首頁 > 資訊新聞 > PlayDoge 預售籌集 580 萬美元,狗狗幣 2024 年漲幅將超過 100%

Dogecoin set to rise over 100% in 2024 as PlayDoge raises $5.8M in presale

PlayDoge 預售籌集 580 萬美元,狗狗幣 2024 年漲幅將超過 100%

發布: 2024/07/26 02:43 閱讀: 263



Dogecoin's Projected Rise


Dogecoin (DOGE), launched in 2013 as a satirical cryptocurrency, has become a prominent force in the crypto world. Known for its Shiba Inu mascot and celebrity endorsements, including Elon Musk, DOGE has experienced significant volatility. Currently trading around $0.12, far below its all-time high of $0.73, some analysts predict a potential surge of up to $0.27 by the end of 2024, representing a 125% gain.

狗狗幣(DOGE)於 2013 年作為一種諷刺性加密貨幣推出,現已成為加密世界的重要力量。 DOGE 因其柴犬吉祥物和包括伊隆馬斯克在內的名人代言而聞名,但它經歷了巨大的波動。目前交易價格約為 0.12 美元,遠低於 0.73 美元的歷史高點,一些分析師預測到 2024 年底可能飆升至 0.27 美元,漲幅達 125%。

Market recovery and community support are key factors driving DOGE's predicted rise. Speculations surrounding Elon Musk's plans to integrate DOGE into Twitter and Donald Trump's acceptance of crypto donations, including DOGE, further contribute to its potential growth.

市場復甦和社區支持是推動 DOGE 預期上漲的關鍵因素。圍繞馬斯克計劃將 DOGE 整合到 Twitter 以及唐納德·特朗普接受包括 DOGE 在內的加密貨幣捐贈的猜測,進一步促進了其潛在增長。

PlayDoge: A Promising Memecoin Competitor

PlayDoge:一個有前途的 Memecoin 競爭對手

Amidst Dogecoin's anticipated resurgence, PlayDoge (PLAY) has emerged as a promising competitor. Raising $5.8 million in its presale, PLAY has generated substantial investor interest and confidence. Unlike many memecoins lacking utility, PlayDoge is a play-to-earn (P2E) game that combines blockchain technology with gaming, inspired by the classic Tamagotchi-style virtual pets. This unique approach offers entertainment value and financial incentives, attracting gamers and crypto enthusiasts alike.

在狗狗幣預期的復甦中,PlayDoge (PLAY) 已成為一個有前途的競爭對手。 PLAY 在預售中籌集了 580 萬美元,引起了投資者的極大興趣和信心。與許多缺乏實用性的迷因幣不同,PlayDoge 是一款將區塊鏈技術與遊戲相結合的邊玩邊賺 (P2E) 遊戲,靈感來自於經典的電子寵物風格的虛擬寵物。這種獨特的方法提供了娛樂價值和經濟激勵,吸引了遊戲玩家和加密貨幣愛好者。

Crypto experts speculate that PlayDoge's potential could lead to a 10x surge after its presale concludes. The PLAY token's utility within the game, such as unlocking exclusive features and rewards, further adds to its appeal.

加密貨幣專家推測,預售結束後,PlayDoge 的潛力可能會導致 10 倍的飆升。 PLAY 代幣在遊戲中的實用性(例如解鎖獨家功能和獎勵)進一步增加了其吸引力。

Presale and Tokenomics


Early investors can take advantage of the PlayDoge presale, where the token is currently available at a discounted price. The token price is set to increase incrementally during the presale, offering the best deals to early adopters.

早期投資者可以利用 PlayDoge 預售,目前可以以折扣價購買。代幣價格將在預售期間逐步上漲,為早期採用者提供最優惠的價格。

PLAY's tokenomics ensure a stable and sustainable ecosystem within the game. Half of the total 9.4 billion tokens are allocated to the presale, with 12% reserved for staking rewards. This incentivizes token holders to lock up their funds, reducing selling pressure after the presale. The remaining tokens are designated for community rewards, project funds, marketing, and exchange liquidity.

PLAY 的代幣經濟確保了遊戲內穩定且永續的生態系統。 94 億枚代幣中的一半分配給預售,12% 保留用於質押獎勵。這會激勵代幣持有者鎖定資金,從而減少預售後的拋售壓力。其餘代幣則指定用於社群獎勵、專案資金、行銷和交易所流動性。

Staking Rewards and Future Plans


During the presale, investors can earn staking rewards by locking their PLAY tokens. Purchases made on both Ethereum and Binance blockchains are eligible for rewards.

預售期間,投資者可以透過鎖定 PLAY 代幣來獲得質押獎勵。在以太坊和幣安區塊鏈上進行的購買都有資格獲得獎勵。

PlayDoge's roadmap outlines the project's development in phases, including game development, presale conclusion, token launch, app release, and centralized exchange listings. The team's intention to build on the Binance blockchain raises the possibility of a future Binance listing, potentially leading to significant growth.

PlayDoge 的路線圖概述了專案的分階段開發,包括遊戲開發、預售結束、代幣發布、應用程式發布和中心化交易所上市。該團隊打算在幣安區塊鏈上進行開發,這增加了未來幣安上市的可能性,從而可能帶來顯著的成長。



As the crypto market recovers and community support for Dogecoin grows, PlayDoge is poised to become a major player in the crypto gaming space. Its unique blend of entertainment and financial incentives has attracted investor interest and made it a promising investment opportunity. For more information, visit the PlayDoge presale website or follow the project on for updates.

隨著加密市場的復甦和社群對狗狗幣支援的成長,PlayDoge 有望成為加密遊戲領域的主要參與者。其獨特的娛樂和經濟激勵相結合吸引了投資者的興趣,並使其成為一個有前途的投資機會。欲了解更多信息,請訪問 PlayDoge 預售網站或關注該項目以獲取更新。


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