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Dogecoin’s Role in Venezuelan Remittances Amid Migration Crisis


發布: 2024/07/09 01:09 閱讀: 988

原文作者:Coin Edition



Venezuelan migrants are increasingly utilizing Dogecoin for remittances due to its low transaction fees. In 2023, cryptocurrency remittances accounted for approximately 9% of the $5 billion in foreign remittances received by Venezuela.

由於交易費用低廉,委內瑞拉移民越來越多地利用狗狗幣進行匯款。 2023年,加密貨幣匯款約佔委內瑞拉收到的50億美元國外匯款的9%。

Despite market downturns, Dogecoin's practicality for transactional purposes has driven its adoption. A recent Bloomberg report highlights the growing trend of Venezuelan migrants using Dogecoin for remittances.


According to data from 2023, crypto remittances contributed approximately 6% to Venezuela's GDP. Out of the total $5 billion in foreign remittances received during that year, $461 million (9%) was attributed to cryptocurrency transactions.

根據 2023 年的數據,加密貨幣匯款對委內瑞拉 GDP 的貢獻約為 6%。在當年收到的 50 億美元海外匯款總額中,有 4.61 億美元(9%)來自加密貨幣交易。

Manuel Orozco, Director of the Migration, Remittances, and Development program, commented on this development, noting a significant increase in the number of Venezuelan migrants sending remittances. He acknowledged the challenges faced by migrants when sending money through traditional channels.

移民、匯款和發展項目主任曼努埃爾·奧羅斯科(Manuel Orozco)對這一事態發展發表了評論,指出委內瑞拉移民匯款數量顯著增加。他承認移民在透過傳統管道匯款時所面臨的挑戰。

Orozco cited the example of Paola Moncrief, a Venezuelan citizen who relocated to Texas in 2018. Seeking an affordable means to send money home, Moncrief turned to Dogecoin due to its minimal fees.

Orozco 引用了委內瑞拉公民 Paola Moncrief 的例子,她於 2018 年搬到了德克薩斯州。


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