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Dogecoin’s Surge in Trading Volume Sparks Bullish Momentum in Crypto Sphere


發布: 2024/07/03 05:02 閱讀: 906

原文作者:Crypto Intelligence News



Surge in Dogecoin Trading Volume Signals Potential Shift in Crypto Sentiment


Amidst recent bearish trends, Dogecoin (DOGE) has experienced a significant surge in trading volume, signaling a potential shift in sentiment within the crypto market.


Over the past 24 hours, DOGE's trading volume has spiked by 38.13%, reaching an impressive $659.84 billion. This increase occurs during a pivotal moment, as the broader crypto market has faced bearish signals.

在過去的 24 小時內,DOGE 的交易量飆升了 38.13%,達到令人印象深刻的 6598.4 億美元。這種成長發生在關鍵時刻,因為更廣泛的加密市場面臨看跌訊號。

Despite a 23.90% price decline over the last month, Dogecoin's recent uptick in trading activity is a positive development. Currently valued at $0.1271, DOGE has risen by 3.34% in the past day, indicating growing interest among traders and potential for further gains.

儘管上個月價格下跌了 23.90%,但狗狗幣最近的交易活動有所增加,這是一個積極的發展。 DOGE 目前估值為 0.1271 美元,過去一天上漲了 3.34%,顯示交易者的興趣不斷增長,並且有進一步上漲的潛力。

The resurgence of Dogecoin is supported by a 7.25% increase in its Open Interest (OI), which now stands at $643.30 million. This rise in OI, particularly evident on major platforms such as Bybit, Binance, and OKX, reflects renewed strategic positioning by traders and underscores a strengthening bullish sentiment.

狗狗幣的復甦得益於其未平倉合約 (OI) 增長 7.25%,目前為 6.433 億美元。 OI 的上升,在 Bybit、Binance 和 OKX 等主要平台上尤其明顯,反映了交易者重新調整的策略定位,並凸顯了看漲情緒的增強。

As a leader in the meme coin sector, Dogecoin's performance holds significant implications for other tokens within this category, including Shiba Inu (SHIB) and Pepe (PEPE). Despite challenges faced by meme coins during recent market downturns, Dogecoin's bullish indicators suggest a potential pathway for recovery that could uplift other tokens in the sector.

作為模因幣領域的領導者,狗狗幣的表現對該類別中的其他代幣具有重大影響,包括 Shiba Inu (SHIB) 和 Pepe (PEPE)。儘管迷因幣在最近的市場低迷期間面臨挑戰,但狗狗幣的看漲指標表明了潛在的​​復甦途徑,可能會提振該行業的其他代幣。

In conclusion, the substantial rise in trading volume and open interest for Dogecoin indicate a possible bullish trend emerging in the meme coin market. This resurgence in market activity and trader interest may sustain upward momentum, potentially benefiting both Dogecoin and other prominent meme coins. Stakeholders will continue to monitor the implications of these developments on the evolving crypto landscape.



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