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Is Dogecoin About To Reverse? Key Factors To Watch


發布: 2023/11/24 06:06 閱讀: 850



These Dogecoin on-chain indicators may be the ones to watch to see if the meme coin has a chance of finding a reversal in the near future or not.


Dogecoin Large Holders Have Been Growing, Old Coins Have Come Alive


In a new post on X, the on-chain analytics firm Santiment has talked about how two on-chain metrics related to Dogecoin have been looking recently. The first indicator of relevance here is the number of DOGE addresses carrying at least 1 million tokens in their balances.

在 X 上的一篇新帖子中,鏈上分析公司 Santiment 討論了與狗狗幣相關的兩個鏈上指標最近的情況。這裡的第一個相關指標是餘額中至少攜帶 100 萬代幣的 DOGE 地址數量。

At the current exchange rate, this converts to about $75,800, so this range would include the large investors in the market. In particular, the sharks and whales would fall inside this group. These key investors can hold some influence in the market, so their movements can be worth following.

按照目前的匯率,這大約為 75,800 美元,因此這個範圍將包括市場上的大型投資者。特別是鯊魚和鯨魚就屬於這個族群。這些主要投資者對市場有一定的影響力,因此他們的動向值得關注。

The below chart shows how the number of Dogecoin sharks and whales has changed over the last few months:


From the graph, it’s visible that the Dogecoin addresses carrying at least 1 million DOGE have registered some notable growth over the past month. During this period, shark and whale numbers on the network have increased by 121.

從圖中可以看出,承載至少 100 萬個 DOGE 的狗狗幣地址在過去一個月中出現了顯著增長。在此期間,網路上的鯊魚和鯨魚數量增加了121頭。

This would imply there has been interest in the memecoin from the large investors recently. Interestingly, the surge in the number of these addresses has only become sharper since DOGE topped out recently, implying that the sharks and whales have been taking advantage of the lower prices and buying more.

這意味著大型投資者最近對模因幣產生了興趣。有趣的是,自 DOGE 最近觸頂以來,這些地址數量的激增只會變得更加劇烈,這意味著鯊魚和鯨魚一直在利用較低的價格購買更多的商品。

This is certainly a positive sign for a reversal in the asset’s price, as the humongous hands appear to be backing the cryptocurrency at the current levels.


There has also been a signal that may not necessarily be so positive, however. In the chart, Santiment has also attached the data for another metric, called the “age consumed,” which basically tells us about the movement occurring from the dormant tokens on the blockchain.

然而,也有一個訊號可能不一定那麼正面。在圖表中,Santiment 還附加了另一個指標的數據,稱為“消耗的年齡”,它基本上告訴我們區塊鏈上休眠代幣發生的運動。

The dormant coins belong to the “long-term holders” (LTHs), who are the most resolute hands in the sector. When the age consumed metric spikes, it means that these LTHs have decided to finally break their silence.

休眠幣屬於「長期持有者」(LTH),他們是該領域最堅定的持有者。當年齡消耗指標激增時,這意味著這些 LTH 決定最終打破沉默。

It’s hard to say about the implications of such a trend on the meme coin’s price, but a possibility that’s always on the table is that the LTHs have in fact made their moves to sell the cryptocurrency.

很難說這種趨勢對 meme 幣價格的影響,但一直存在的一種可能性是,LTH 實際上已經採取行動出售這種加密貨幣。

As is apparent from the graph, the Dogecoin age consumed has registered a huge spike recently, implying that HODLers have been on the move. This can be a sign of selling, but Santiment has pointed out that more often than not, such spikes in the indicator signal a change in direction for the asset’s price.

從圖中可以明顯看出,最近消耗的狗狗幣年齡出現了巨大的飆升,這意味著持有者一直在移動。這可能是拋售的跡象,但 Santiment 指出,指標的這種飆升往往預示著資產價格方向的變化。

Between these two signals, one bullish and the other perhaps a bit more mixed, it now remains to be seen how the price of DOGE develops in the coming days.

在這兩個訊號之間,一個看漲,另一個可能有點複雜,現在仍需觀察 DOGE 的價格在未來幾天如何發展。

DOGE Price


Since hitting a top above $0.087 a few days back, Dogecoin has slipped down all the way towards $0.076.

自從幾天前觸及 0.087 美元上方以來,狗狗幣已一路下滑至 0.076 美元。


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