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Dogecoin Team Pushes Forward with Development and New Features


發布: 2024/02/10 06:11 閱讀: 633



You can also read this news on COINTURK NEWS: Dogecoin Team Pushes Forward with Development and New Features

您也可以在 COINTURK NEWS 上閱讀此新聞:狗狗幣團隊推進開發和新功能

For some time, there had been no significant news from the Dogecoin front, and developer activity was inconsistent with the promises made at the beginning of 2023. The DOGE team, which announced serious efforts to create its own ecosystem, failed to make any notable achievements last year. At least, we can say that there was nothing that significantly excited the community or impacted the price. But does the Dogecoin team feel the same way?

一段時間以來,狗狗幣方面沒有任何重大消息,開發者的活動與 2023 年初做出的承諾不符。宣布認真努力創建自己的生態系統的 DOGE 團隊未能取得任何顯著成果去年。至少,我們可以說沒有任何事情讓社區感到興奮或影響價格。但狗狗幣團隊也有同樣的感覺嗎?

Dogecoin News


Following the previous blog post, libdogecoin version 0.1.3 became available for download. The team released this code library to simplify developers’ work and aid in building the ecosystem. It is reported that development activities related to this are still ongoing.

繼上一篇部落格文章之後,libdogecoin 版本 0.1.3 可供下載。團隊發布此程式碼庫是為了簡化開發人員的工作並幫助建立生態系統。據悉,與此相關的開發活動仍在進行中。

“Since our last blog post, we have been diligently working on libdogecoin 0.1.3, which is now available for download. This release is the culmination of a year’s work, and we are excited to share it with you. We spent months testing and improving the library and added numerous new features, including some requested by community members, such as Android support.”

「自從我們上一篇部落格文章以來,我們一直在努力開發 libdogecoin 0.1.3,現已可供下載。此版本是一年工作的結晶,我們很高興與您分享。我們花了幾個月的時間測試和改進該庫,並添加了許多新功能,包括社區成員要求的一些功能,例如 Android 支援。”

Some significant steps taken in 2023 are summarized as follows;

2023 年採取的一些重要步驟總結如下:

  • Enhanced network monitoring system and payment APIs
  • 增強的網路監控系統和支付API

  • Integration with Shibeship
  • 與Shibeship整合

  • Woo Commerce plugins
  • Woo 商務插件

  • GigaWallet
  • 千兆錢包

  • LibDogecoin
  • 自由狗狗幣

  • SPV node and wallet capabilities
  • SPV節點和錢包功能

2024 Dogecoin (DOGE) Roadmap

2024 年狗狗幣 (DOGE) 路線圖

The team aims to further develop the features of the code library in Python and Go languages this year and release advanced features. For RadioDoge, the goal this year is to provide access in areas with limited internet connectivity using LoRa technology and the Starlink satellite network. Additionally, an introductory article about the new developers joining the team will be published in the coming days.

該團隊計劃今年進一步開發Python和Go語言程式碼庫的功能,並發布高級功能。 RadioDoge 今年的目標是使用 LoRa 技術和 Starlink 衛星網路在網路連接有限的地區提供存取。此外,關於新開發人員加入團隊的介紹文章將在未來幾天發布。

“With these developments, we are more determined than ever to advance the Dogecoin ecosystem. Our focus for 2024 is to enhance our current projects, introduce new initiatives like DogeBox, and expand our team and community involvement.”

「隨著這些發展,我們比以往任何時候都更有決心推進狗狗幣生態系統。我們 2024 年的重點是加強我們目前的項目,引入 DogeBox 等新舉措,並擴大我們的團隊和社區參與。”

In summary, we will see updates related to new products, team members, and enhancements of existing products in the coming days. For now, there is no detail that sparks excitement. Although a more substantial update related to the roadmap is targeted in the coming days, DOGE buyers do not seem to regard it as important at the moment. DOGE continues the day with a 0.9% increase.

總之,我們將在未來幾天看到與新產品、團隊成員以及現有產品增強相關的更新。目前,還沒有任何細節能引起興奮。儘管未來幾天將會有與路線圖相關的更實質更新,但 DOGE 買家目前似乎不認為它很重要。 DOGE 當天持續上漲 0.9%。

The post first appeared on COINTURK NEWS: Dogecoin Team Pushes Forward with Development and New Features

該帖子首次出現在 COINTURK 新聞上:狗狗幣團隊推進開發和新功能


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