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As Dogecoin and Shiba Inu Show Resilience, NuggetRush Presale Attracts Attention With Potential High Returns

狗狗幣和柴犬表現出韌性,NuggetRush 預售以潛在高回報吸引關注

發布: 2024/02/23 17:34 閱讀: 695





  • Dogecoin’s real-world utility has increased following a partnership with Ferrari.
  • 與法拉利合作後,狗狗幣在現實世界中的實用性增加。

  • Ryoshi’s L2 network will offer greater exploration of the Shiba Inu (SHIB) ecosystem.
  • Ryoshi 的 L2 網路將為 Shiba Inu (SHIB) 生態系統提供更大的探索。

  • Investors name NuggetRush (NUGX) among the top crypto projects to watch after its 80% value increase.
  • 投資者將 NuggetRush (NUGX) 列為最值得關注的加密貨幣項目之一,價值增加了 80%。

Ryoshi’s launch will aid Shiba Inu’s (SHIB) plan to burn more tokens. Ferrari will now accept Dogecoin (DOGE) payments for car purchases.

Ryoshi 的推出將有助於 Shiba Inu (SHIB) 燃燒更多代幣的計劃。法拉利現在將接受狗狗幣(DOGE)付款來購買汽車。

However, NuggetRush (NUGX) is gaining unprecedented favor among gamers in the crypto ecosystem. It has sold nearly 187 million NUGX tokens, becoming a top ICO project. Yet, can NUGX outdo meme altcoins like SHIB and DOGE? Read on to hear expert views.

然而,NuggetRush(NUGX)正在加密生態系統中獲得玩家前所未有的青睞。已售出近1.87億枚NUGX代幣,成為頂級ICO專案。然而,NUGX 能否超越 SHIB 和 DOGE 等迷因山寨幣?請繼續閱讀以聽取專家的觀點。

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Dogecoin Gets New Real-World Utility


Dogecoin’s (DOGE) community is jubilating over its inclusion as a currency option for Ferrari payments. The luxury sports car manufacturer announced the addition of Dogecoin (DOGE) after revealing that the company would accept digital asset payments. The news follows the use of Dogecoin (DOGE) to settle payments for a SpaceX mission.

狗狗幣 (DOGE) 社群對其成為法拉利支付的貨幣選項而歡呼雀躍。這家豪華跑車製造商在透露公司將接受數位資產支付後,宣布添加狗狗幣(DOGE)。該消息是在使用狗狗幣(DOGE)來支付 SpaceX 任務費用後發布的。

Furthermore, it could have a positive effect on Dogecoin’s (DOGE) performance. As of January 19, DOGE was valued at $0.07854. It rose by 1.9% to $0.0801 on February 7. DOGE then jumped by 11.7% to $0.08948 by February 19.

此外,它可能會對狗狗幣(DOGE)的表現產生正面影響。截至 1 月 19 日,DOGE 的估值為 0.07854 美元。 2 月 7 日,DOGE 上漲 1.9%,至 0.0801 美元。到 2 月 19 日,DOGE 上漲 11.7%,至 0.08948 美元。

Talks of growing real-world utilization of Dogecoin (DOGE) could help it reach $0.10 in 2024. Analysts predict a rise in Dogecoin’s adoption in e-commerce and online shopping. This could lead to increased demand for DOGE, pushing its value up by 22.2% to $0.10935. DOGE could also join the best cryptocurrency investments in the meme coin sector.

關於狗狗幣 (DOGE) 在現實世界中的使用不斷增加的傳聞可能會幫助其在 2024 年達到 0.10 美元。分析師預測狗狗幣在電子商務和線上購物中的採用率將會上升。這可能會導致 DOGE 的需求增加,使其價值上漲 22.2% 至 0.10935 美元。 DOGE 還可以加入迷因幣領域中最好的加密貨幣投資行列。

Analysts say Ryoshi Network could Boost Demand for Shiba Inu

分析師稱 Ryoshi Network 可能會增加對柴犬的需求

On January 12, 2024, Ryoshi launched its layer-2 network, which it claimed was built for the Shiba Inu (SHIB) army. Ryoshi stands out for utilizing Shiba Inu as its native gas token. It is an Ethereum layer-2 network built using Polygon’s CDK framework. Yet Ryoshi will burn a fraction of SHIB each time it completes a transaction.

2024 年 1 月 12 日,Ryoshi 推出了其第 2 層網絡,聲稱該網絡是為柴犬 (SHIB) 軍隊構建的。 Ryoshi 因利用 Shiba Inu 作為其原生天然氣代幣而脫穎而出。它是使用 Polygon 的 CDK 框架建立的以太坊第 2 層網路。然而,Ryoshi 每次完成交易時都會銷毀一小部分 SHIB。

A few weeks after Ryoshi’s launch, Shiba Inu (SHIB) experienced a mid-February surge. SHIB traded at $0.000009198 on January 18. It fell by 3.3% to $0.000008892 on February 5. However, SHIB recovered by 11.2% to $0.000009889 on February 19.

Ryoshi 推出幾週後,Shiba Inu (SHIB) 在 2 月中旬經歷了飆升。 1 月 18 日,SHIB 的交易價格為 0.000009198 美元。2 月 5 日,SHIB 下跌 3.3%,至 0.000008892 美元。不過,2 月 19 日,SHIB 回升 11.2%,至 0.09009988 美元。

Transform Hundreds Into Millions With the Magic of Memecoins – think $BONK, but bigger!

透過 Memecoins 的魔力,將數億變成數百萬 – 想想 $BONK,但規模更大!

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The key? Getting in early, especially during the IDO phase. Get in on NuggetRush now! This innovative memecoin blends play-to-earn gaming with real-world gold mining. Join soon to take advantage of the current ICO prices!

鑰匙?儘早介入,尤其是在 IDO 階段。立即加入 NuggetRush!這種創新的迷因幣將邊玩邊賺錢的遊戲與現實世界的金礦開採融為一體。盡快加入,享受當前 ICO 價格!

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Ryoshi’s design aligns with Shiba Inu’s (SHIB) plan to burn more tokens in 2024. Furthermore, analysts say Ryoshi might challenge Shibarium, which has become very popular since its August 2023 launch. 

Ryoshi 的設計與 Shiba Inu (SHIB) 計劃在 2024 年燃燒更多代幣相一致。此外,分析師表示,Ryoshi 可能會挑戰 Shibarium,後者自 2023 年 8 月推出以來就非常受歡迎。

If this happens, network activity on Shiba Inu could rise as its users will explore both L2 options. This could pull investor attention from other Solana meme coins, pushing SHIB’s value up by 21.2% to $0.00001202.

如果發生這種情況,Shiba Inu 上的網路活動可能會增加,因為其用戶將探索這兩種 L2 選項。這可能會吸引投資者對其他 Solana meme 代幣的注意力,從而推動 SHIB 的價值上漲 21.2% 至 0.00001202 美元。

NuggetRush: Build Teams, Mine Resources, and Collect Gold Rewards


NuggetRush (NUGX) is a wholesome mining experience that immerses gamers in its virtual world, offering gold rewards and community participation. The game stands out because its mining adventures are rare in the P2E industry.

NuggetRush (NUGX) 是一種健康的挖礦體驗,讓玩家沉浸在虛擬世界中,提供黃金獎勵和社群參與。該遊戲之所以脫穎而出,是因為它的挖礦冒險在 P2E 行業中是罕見的。

NuggetRush (NUGX) contains epic quests where players must complete mining tasks before collecting rewards. To ease your mining experience, NuggetRush (NUGX) comes with multiple NFT characters. These NFTs will form the employee base in your mining operations.

NuggetRush (NUGX) 包含史詩般的任務,玩家必須在收集獎勵之前完成採礦任務。為了簡化您的挖礦體驗,NuggetRush (NUGX) 配備了多個 NFT 角色。這些 NFT 將構成您挖礦業務的員工基礎。

For faster and more efficient operations, you can purchase better NFT characters. The game also allows you to upgrade these NFT assets, thus boosting their efficiency and market value. Earning money on NuggetRush (NUGX) is done through selling or staking NFTs. The APY for NFT staking reaches up to 20%, depending on your lockup duration.

為了更快、更有效率的運營,您可以購買更好的 NFT 角色。遊戲還允許您升級這些 NFT 資產,從而提高其效率和市場價值。在 NuggetRush (NUGX) 上賺錢是透過出售或質押 NFT 來實現的。 NFT質押的APY最高可達20%,視您的鎖定時間而定。

NuggetRush’s (NUGX) official game launch is a few days away. After participating in its blockchain ICO, gamers will now enjoy its mining adventures. The project has sold 187 million tokens. NUGX’s first price stood at $0.010. However, that value has risen to $0.018 by round five of its presale. NUGX’s 80% pump has caused investors to fix their eyes on its official listing date.

距離 NuggetRush (NUGX) 的正式遊戲發布還有幾天。參與其區塊鏈 ICO 後,遊戲玩家現在將享受其挖礦冒險。該項目已售出 1.87 億枚代幣。 NUGX 的最初價格為 0.010 美元。然而,到第五輪預售時,該價值已升至 0.018 美元。 NUGX 80%的漲幅讓投資人紛紛關注其正式上市日期。

Visit NuggetRush Presale Website

造訪 NuggetRush 預售網站

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Being in its ICO stage, NuggetRush offers a prime opportunity for early investors to get in at potentially lower prices
A unique play-to-earn gaming platform in the memecoin market
The platform combines artisanal and gold mining with cryptocurrencies in an unusual gaming context, offering a distinctive and immersive experience
Fosters a strong community by encouraging physical meetups among members
NFT Integration with Prominent Characters

正處於ICO 階段,NuggetRush 為早期投資者提供了以潛在較低價格進入的絕佳機會Memecoin 市場中獨特的玩賺錢遊戲平台該平台在不尋常的遊戲環境中將手工和金礦開採與加密貨幣結合在一起,提供獨特且身臨其境的體驗 透過鼓勵成員之間的實體聚會來培育強大的社區 NFT 與知名人物的整合

The post As Dogecoin and Shiba Inu Show Resilience, NuggetRush Presale Attracts Attention With Potential High Returns appeared first on CaptainAltcoin.

狗狗幣和柴犬表現出韌性,NuggetRush 預售以潛在高回報吸引關注的貼文首先出現在 CaptainAltcoin 上。


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