首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 唐納德·特朗普是否投資了 Kelexo (KLXO) 預售?為什麼更多比特幣 (BTC) 和狗狗幣 (DOGE) 鯨魚紛紛效法?

Did Donald Trump invest in Kelexo (KLXO) presale and why has more Bitcoin (BTC) & Dogecoin (DOGE) whales followed suit?

唐納德·特朗普是否投資了 Kelexo (KLXO) 預售?為什麼更多比特幣 (BTC) 和狗狗幣 (DOGE) 鯨魚紛紛效法?

發布: 2024/02/28 06:00 閱讀: 984

原文作者:TheCoinrise Media


唐納德·特朗普是否投資了 Kelexo (KLXO) 預售?為什麼更多比特幣 (BTC) 和狗狗幣 (DOGE) 鯨魚紛紛效法?

The Kelexo (KLXO) token is a protocol many traders buy into. In the last 48 hours, the protocol has gained an increase in capital funding. An anonymous X user tweeted that Donald Trump could have bought into the crypto lending platform presale. 

Kelexo (KLXO) 代幣是許多交易者購買的協議。在過去 48 小時內,該協議獲得了更多的資金資助。一位匿名 X 用戶在推特上表示,唐納德·川普本可以參與加密借貸平台的預售。

While we cannot confirm this, it is no news that Donald Trump’s new stance on cryptocurrency has brought cash into the crypto space. Amidst those buying into the Kelexo (KLXO) protocol are Bitcoin (BTC) and Dogecoin (DOGE) whale investors.

雖然我們無法證實這一點,但唐納德·川普對加密貨幣的新立場已將現金帶入加密貨幣領域,這已經不是什麼新聞了。購買 Kelexo (KLXO) 協議的人中有比特幣 (BTC) 和狗狗幣 (DOGE) 的鯨魚投資者。

Rumor has it that they are doing this because a crypto analyst has tagged the Kelexo (KLXO) token as the blue chip crypto of 2024. 

有傳言稱,他們這樣做是因為一位加密貨幣分析師將 Kelexo (KLXO) 代幣標記為 2024 年的藍籌加密貨幣。

Is Dogecoin (DOGE) worth buying in 2024? 

2024 年狗狗幣 (DOGE) 值得買嗎?

Dogecoin (DOGE) is now selling for $0.086 per token. As a meme token with the full support of Elon Musk, Dogecoin (DOGE) is a favorite in the market. A market analyst has criticized Dogecoin (DOGE) for its lack of functionality in the grand scheme of the market and for charging its holders for fake market activity. 

狗狗幣 (DOGE) 現售價為每枚 0.086 美元。作為伊隆馬斯克全力支持的迷因代幣,狗狗幣(DOGE)備受市場青睞。一位市場分析師批評狗狗幣(DOGE)在市場的宏偉計劃中缺乏功能,並且向其持有者收取虛假市場活動的費用。

As of writing, Dogecoin (DOGE) now has a total market cap of $12B and trades about $283M worth of tokens daily. Since Dogecoin (DOGE) is a meme token, its holders buying into Kelexo (KLXO) is a good strategy.

截至撰寫本文時,狗狗幣 (DOGE) 目前總市值為 12B 美元,每天交易的代幣價值約為 2.83 億美元。由於狗狗幣(DOGE)是一種迷因代幣,因此持有者購買 Kelexo(KLXO)是一個很好的策略。

Is Bitcoin (BTC) market hegemony ever going to end? 


Some traders consider the Bitcoin (BTC) dominance in the crypto market uncanny. Since its launch, Bitcoin (BTC) has held hegemony over the market. As of writing, Bitcoin’s (BTC) total market capital is $1T, with the next token Ethereum (ETH) at $323B. 

一些交易員認為比特幣(BTC)在加密市場的主導地位令人難以置信。自推出以來,比特幣(BTC)一直佔據著市場霸主地位。截至撰寫本文時,比特幣 (BTC) 的總市值為 $1T,下一個代幣以太幣 (ETH) 為 $323B。

With just 19.6M tokens in circulation, Bitcoin (BTC) is highly sought-after. Now trading above the $50K market, early Bitcoin (BTC) investors are the happiest. As all intelligent investors know, investing in Bitcoin (BTC) at presale was the way to go and the story is similar to Kelexo (KLXO). 

比特幣 (BTC) 的流通量僅為 1,960 萬枚,因此備受追捧。現在交易價格高於 5 萬美元的市場,早期的比特幣 (BTC) 投資者是最高興的。所有聰明的投資者都知道,在預售時投資比特幣(BTC)是正確的選擇,這個故事與 Kelexo (KLXO)類似。

Kelexo (KLXO) to be the blue chip of 2024

Kelexo (KLXO) 將成為 2024 年的藍籌股

The Kelexo (KLXO) token could be the blue chip token of 2024. Early into its presale, a whale investor put 20 Ethereum (ETH) tokens up for loan on the Kelexo (KLXO) platform. In recent days, we have also seen a French hedge fund pour capital into Kelexo (KLXO). With all of this market activity around the platform, its numbers are growing impressively. 

Kelexo (KLXO) 代幣可能會成為 2024 年的藍籌代幣。在預售初期,一位鯨魚投資者在 Kelexo (KLXO) 平台上放貸了 20 個以太幣 (ETH) 代幣。最近幾天,我們也看到一家法國對沖基金向Kelexo(KLXO)注資。隨著圍繞該平台的所有這些市場活動,其數量正在顯著增長。

Kelexo (KLXO) has announced that its user sign-up has increased by over 5,000. Also, its investors keep piling up daily. As of writing, the Kelexo (KLXO) token is selling for just $0.028. 

Kelexo (KLXO) 宣布其用戶註冊數量已增加 5,000 多名。此外,其投資者每天都在增加。截至撰寫本文時,Kelexo (KLXO) 代幣售價僅為 0.028 美元。

With a total supply of 440 million, Kelexo (KLXO) is looking to keep its token scarce, thereby drawing up value for its early investors. Investors are kept safe by the liquidity lock for life and the team token lock for a 1,000-day check put in place. With this, users and investors know the token is not a scam.

Kelexo (KLXO) 的總供應量為 4.4 億,希望保持其代幣的稀缺性,從而為其早期投資者創造價值。終身流動性鎖定和 1,000 天支票的團隊代幣鎖定確保了投資者的安全。這樣,用戶和投資者就知道該代幣不是騙局。

Find out more about the Kelexo (KLXO) presale by visiting the website here.

請造訪此處的網站,以了解有關 Kelexo (KLXO) 預售的更多資訊。

The post Did Donald Trump invest in Kelexo (KLXO) presale and why has more Bitcoin (BTC) & Dogecoin (DOGE) whales followed suit? appeared first on Latest News and Insights on Blockchain, Cryptocurrency, and Investing.

唐納德·川普是否投資了 Kelexo (KLXO) 預售?為什麼更多的比特幣 (BTC) 和狗狗幣 (DOGE) 鯨魚紛紛效仿?首先出現在區塊鏈、加密貨幣和投資的最新新聞和見解上。


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