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Can Dogecoin Reach $0.2? Crypto Analyst Reveals Bearish Expectations

狗狗幣能達到 0.2 美元嗎?加密貨幣分析師透露看跌預期

發布: 2024/04/25 07:34 閱讀: 938



Crypto analyst CrediBULL Crypto has revealed his bearish expectations for the foremost meme coin, Dogecoin (DOGE). Based on his analysis, the crypto token could drop to as low as $0.5 soon enough.  

加密貨幣分析師 CrediBULL Crypto 透露了他對最重要的迷因幣狗狗幣 (DOGE) 的悲觀預期。根據他的分析,加密代幣可能很快就會跌至 0.5 美元。

How Dogecoin Could Drop To As Low As $0.5

CrediBULL Crypto mentioned in an X (formerly Twitter) post that Dogecoin could drop to that price level depending on Bitcoin’s movement. He further revealed that he would be looking to open a short position if the meme coin first rose to between $0.18 and $0.20. Meanwhile, in a video posted on his YouTube channel, the analyst explained why he believed that Dogecoin could indeed drop this low. 

狗狗幣如何跌至 0.5 美元CrediBULL Crypto 在 X(以前稱為 Twitter)帖子中提到,狗狗幣可能會跌至該價格水平,具體取決於比特幣的走勢。他進一步透露,如果 meme 幣首次上漲至 0.18 美元至 0.20 美元之間,他將尋求開設空頭部位。同時,在他的 YouTube 頻道上發布的一段影片中,這位分析師解釋了為什麼他相信狗狗幣確實會跌到這麼低。


According to CrediBULL Crypto, Bitcoin will likely suck a lot of liquidity from altcoins as it begins to rise. This will cause crypto tokens like Dogecoin to experience significant price declines since there isn’t enough liquidity to sustain an upward trend. Specifically, he noted that DOGE’s decline to $0.5 will come when Bitcoin hits $100,000, as he predicts that is when the flagship crypto token will suck up most of the liquidity in the market. 

根據 CrediBULL Crypto 的說法,隨著比特幣開始上漲,它可能會從山寨幣中吸收大量流動性。這將導致像狗狗幣這樣的加密代幣價格大幅下跌,因為沒有足夠的流動性來維持上漲趨勢。具體來說,他指出,當比特幣觸及 10 萬美元時,DOGE 將跌至 0.5 美元,因為他預測屆時旗艦加密代幣將吸收市場上的大部分流動性。

The crypto analyst further claimed that although it might seem unfathomable, Dogecoin dropping to such lows is possible considering the massive rise it already made against its Bitcoin pair. As such, he stated that a 50% retracement is “nothing,” bearing this in mind. 

這位加密貨幣分析師進一步聲稱,儘管狗狗幣看起來不可思議,但考慮到狗狗幣相對於比特幣貨幣對已經大幅上漲,跌至如此低點是有可能的。因此,他表示,考慮到這一點,50% 的回撤「沒什麼」。

Going forward, he expects Dogecoin to face rejection, like other altcoins, on its next leg up and then drop to between $0.9 and $0.10. He added that a relief pump would likely follow after that, but the meme coin will face another rejection, which will cause its price to “come further down and bleed as Bitcoin skyrockets.”

展望未來,他預計狗狗幣將像其他山寨幣一樣,在下一輪上漲中面臨拒絕,然後跌至 0.9 美元至 0.10 美元之間。他補充說,此後可能會出現救濟泵,但模因硬幣將面臨另一次拒絕,這將導致其價格「隨著比特幣的飆升而進一步下跌和流失」。

Dogecoin Will Still Rise To $1

Despite his bearish expectations for Dogecoin, CrediBULL Crypto “100%” agrees with those who have predicted that the meme coin will rise to $1 in this market cycle. He, however, remarked that this move won’t be as straightforward as some other crypto analysts claim it would be. 

狗狗幣仍將升至 1 美元儘管他對狗狗幣抱有悲觀預期,但 CrediBULL Crypto “100%” 同意那些預測 Meme 幣將在本市場週期中升至 1 美元的人的觀點。然而,他表示此舉不會像其他一些加密貨幣分析師所聲稱的那麼簡單。

Based on his expectations, CrediBULL Crypto disagrees that Dogecoin has bottomed out and will begin to move unfettered to the upside. Instead, he predicts that the meme coin will only make this move after liquidity in the crypto market has rotated to Bitcoin and major cap tokens. Once that is done, he expects that memes will be at the tail end of the rotation, and that is when Dogecoin will make this parabolic rise to $1.  

相關閱讀:Shiba Inu 首席開發人員 Shytoshi Kusama 透露了 ShibaSwap 2.0 的現狀 根據他的預期,CrediBULL Crypto 不同意狗狗幣已經觸底並將開始不受約束地上漲。相反,他預測,只有在加密市場的流動性轉向比特幣和主要市值代幣之後,模因幣才會採取這一舉措。一旦完成,他預計模因將處於輪換的尾部,屆時狗狗幣將以拋物線式上漲至 1 美元。

At the time of writing, Dogecoin is trading at around $0.16, up over 1% in the last 24 hours, according to data from CoinMarketCap.

根據 CoinMarketCap 的數據,截至撰寫本文時,狗狗幣的交易價格約為 0.16 美元,在過去 24 小時內上漲了 1% 以上。

DOGE price falls below $0.16 | Source: DOGEUSDT on Tradingview.com
Featured image from CNN, chart from Tradingview.com

DOGE 價格跌破 0.16 美元 |來源:Tradingview.com 上的 DOGEUSDT 精選圖片來自 CNN,圖表來自 Tradingview.com


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