首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 狗狗幣鯨魚發動 2700 萬美元的購買熱潮,DOGE 價格會達到 0.1 美元嗎?

Dogecoin whales enter $27 million buying spree, will DOGE price reach $0.1?

狗狗幣鯨魚發動 2700 萬美元的購買熱潮,DOGE 價格會達到 0.1 美元嗎?

發布: 2024/02/07 20:31 閱讀: 864



Dogecoin (DOGE) price is consolidating just below the $0.08 territory, down 1.7% in the first week of February 2024, but bullish whales buying the dip could trigger a positive breakout. 

狗狗幣 (DOGE) 價格在 0.08 美元下方盤整,2024 年 2 月第一周下跌 1.7%,但看漲鯨魚逢低買入可能引發積極突破。

The memecoin sector has made a tepid start to February 2024 after the likes of Shiba Inu down 4%, BONK in the red 9% and PEPE down 5%, all of which have booked sizeable losses between Jan. 31 and Feb. 7. 

到2024 年2 月,Memecoin 產業開局不溫不火,Shiba Inu 等公司下跌4%,BONK 虧損9%,PEPE 下跌5%,所有這些公司在1 月31 日至2 月7 日期間都出現了巨額虧損。

Can DOGE break the negative market trends and enter a recovery phase? 


Dogecoin whales have spent $27 million buying the dip 

狗狗幣鯨魚已花費 2,700 萬美元逢低買入

Compared to its rival mega cap meme coins, Dogecoin price has put up a relatively resilient showing with less than 2% downtrend in the first week of February. 

與競爭對手的巨型迷因幣相比,狗狗幣的價格表現出相對彈性的表現,2 月第一週的下跌幅度不到 2%。

Recent on-chain data trends suggest that strategic whale investors rapidly buying the dip could be behind DOGE’s steady price action in the last two weeks. 

最近的鏈上數據趨勢表明,策略性鯨魚投資者在逢低買入可能是過去兩週 DOGE 價格穩定走勢的原因。

Santiment’s supply by addresses metric monitors whale investors trading activity by monitoring real-time changes in large holder wallets. The chart below illustrates that whale wallets with balances between 10 million to 1 billion DOGE held a total of 44.75 billion DOGE coins in their wallets as of Jan 23. 

Santiment 的地址供應量指標透過監控大戶錢包的即時變化來監控鯨魚投資者的交易活動。下圖顯示,截至 1 月 23 日,餘額在 1,000 萬至 10 億 DOGE 之間的鯨魚錢包中總共持有 447.5 億 DOGE 幣。

But at the time of writing on Feb. 7, they have increased their cumulative balances to 45.09 billion.   


Dogecoin (DOGE) price continues to defend the $0.08 territory since dipping 6% during the crypto market downturn on Jan 23. On-chain data shows that whale investors have capitalized on the price pull-back to acquire millions of dollars worth of DOGE at a discount. 

狗狗幣(DOGE) 價格自1 月23 日加密貨幣市場低迷期間下跌6% 以來,繼續守住0.08 美元的區間。鏈上數據顯示,鯨魚投資者已利用價格回調以高價收購了價值數百萬美元的DOGE。折扣。

Do the Dogecoin bulls have enough in the tank to stage a decisive attempt to reclaim the $0.1 area this week? 

狗狗幣多頭是否有足夠的能量來在本週果斷嘗試收復 0.1 美元區域?

Dogecoin whales enter 260 million buying spree 

狗狗幣鯨魚進入 2.6 億美元的購買熱潮

The crypto market suffered a significant downturn on Jan. 23 amid billion-dollar sell-off from Grayscale ETF investors.

1 月 23 日,由於灰階 ETF 投資者拋售數十億美元,加密貨幣市場大幅下滑。

Interestingly, while other mega cap meme coins like Shiba Inu and PEPE and BONK all suffered double-digit retractment, DOGE price maintained a relatively more resilient performance with only a 6% deficit. 

有趣的是,雖然 Shiba Inu、PEPE 和 BONK 等其他大型 Meme 代幣都遭受了兩位數的回撤,但 DOGE 的價格保持了相對更具彈性的表現,僅下跌了 6%。

Dogecoin on-chain data trail shows that a group of strategic whale investors rapidly buying the dip could be behind DOGE’s steady price action in the last two weeks. 


The Santiment chart below depicts real-time changes in the balance of whale wallets holding at least 10 million DOGE (~$800,000). 

下面的 Santiment 圖表描述了持有至少 1000 萬 DOGE(約 80 萬美元)的鯨魚錢包餘額的即時變化。

The blue trend line shows that the whale wallets held a cumulative balance of 44.75 billion DOGE as of Jan. 23. But as the market downturn set-in, rather than join the sell-off they instead entered a buying spree. 

藍色趨勢線顯示,截至 1 月 23 日,鯨魚錢包持有的 DOGE 累積餘額為 447.5 億枚。但隨著市場低迷的到來,他們並沒有加入拋售,而是開始瘋狂買入。

The Dogecoin whales have now increased their balances to 45 billion DOGE at the time of writing on Feb. 7. 

截至 2 月 7 日撰寫本文時,狗狗幣鯨魚的餘額現已增加至 450 億 DOGE。

Effectively, they have capitalized on the memecoin market pullback to acquire 340 million DOGE Jan. 23 and Feb. 7. Valued at the current Dogecoin price of $0.079, the newly acquired coins are worth approximately $26.7 million. 

實際上,他們利用 memecoin 市場回調的機會,在 1 月 23 日和 2 月 7 日收購了 3.4 億枚 DOGE。以當前狗狗幣價格 0.079 美元計算,新收購的代幣價值約為 2,670 萬美元。

The whales buying pressure over the past two weeks partly explains why DOGE price has consolidated around the $0.08 area while rival memecoins SHIB, BONK and PEPE tanked. 

過去兩週鯨魚的購買壓力部分解釋了為什麼 DOGE 價格在 0.08 美元附近盤整,而競爭對手 memecoin SHIB、BONK 和 PEPE 卻下跌。

Notably, a closer look at the chart shows that previous DOGE price rallies have often been preceded by a significant buying wave from this specific whale cohort.

值得注意的是,仔細觀察圖表就會發現,之前的 DOGE 價格上漲之前往往會出現來自該特定鯨魚群體的大量購買浪潮。

Hence, DOGE holders can anticipate another uptrend toward the $0.1 area in the days ahead if this historical pattern repeats. 

因此,如果這種歷史模式重演,DOGE 持有者可以預計未來幾天將出現另一個向 0.1 美元區域上漲的趨勢。

Speculative traders have also started leaning bullish 


After a week of consolidation within the narrow $0.082 – $0.78 range Dogecoin speculative trends are now placing bigger bets on an imminent price breakout. 

經過一周在 0.082 美元至 0.78 美元的狹窄區間內盤整後,狗狗幣投機趨勢現在對即將到來的價格突破下了更大的賭注。

Santiment’s funding rate trend tracks changes in fees paid by speculative traders to maintain their positions in the derivatives market. The chart below shows that the DOGE funding rate has been on the rise this week increasing from 0.01% on Feb. 3 to 0.08% on Feb 7.

Santiment 的融資利率趨勢追蹤投機交易者為維持其在衍生性商品市場的部位而支付的費用的變化。下圖顯示,DOGE資金費率本週一直在上升,從2月3日的0.01%上升至2月7日的0.08%。

Positive funding rates means that long position holders are paying higher fees to short traders in expectation of booking higher profits when prices move up. 


Hence, the rising DOGE Funding Rates this week suggest that, like whale investors,  speculative traders are also leaning increasingly bullish this week.

因此,本週 DOGE 融資利率的上升表明,與鯨魚投資者一樣,投機交易者本周也越來越看漲。

Dogecoin price forecast: $0.085 is the major resistance to beat

狗狗幣價格預測:0.085 美元是需要克服的主要阻力

Drawing inferences from the market trends analyzed above, the whales buying trend and rising Funding rates signal conviction of an imminent rebound phase in both the Dogecoin spot and derivative markets.


These key factors could put Dogecoin price on the front foot, possibly retesting the $0.01 area in the days ahead. However, the bulls could face major resistance around $0.085 as depicted below by the upper-Bollinger band technical indicator. 

這些關鍵因素可能會讓狗狗幣價格處於領先地位,並可能在未來幾天重新測試 0.01 美元區域。然而,多頭可能面臨 0.085 美元附近的主要阻力,如下圖布林線上下技術指標所示。

However, a decisive breakout above that area, could open the doors to a bullish rally toward $0.10 as predicted. 

然而,如果果斷突破該區域,可能會如預期的那樣為牛市反彈至 0.10 美元打開大門。

On the flip side, there’s a chance the bears could negate this narrative if the DOGE price tumbles below $0.07 for the first time in 2024. However, as depicted by the lower Bollinger band, the buy-wall at $0.075 could offer significant support. 

另一方面,如果 DOGE 價格在 2024 年首次跌破 0.07 美元,空頭可能會否定這一說法。然而,正如布林線下軌所示,0.075 美元的買入牆可能會提供重要支撐。

Read more: Shiba Inu and Dogecoin retrace as Meme Moguls surges in presale

閱讀更多:隨著 Meme Moguls 預售激增,柴犬和狗狗幣回撤


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