首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 為什麼狗狗幣不再是前十名的代幣?

Why is Dogecoin no longer a top 10 coin?


發布: 2024/02/13 07:01 閱讀: 972



  • Chainlink flipped Dogecoin’s market cap as the former continued to do well.
  • Chainlink 扭轉了狗狗幣的市值,因為前者繼續表現良好。

  • DOGE’s price might fall to $0.077 since capital inflow decreased.
  • 由於資金流入減少,DOGE 的價格可能會跌至 0.077 美元。

Dogecoin’s [DOGE] position as the 10th most valuable cryptocurrency has been taken, AMBCrypto discovered. According to CoinMarketCap, DOGE was now ranked 11th on the market cap standings.

AMBCrypto 發現,狗狗幣 [DOGE] 作為第十大最有價值加密貨幣的地位已被取代。根據 CoinMarketCap 的數據,DOGE 目前在市值排行榜上排名第 11 名。

At press time, the coin’s market cap was $11.46 billion.

截至發稿時,該代幣的市值為 114.6 億美元。

Chainlink [LINK], on the other hand, was the project that took its place with a market cap of $11.46 billion.

另一方面,Chainlink [LINK] 是取代它的項目,市值為 114.6 億美元。

Dogecoin’s fall could be linked to many things. But the major one was its price action. At press time, DOGE’s price was $0.080, representing a 12.78% decrease since the new year began.


LINK, however, has been one of the best-performing altcoins. On a Year-To-Date (YTD) basis, LINK’s price has increased by 30.07% while changing hands at $20.20.

然而,LINK 一直是表現最好的山寨幣之一。從年初至今 (YTD) 來看,LINK 的價格上漲了 30.07%,易手價格為 20.20 美元。

As you probably know, market cap is a product of the price and circulating supply. As of this writing, LINK’s circulating supply was 58.01 million, while DOGE was 143.04 billion.

您可能知道,市值是價格和流通供應量的乘積。截至本文撰寫時,LINK 的流通量為 5,801 萬個,而 DOGE 為 1,430.4 億個。

But if the price of both cryptocurrencies and those engaged in transactions is compared, one can conclude that Chainlink takes the cake.

但如果將加密貨幣和參與交易的價格進行比較,我們可以得出結論,Chainlink 更勝一籌。

Low trading activity brings DOGE to its kneels

交易活動低迷導致 DOGE 屈服

Another reason Dogecoin lost the number 10 position could be connected to some happenings on-chain. Recently, AMBCrypto reported how the network had a high influx of users and active wallets.

狗狗幣失去第十名的另一個原因可能與鏈上發生的一些事情有關。最近,AMBCrypto 報告了該網路如何擁有大量用戶和活躍錢包。

But the latest data from Santiment showed that that has changed.

但 Santiment 的最新數據表明情況已經改變。

One of the metrics propelling the fall was the transaction volume.  On the 9th of February, Dogecoin’s transaction volume was over a billion.

推動下跌的指標之一是交易量。 2月9日,狗狗幣交易量突破10億。

However, at the time of writing, the number had decreased to 115.97 million. This was almost a 10x decrease from what it was a few days ago.

然而,截至撰寫本文時,數字已減少至 11,597 萬。這比幾天前減少了近 10 倍。

Like the volume, whales’ transactions within the $100,000 to $1 million range had significantly decreased. A situation like this implies that fewer participants were buying and selling DOGE.

與交易量一樣,鯨魚在 10 萬至 100 萬美元範圍內的交易也大幅減少。這種情況意味著買賣 DOGE 的參與者較少。

It also suggests that the broader market might no longer be confident in the token’s potential in the short term.


Source: Santiment


No relief in sight


If care is not taken, DOGE might fall from 11th place. However, a price increase could prevent that from happening.


At the same time, it could be difficult to take its previous position back from Chainlink, which the market seemed to have a lot of interest in.

同時,市場似乎對 Chainlink 很感興趣,想要從 Chainlink 手中奪回之前的地位可能很困難。

From a technical point of view, DOGE’s price might keep falling. One of the reasons for this project was the Money Flow Index (MFI).


At press time, the MFI was 52.82, indicating a significant drop in capital flow. Should the MFI reading continue to fall, DOGE’s price might decline to $0.077, which was the next point of interest.

截至發稿,MFI為52.82,顯示資本流量大幅下降。如果 MFI 讀數繼續下跌,DOGE 的價格可能會跌至 0.077 美元,這是下一個重點。

Read Dogecoin’s [DOGE] Price Prediction 2024-2025

閱讀狗狗幣 [DOGE] 2024-2025 年價格預測

On the other hand, if DOGE breaks through the $0.083 resistance, the price might find its way up to $0.090.

另一方面,如果 DOGE 突破 0.083 美元的阻力位,價格可能會上漲至 0.090 美元。

However, signals from the Relative Strength Index  (RSI) showed that the move was unlikely as buying momentum decreased.

然而,相對強弱指數 (RSI) 的訊號表明,隨著購買動力減弱,這種走勢不太可能發生。

Source: TradingView


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