts believe if Dogecoin has any chance of reaching $1 at all, it will have to break and retest the $0.078 zone in order to gain enough bullish momentum.

雖然這些前景看起來很有希望,但專家預測顯示 DOGE 的價格正在 0.078 美元區域的強阻力區下交易。分析師認為,如果狗狗幣有機會達到 1 美元,它必須突破並重新測試 0.078 美元區域,以獲得足夠的看漲動力。

This is why top experts are advising Pikamoon, a new hybrid meme coin, as a better alternative for investors seeking massive profit and long-term growth.

這就是為什麼頂級專家建議 Pikamoon(一種新型混合模因幣)作為尋求巨額利潤和長期增長的投資者的更好選擇。



What is Pikamoon?


Pikamoon is a leading GameFi project that is poised to revolutionize the crypto industry through its native token, $PIKA. The Pikamoon project has been featured several times on the list of the top 10 cryptos to buy in 2023.

Pikamoon 是一個領先的 GameFi 項目,準備透過其原生代幣 $PIKA 徹底改變加密產業。 Pikamoon 計畫多次入選 2023 年最值得購買的 10 種加密貨幣名單。

This massive buzz around the Pikamoon project is quickly gaining the attention of investors and big brands across numerous industries. Pikamoon is able to stand out amongst its pairs thanks to its many promising features, including but not limited to:

圍繞 Pikamoon 項目的巨大熱潮迅速引起了眾多行業投資者和大品牌的關注。 Pikamoon 能夠在同類產品中脫穎而出,得益於其許多有前景的功能,包括但不限於:

●      World-Beating Metaverse

●      世界一流的虛擬宇宙

Pikamoon is building an industry-leading real-time 3D metaverse for photorealistic effects and immersive experiences. The Pikaverse is adorned with many unique features that make it the first of its kind.

Pikamoon 正在建立領先業界的即時 3D 虛擬世界,以實現逼真的效果和身臨其境的體驗。 Pikaverse 具有許多獨特的功能,使其成為同類產品中的第一個。

The Pikaverse is built on the best gaming engine in the industry, Unreal Engine 5. This makes the Pikaverse all the more special, as some of the best games in the industry, such as Fortnite, are built on Unreal Engine 5.

Pikaverse 基於業界最好的遊戲引擎虛幻引擎 5 構建。這使得 Pikaverse 更加特別,因為業內一些最好的遊戲(例如《堡壘之夜》)都是基於虛幻引擎 5 構建的。

●      Highly Committed Team of Experts

●      高度敬業的專家團隊

Investors these days now understand that it’s not enough to have the best blockchain technologies and features; the team behind the project is just as crucial to the success of the project.


The Pikamoon team includes industry veterans who are well-versed in investing, blockchain technology, and business growth. This is why many top investors are confident in the project and trust the team enough to bet heavily on it.

Pikamoon 團隊包括精通投資、區塊鏈技術和業務成長的行業資深人士。這也是為什麼很多頂尖投資人對這個專案充滿信心,對團隊夠信任,願意重註的原因。

The Pikamoon team is more than willing to go above and beyond to ensure the success of the project. This is why many investors are crawling over themselves to cop as many $PIKA tokens as they can in the ongoing Pikamoon presale.

Pikamoon 團隊非常願意超越一切以確保專案的成功。這就是為什麼許多投資者在正在進行的 Pikamoon 預售中競相搶購盡可能多的 PIKA 代幣。

Pikamoon Presale


$PIKA tokens are selling for as little as $0.0006 in the third round of the presale. Experts believe this is a massive discount, and the coin is poised to rake in mind-blowing numbers once it launches.

$PIKA 代幣在第三輪預售中售價低至 0.0006 美元。專家認為這是一個巨大的折扣,一旦推出,該代幣就有望獲得令人驚嘆的數字。

Pikamoon is gearing up for a massive takeoff. Don’t be left behind. Get on the Pikamoon presale today!

皮卡蒙正準備大規模起飛。不要被拋在後面。今天就參加 Pikamoon 預售吧!

Find out more about Pikamoon (PIKA):

了解有關皮卡蒙 (PIKA) 的更多資訊:

Buy Now: https://pikamoon.io/buy


Website: https://pikamoon.io


Twitter: https://twitter.com/Pikamooncoin


Telegram: https://t.me/pikamoonofficial


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