首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 狗狗幣競爭對手 Shiba Inu 和 FLOKI 的燒錢率大幅飆升

Dogecoin Rivals Shiba Inu And FLOKI Record Massive Surges In Burn Rate

狗狗幣競爭對手 Shiba Inu 和 FLOKI 的燒錢率大幅飆升

發布: 2024/01/05 06:33 閱讀: 206



The burn rates of Dogecoin rivals Shiba Inu and FLOKI have seen a significant spike over the last few days. Interestingly, the spikes in the burn rates of both of these meme coins are almost identical, raising questions of whether there is a coordinated effort going on to drastically reduce the available supply of both of these cryptocurrencies.

過去幾天,狗狗幣競爭對手 Shiba Inu 和 FLOKI 的銷毀率顯著飆升。有趣的是,這兩種迷因幣的燃燒率高峰幾乎相同,這引發了人們的疑問:是否正在採取協調一致的努力來大幅減少這兩種加密貨幣的可用供應。

Shiba Inu Burn Rate Sees 3,963% Rise

柴犬燃燒率上升 3,963%

The Shiba Inu burn rate which had seen a drawdown over the holidays had begun to pick up once more as soon as the market was back in full swing. It started out the week on a low note. But by Wednesday, the burn rate had begun to spike, starting with a 300% increase in a 24-hour timeframe.

假期期間出現下降的柴犬燃燒率在市場全面恢復後又開始回升。本週開局低迷。但到了周三,燒錢率開始飆升,24 小時內增加了 300%。

This accelerated burn rate has carried on into Thursday where there has been a more than 10x increase in the spike recorded on Wednesday. According to data from Shibburn, a tracking website for the amount of SHIB burned every day, the SHIB burn rate has spiked another 3,963% in the last day again.

這種加速的燃燒率一直持續到週四,週三記錄的峰值增加了 10 倍以上。根據SHIB每日銷毀量追蹤網站Shibburn的數據,SHIB銷毀率在最後一天再次飆升3,963%。

At the beginning of Thursday, this figure sat around a 600% spike. However, a single wallet would send a million SHIB tokens to the burn address in a single transaction, sending the burn rate skyrocketing. This brought the total token burned to over 1.2 million, recording an almost 4,000% spike.

週四早些時候,這一數字飆升至 600% 左右。然而,單一錢包會在一次交易中將一百萬個 SHIB 代幣發送到銷毀地址,導致銷毀率飆升。這使得銷毀的代幣總數超過 120 萬個,增幅近 4,000%。

In spite of this spike, there has not been any impact on the SHIB price which continues to trend low at $0.08. This disparity suggests that the burn rate hasn’t had much effect on the SHIB price, and they continue to operate independently.

儘管價格上漲,但 SHIB 價格並未受到任何影響,其價格繼續走低至 0.08 美元。這種差異表明燃燒率對 SHIB 價格沒有太大影響,並且它們繼續獨立運作。

FLOKI, Another Dogecoin Rival, Sees Burn Rate Spike

狗狗幣的另一個競爭對手 FLOKI 的燒錢率飆升

Shiba Inu is not the only meme coin that has recorded a significant spike in its burn rate over the last day. FLOKI, another fierce competitor of Dogecoin, has followed the same path as well and its burn initiative has begun to gain popularity among its community.

Shiba Inu 並不是唯一一個在過去一天中燃燒率大幅上升的迷因幣。狗狗幣的另一個激烈競爭對手 FLOKI 也遵循了同樣的道路,其銷毀計劃已開始在社區中受到歡迎。

FLOKI’s burn figure for the last day came out to 218 million tokens removed from circulation. This resulted in a 600% spike in the burn rate which has been ramping up recently. As a result, the total number of coins burned so far has not reached 57.766% of the total token supply.

FLOKI 最後一天的銷毀數字為 2.18 億枚代幣被從流通中移除。這導致燒錢率飆升 600%,而且最近一直在上升。結果,迄今銷毀的代幣總數尚未達到代幣總供應量的57.766%。

Currently, there are only 4.22 trillion FLOKI tokens left in circulation, translating to 42.234% of the total supply of 10 trillion tokens. This means that there are more FLOKI tokens burned compared to the tokens in circulation.

目前,流通中的 FLOKI 代幣只剩下 4.22 兆個,相當於 10 兆代幣總供應量的 42.234%。這意味著與流通中的代幣相比,銷毀的 FLOKI 代幣數量更多。

In the same vein as Shiba Inu, the spike in the daily burn has not positively affected the FLOKI price. It is currently nursing losses of 11.2% on the daily chart at the time of this writing and is down 14.2% on the weekly timeframe.

與 Shiba Inu 一樣,每日銷毀量的激增並未對 FLOKI 價格產生正面影響。截至撰寫本文時,該股目前日線圖上的損失為 11.2%,週線圖上則下跌了 14.2%。


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