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Dogecoin Ready For Blast-Off: NTIA Approves DOGE Moon Mission

狗狗幣準備發射:NTIA 批准 DOGE 月球任務

發布: 2023/11/30 06:00 閱讀: 227



Dogecoin (DOGE) is about to take off, but this time around, not just on the charts but to the moon. This is going to happen through a project funded by the meme coin, which has been on the horizon for some time now. 


DOGE-1 Gets NTIA Approval 

DOGE-1 獲得 NTIA 批准

In a post shared on his X (formerly Twitter) platform, the CEO of Geometric Energy, Samuel Reid, announced that the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) has approved the DOGE-1 Satellite. However, he noted that his company was yet to get the license grant from the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) which will address the X-band and S-band. 

Geometric Energy 執行長 Samuel Reid 在其 X(以前稱為 Twitter)平台上分享的一篇貼文中宣布,國家電信和資訊管理局 (NTIA) 已批准 DOGE-1 衛星。不過,他指出,他的公司尚未獲得美國聯邦通訊委員會 (FCC) 的許可,該許可將涉及 X 頻段和 S 頻段。

This development is, however, good news for the DOGE community, which has anticipated the launch of the satellite for some time now. The project dates back to 2021 when Geometric first announced plans to launch DOGE-1. The Dogecoin community instantly picked an interest in it as it was made known that the project was paid entirely with the meme coin.

然而,這項進展對於 DOGE 社群來說是個好消息,他們已經期待這顆衛星的發射已經有一段時間了。該項目可以追溯到 2021 年,當時 Geometric 首次宣布計劃推出 DOGE-1。狗狗幣社區立即對它產生了興趣,因為眾所周知該項目完全是用模因幣支付的。

Interestingly, the DOGE-1, a space mission funded entirely in Dogecoin, is going to be launched into the lunar orbit by SpaceX, a company owned by Elon Musk. The world’s richest man is known to be an avid supporter of the meme coin and possibly invested in it, too. As such, it may not come as a surprise to many that Musk and his company were open to being paid in DOGE to launch the satellite. 

有趣的是,DOGE-1 是一項完全由狗狗幣資助的太空任務,將由馬斯克旗下的 SpaceX 公司發射到月球軌道。眾所周知,世界首富是迷因幣的狂熱支持者,也可能對其進行了投資。因此,馬斯克和他的公司願意接受 DOGE 支付發射衛星的費用,這對許多人來說可能並不奇怪。

There is still no specific timeline as to when the DOGE-1 might launch, though. SpaceX had earlier informed Geometric that the DOGE-1 launch to the moon was scheduled for NET (No Earlier than) Q3 2023. With this approval in place now, it remains to be seen whether or not that could speed up plans and possibly see the launch before the year runs out. 

不過,目前還沒有 DOGE-1 何時發射的具體時間表。 SpaceX 早些時候告知 Geometric,DOGE-1 發射到月球的時間定於 NET(不早於)2023 年第三季。隨著現在的批准,這是否會加快計劃並可能看到年底前啟動。

Dogecoin Could Still Go To The Moon This Year


It is worth mentioning that the DOGE-1 isn’t the only Dogecoin-related project that is headed to the moon. In October, Astrobotic announced that the Peregrine was set to be launched into space on December 24. In line with the announcement, the Dogecoin X account stated that the Lunar Lander will send a physical Dogecoin to the moon. 

值得一提的是,DOGE-1並不是唯一一個前往月球的狗狗幣相關項目。 10 月,Astrobotic 宣布 Peregrine 將於 12 月 24 日發射升空。根據該公告,狗狗幣 X 帳戶表示,月球登陸器將向月球發送實體狗狗幣。

This is a mission that is said to have been on the community and has been on the horizon since 2015. These developments are undoubtedly bullish for the meme coin’s ecosystem. Dogecoin could well become the first cryptocurrency to land on the moon. 

據說這是社區自 2015 年以來就已經提出的一項使命。這些發展無疑對 meme 幣的生態系統是利多的。狗狗幣很可能成為第一個登陸月球的加密貨幣。

DOGE’s price has also reacted positively to this development. At the time of writing, the meme coin is trading at around $0.08089, up over 4% in the last 24 hours, according to data from CoinMarketCap.  

DOGE 的價格也對這一發展做出了積極的反應。根據 CoinMarketCap 的數據,截至撰寫本文時,Meme 代幣的交易價格約為 0.08089 美元,在過去 24 小時內上漲了 4% 以上。


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