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Old Dogecoin, New Tricks: Surge in Movement and Whale Activity


發布: 2023/11/24 07:18 閱讀: 440



Cryptocurrency markets are abuzz with activity as altcoins make a comeback, and Dogecoin (DOGE) is once again on a surge. Recent data unveils significant shifts of older DOGE from stagnant wallets, coupled with the rise of new substantial holders. Furthermore, there are notable transactions involving millions of Dogecoins, contributing to the intrigue surrounding this widely popular meme-inspired cryptocurrency.

隨著山寨幣捲土重來,加密貨幣市場熱鬧非凡,狗狗幣 (DOGE) 再次飆升。最近的數據顯示,舊的 DOGE 從停滯的錢包中發生了重大轉變,同時新的主要持有者也在崛起。此外,還有涉及數百萬狗狗幣的值得注意的交易,加劇了圍繞這種廣受歡迎的受迷因啟發的加密貨幣的陰謀。

Older Doge on the Move


A noteworthy development in the Dogecoin ecosystem is the substantial movement of older DOGE from inactive wallets. This implies a potential alteration in market dynamics as long-term holders adjust their positions. Analysts are closely observing these movements, foreseeing potential impacts on Dogecoin’s price and overall market sentiment.


In the last month alone, 121 new Dogecoin wallets, each holding over 1 million DOGE, have surfaced. This influx of large holders, commonly known as “whales” in the crypto community, holds the potential to significantly influence market trends. The appearance of these new mega wallets introduces an element of unpredictability to Dogecoin’s future price movements.

光是上個月,就有 121 個新的狗狗幣錢包出現,每個錢包都持有超過 100 萬個 DOGE。大量持有者(在加密貨幣社區中通常被稱為“鯨魚”)的湧入有可能對市場趨勢產生重大影響。這些新的大型錢包的出現為狗狗幣未來的價格走勢帶來了不可預測的因素。

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Whale Alert: Substantial DOGE Transactions

鯨魚警報:大量 DOGE 交易

Whale Alert, a platform that monitors large cryptocurrency transactions, has reported three significant movements involving a staggering 631.3 million DOGE. The initial transaction involved 92,313,653 DOGE valued at $6,812,612 being transferred from Robinhood to an undisclosed wallet. The second featured a substantial amount of DOGE, $35,261,581, moved from an unknown wallet to the popular exchange Bittrex. Lastly, an unknown wallet deposited 70,087,832 DOGE worth $5,202,986 back into Robinhood.

Whale Alert 是一個監控大型加密貨幣交易的平台,報告了三起重大變動,涉及數量驚人的 6.313 億 DOGE。最初的交易涉及 92,313,653 DOGE,價值 6,812,612 美元,從 Robinhood 轉移到一個未公開的錢包。第二個是大量 DOGE(35,261,581 美元)從一個未知的錢包轉移到流行的交易所 Bittrex。最後,一個未知錢包將價值 5,202,986 美元的 70,087,832 DOGE 存回 Robinhood。

As of the latest update, Dogecoin is being traded at the $0.075 level, with aspirations to surpass the $0.08 mark in the near future. The cryptocurrency has experienced a 2.5% increase in the day’s trade and a notable 13% spike over the last 30 days.

截至最新更新,狗狗幣的交易價格為 0.075 美元,預計在不久的將來突破 0.08 美元大關。該加密貨幣的當日交易量增加了 2.5%,在過去 30 天內顯著飆升了 13%。

Netflix Director’s Dogecoin Success

Netflix 導演的狗狗幣成功

Injecting a bit of Hollywood drama into the Dogecoin narrative, Carl Erik Rinsch, the director of Netflix’s sci-fi series “Conquest,” reportedly invested $4 million from the show’s budget into Dogecoin. This daring move turned out to be highly lucrative, yielding Rinsch a substantial profit of $27 million. However, Rinsch’s bold decision has sparked controversy, as he is now seeking an additional $14 million from Netflix, as reported by The New York Times.

據報道,Netflix 科幻劇集《征服》的導演卡爾·埃里克·林什(Carl Erik Rinsch) 為狗狗幣的敘事注入了一點好萊塢戲劇色彩,並從該劇的預算中向狗狗幣投資了400 萬美元。事實證明,這項大膽舉措利潤豐厚,為 Rinsch 帶來了 2,700 萬美元的可觀利潤。然而,據《紐約時報》報道,林什的大膽決定引發了爭議,因為他目前正在向 Netflix 尋求額外的 1400 萬美元。

Also Read: Dogecoin: December 2023 Price Prediction for DOGE

另請閱讀:狗狗幣:DOGE 2023 年 12 月價格預測

As DOGE continues to surge and seize the spotlight in the cryptocurrency community, the recent surge in the movement of older coins, the emergence of new substantial holders, and noteworthy transactions signify a dynamic and evolving market. Both investors and enthusiasts are advised to remain vigilant as Dogecoin’s journey unfolds, characterized by intriguing developments and unexpected twists.

隨著 DOGE 繼續飆升並成為加密貨幣社區的焦點,最近舊代幣的流動激增、新的主要持有者的出現以及值得注意的交易標誌著一個充滿活力和不斷發展的市場。隨著狗狗幣旅程的展開,投資者和愛好者都應保持警惕,其特點是有趣的發展和意想不到的曲折。

Source: https://thebittimes.com/old-dogecoin-new-tricks-surge-in-movement-and-whale-activity-tbt71415.html



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