首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 狗狗幣鯨魚很喜歡這種新的 DeFi Memecoin,該代幣是否具有史詩般的價格潛力?

Dogecoin Whales Are Loving This New DeFi Memecoin, Does The Token Have Epic Price Potential?

狗狗幣鯨魚很喜歡這種新的 DeFi Memecoin,該代幣是否具有史詩般的價格潛力?

發布: 2024/09/30 20:41 閱讀: 613

原文作者:Crypto Daily™


狗狗幣鯨魚很喜歡這種新的 DeFi Memecoin,該代幣是否具有史詩般的價格潛力?

Dogecoin Gains Traction, While Cutoshi Emerges as a Promising Meme Coin

狗狗幣獲得關注,Cutoshi 成為一種有前途的迷因幣

Dogecoin, the undisputed leader in the meme coin arena, boasts a massive user base of over 4.98 million holders, surpassing its rival Shiba Inu's 1.40 million. Social media buzz around Dogecoin has intensified as of late, contributing to its recent price surge of approximately 6%, bringing its value to $0.11. The scarcity mindset of miners who prefer to hold their DOGE rather than sell is further contributing to its demand.

狗狗幣是迷因幣領域無可爭議的領導者,擁有超過 498 萬持有者的龐大用戶群,超過了競爭對手柴犬的 140 萬持有者。社群媒體上圍繞狗狗幣的熱烈討論最近愈演愈烈,導致其價格近期飆升約 6%,使其價值達到 0.11 美元。寧願持有 DOGE 而不是出售 DOGE 的礦工的稀缺心態進一步推動了其需求。

Cutoshi Unveils a Unique DeFi Twist

Cutoshi 推出獨特的 DeFi 技術

Cutoshi, a groundbreaking meme coin, seamlessly integrates the allure of meme coins with the utility of DeFi. This innovative project embodies the decentralized, private, and financially liberating principles of Bitcoin's enigmatic founder, Satoshi Nakamoto.

Cutoshi 是一種突破性的 meme 幣,它將 meme 幣的魅力與 DeFi 的實用性無縫地結合在一起。這個創新項目體現了比特幣神秘創始人中本聰的去中心化、私密性和財務自由原則。

Unlike traditional meme coins heavily influenced by market whims, Cutoshi offers tangible benefits. Its multi-chain decentralized exchange (DEX) and exclusive NFT collection facilitate peer-to-peer trading across multiple blockchains, enhancing transparency and profitability.

與受市場突發事件嚴重影響的傳統迷因幣不同,Cutoshi 提供了切實的好處。其多鏈去中心化交易所(DEX)和獨家NFT集合促進了多個區塊鏈的點對點交易,提高了透明度和獲利能力。

Cutoshi's engaging ecosystem includes a learning academy and token farming, fostering user participation. Successful completion of platform challenges rewards Cutopoints and other incentives. The Cutoshi Academy aims to demystify DeFi, making it accessible to all.

Cutoshi 引人入勝的生態系統包括學習學院和代幣農業,促進用戶參與。成功完成平台挑戰會獎勵 Cutopoint 和其他獎勵。 Cutoshi 學院旨在揭開 DeFi 的神秘面紗,讓所有人都能使用它。

The CUTO token serves as the project's native cryptocurrency. Its limited supply of 440 million and deflationary mechanism ensure its long-term value.

CUTO 代幣作為該項目的原生加密貨幣。其4.4億的限量供應和通貨緊縮機制保證了其長期價值。

Cutoshi Presale: A Lucrative Opportunity

Cutoshi 預售:利潤豐厚的機會

The Cutoshi presale presents an exceptional opportunity for early adopters. Currently, CUTO tokens can be acquired for a mere $0.015. Embracing the project from its inception can pave the way for significant returns.

Cutoshi 預售為早期採用者提供了絕佳的機會。目前,CUTO 代幣的購買價格僅為 0.015 美元。從專案一開始就接受該專案可以為顯著回報鋪平道路。

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