首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 狗狗幣:如果您自 2013 年以來每週投入 100 美元,這就是您的收益

Dogecoin: If You Put $100 Every Week Since 2013, Here's Your Gain

狗狗幣:如果您自 2013 年以來每週投入 100 美元,這就是您的收益

發布: 2023/09/27 16:09 閱讀: 422



Upon its launch in December 2013, Dogecoin was trading at around $0.00058. The memecoin reached the 1 cent mark in early 2018, but quickly gained back a zero after its decimal point. It was not until February 2021 that DOGE would see its first massive price spike, reaching $0.072. A few months later, in May, the popular dog-themed crypto would reach its all-time high of $0.731, registering a gain of 126020.69% since its launch.

狗狗幣於 2013 年 12 月推出後,交易價格約為 0.00058 美元。 Memecoin 在 2018 年初達到了 1 美分大關,但很快又在小數點後回升至零。直到 2021 年 2 月,DOGE 的價格才首次大幅上漲,達到 0.072 美元。幾個月後,即 5 月份,這種流行的以狗為主題的加密貨幣將達到 0.731 美元的歷史新高,自推出以來漲幅為 126020.69%。

However, the peak would not last very long. Since 2022, DOGE has been on a downward trajectory, apart from a few sporadic spikes, mostly from tweets by Elon Musk, a vocal DOGE supporter. Nonetheless, despite its fall from the 2021 bull run, if an investor continuously invested in the crypto since its launch, they would still be in profit.

然而,高峰並不會持續太久。自 2022 年以來,DOGE 一直處於下降趨勢,除了一些零星的峰值外,主要來自 DOGE 的直言不諱的支持者 Elon Musk 的推文。儘管如此,儘管加密貨幣從 2021 年的多頭市場中回落,但如果投資者自加密貨幣推出以來持續投資,他們仍將獲利。

Also Read: Shiba Inu vs. Dogecoin: Which Memecoin Will Reach $1 First?

另請閱讀:Shiba Inu 與 Dogecoin:哪種 Memecoin 將首先達到 1 美元?

How much would you have made with $100 in weekly investments in Dogecoin since its launch?

自從狗狗幣推出以來,如果您每週投資 100 美元,您會賺多少錢?

Dogecoin (DOGE) is currently up by around 2230% since its launch in 2013. If an investor put in $100 every week since its launch, they would have invested a total of $51,100. According to the calculations by CryptoDCA, these investors would have made about $5.7 million by September 2023.

狗狗幣 (DOGE) 自 2013 年推出以來目前已上漲約 2230%。如果投資者自推出以來每週投入 100 美元,那麼他們總共將投資 51,100 美元。根據 CryptoDCA 的計算,到 2023 年 9 月,這些投資者將賺取約 570 萬美元。

This represents a return of about 11098.17% and a monetary gain of about $5.67 million. While it may be surprising to some, it all comes down to dollar cost averaging. Dollar-cost averaging is an investment method that reduces the risk of price fluctuations. Instead of buying into an asset at a particular price, investors make regular, timely investments in an asset. This method reduces the average cost of each share over time. This investment method is also called the constant-dollar plan.

這意味著回報率約為 11098.17%,貨幣收益約為 567 萬美元。雖然這可能會讓一些人感到驚訝,但這一切都歸結為美元成本平均。平均成本法是一種降低價格波動風險的投資方法。投資者不是以特定價格購買資產,而是定期、及時地對資產進行投資。隨著時間的推移,這種方法會降低每次共享的平均成本。這種投資方法也稱為恆定美元計劃。

Also Read: Dogecoin Estimated To Reach 30 Cents: Here’s When Doge Could Hit $0.30

另請閱讀:狗狗幣預計將達到 30 美分:狗狗幣何時可能達到 0.30 美元

  • Dogecoin
  • 狗狗幣

Source: https://thebittimes.com/dogecoin-if-you-put-100-every-week-since-2013-here-s-your-gain-tbt64143.html



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