首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 狗狗幣、TRON、鯨魚加入 DeeStream 的預售狂潮,以獲得潛在的巨額回報

Dogecoin, TRON, whales join DeeStream’s presale frenzy for potentially big returns

狗狗幣、TRON、鯨魚加入 DeeStream 的預售狂潮,以獲得潛在的巨額回報

發布: 2024/04/24 23:33 閱讀: 517



狗狗幣、TRON、鯨魚加入 DeeStream 的預售狂潮,以獲得潛在的巨額回報

Disclosure: This article does not represent investment advice. The content and materials featured on this page are for educational purposes only.


DeeStream, the new streaming sensation, is causing a lot of noise in the web3 space, and rightly so.

DeeStream,一種新的串流技術,在 web3 領域引起了極大的轟動,這是理所當然的。

DeeStream is the name at the center of every crypto conversation as investors consider their options in the face of the recent crypto dip. 

DeeStream 是每個加密貨幣對話的中心名字,投資者在面對最近的加密貨幣下跌時考慮他們的選擇。

The coin, which is currently in stage two of its presale, has caught the attention of Dogecoin and Tron supporters.


Many crypto experts believe that DeeStream can bring in massive returns before the end of the year, but that is not all. DeeStream’s approach to the current challenges of the streaming industry has made Dogecoin and Tron holders buy into the project.

許多加密貨幣專家認為,DeeStream 可以在年底前帶來巨額回報,但這還不是全部。 DeeStream 應對串流媒體行業當前挑戰的方法使狗狗幣和波場持有者購買了該專案。

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您可能也會喜歡:隨著以太幣陷入困境,DeeStream 預售激發了 ICON 和卡爾達諾交易者的興趣

Dogecoin sees a slight rise post-Dogecoin day


A big name in the meme coin industry and the largest one by market cap, Dogecoin has been one of the finest crypto projects of the year and a hot topic among the crypto communities. 


The coin has been bullish, with analysts predicting it could ride the momentum to even higher heights.


The Dogecoin community had been anticipating the Dogecoin day of April 20, but the subsequent rise has not exceeded expectations. 


Dogecoin Day is an unofficial holiday celebrated by the Dogecoin community. This celebration embodies the joyful and enthusiastic essence of the coin as a leading meme coin. It has been associated with significant increases in the price of Dogecoin in previous years.


With only a minimal increase in this year’s celebration, investors are skeptical about the future of Dogecoin.


Tron investors attracted to DeeStream

DeeStream 吸引了 Tron 投資者

Tron continues to impose itself on the crypto sector with its blockchain-based approach to decentralizing the web and changing how digital content and entertainment are shared and monetized. The project has garnered a lot of attention since its launch in 2018.

Tron 繼續以其基於區塊鏈的方法來分散網路並改變數位內容和娛樂的共享和貨幣化方式,從而在加密貨幣領域佔據一席之地。該計畫自2018年啟動以來,引起了廣泛關注。

The Tron community has established itself as a loyal and formidable army. However, with the rise of DeeStream, with the potential to bring in massive profit margins, Tron investors are contemplating moving into the new streaming platform.

波場社群已將自己打造為一支忠誠而強大的軍隊。然而,隨著 DeeStream 的崛起,並有可能帶來巨額利潤,Tron 投資者正在考慮進入新的串流平台。

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您可能還喜歡:在 BTC 減半熱潮中,DeeStream 預售吸引了 Tether 和 Tezos 投資者

DeeStream has front-row seats in a booming market

DeeStream 在蓬勃發展的市場中佔據前排席位

The new decentralized streaming platform, DeeStream, is bursting into the streaming industry and bringing a Web3-powered revolution. Where Twitch and Kick have been dominant forces, DeeStream is set to not only make a name for itself but also be the most preferred streaming platform for streamers and their fans.

新的去中心化串流平台 DeeStream 正在進軍串流媒體產業,並帶來一場由 Web3 驅動的革命。 Twitch 和 Kick 一直是主導力量,而 DeeStream 不僅會贏得聲譽,而且會成為主播及其粉絲最喜歡的串流媒體平台。

DeeStream is a first-of-its-kind innovation in the live-streaming industry. The live-streaming sector is currently valued at $160.55 billion, and analysts believe this industry could be hitting as high as $247 billion by 2027. With DeeStream having a first-mover advantage in this market, it is expected to make significant profits by the end of the year.

DeeStream 是直播產業的首創創新。目前直播產業估值為1,605.5億美元,分析師認為到2027年該產業的估值將高達2,470億美元。

According to recent reports, there is a shifting trend to live-streamed content, and as DeeStream introduces a new decentralized option, it is well-positioned to make the most of the market. Investors have an early opportunity to buy into the project while it is in the second stage of its presale. A token is selling for a discounted price of only $0.06, which is the lowest it is expected to be.

根據最近的報告,直播內容的趨勢正在發生變化,隨著 DeeStream 推出新的去中心化選項,它處於有利地位,可以充分利用市場。當該項目處於預售第二階段時,投資者有機會儘早購買該項目。代幣的折扣價僅為 0.06 美元,這是預期的最低價格。

The stage is set for a burgeoning live-streaming industry, and DeeStream is right at the center to reap the rewards.

新興的直播產業已經搭建了舞台,而 DeeStream 正是回報的中心。

To learn more about this project, visit the DeeStream presale website.  

要了解有關該項目的更多信息,請訪問 DeeStream 預售網站。

Read more: USDC and Polkadot investors gear up for DeeStream milestone

了解更多:USDC 和 Polkadot 投資者為 DeeStream 里程碑做好準備

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披露:該內容由第三方提供。 crypto.news 不認可本頁提及的任何產品。用戶在採取與公司相關的任何行動之前必須進行自己的研究。


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