首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 美國證券交易委員會 (SEC) 放棄對以太坊的調查; 1 美元以下的 5 種頂級山寨幣可能會受益並大幅上漲

The SEC Drops Ethereum Investigation; the 5 Top Altcoins Under $1 Which Could Benefit and Surge Tremendously

美國證券交易委員會 (SEC) 放棄對以太坊的調查; 1 美元以下的 5 種頂級山寨幣可能會受益並大幅上漲

發布: 2024/06/26 17:03 閱讀: 574



美國證券交易委員會 (SEC) 放棄對以太坊的調查; 1 美元以下的 5 種頂級山寨幣可能會受益並大幅上漲

SEC Drops Ethereum Investigation: Altcoins Poised for Surge

美國證券交易委員會 (SEC) 放棄以太坊調查:山寨幣蓄勢待發

In a significant development, the SEC has discontinued its case alleging Ethereum (ETH) as a security. This has sent ripples through the crypto market, prompting speculation on which altcoins could potentially benefit.

一個重大進展是,美國證券交易委員會 (SEC) 終止了指控以太坊 (ETH) 作為證券的案件。這在加密市場引發了連鎖反應,引發了人們對哪些山寨幣可能受益的猜測。

Top Altcoins Under $1 with High Growth Potential:

1 美元以下具有高成長潛力的頂級山寨幣:

  1. Angry Pepe Fork (APORK): A presale sensation that has garnered over $160,000 and is projected to reach $500K before June 2024. Its unique "Conquer To Earn" mechanism enables traders to earn APORK tokens by conquering "zombie" meme-based projects, offering utility and earning potential beyond hype.
  2. Ripple (XRP): A top 10 altcoin that has shown bullish signs recently. Analyst Blockchain Babe observed a reversal in the descending triangle pattern, suggesting a potential surge to $0.55. Technical indicators support this outlook, with over three indicators displaying buy signals.
  3. Cardano (ADA): Another promising altcoin that has gained over 35% in the past year. Analyst David Gokhshtein expressed bullish sentiment, while technical analysis indicates strong buying pressure, with over seven indicators in the buy zone.
  4. Tron (TRX): A milestone-achieving altcoin that has witnessed a 24-hour trading volume of USDT reaching $53B, surpassing Visa's average daily volume. This development, coupled with technical indicators in the buy zone, suggests a potential rally, with analysts predicting a value of $0.15 before Q2 2024.
  5. Polygon (MATIC): While facing challenges, analysts such as World of Charts remain optimistic about MATIC's potential in the upcoming altcoin season. Technical analysis supports this view, with MATIC trading above its 200-day EMA and several indicators in the green.

Outlook and Considerations:

Angry Pepe Fork (APORK):預售引起轟動,已獲得超過160,000 美元,預計在2024 年6 月之前將達到50 萬美元。迷因的項目來賺取APORK 代幣,提供超越炒作的實用性和盈利潛力。分析師 Blockchain Babe 觀察到下降三角形模式出現逆轉,表明價格可能飆升至 0.55 美元。技術指標支持這一前景,超過三個指標顯示買入訊號。分析師 David Gokhshtein 表達了看漲情緒,而技術分析顯示買盤壓力強勁,超過 7 個指標處於買入區域。 Visa 的平均每日成交量。這種發展,加上買入區的技術指標,表明潛在的反彈,分析師預測2024 年第二季度之前價值為0.15 美元。 MATIC 在該領域的潛力持樂觀態度。技術分析支持了這一觀點,MATIC 交易高於 200 日均線且多個指標呈綠色。

With the SEC's withdrawal of the Ethereum case, altcoins like APORK, XRP, ADA, TRX, and MATIC may benefit in the long run. However, it is important to note that APORK stands out with its lower market cap and connection to the lucrative meme industry. Its fixed token supply of 1.9B, similar to Bitcoin's, enhances its growth potential.

隨著 SEC 撤回以太坊案件,從長遠來看,APORK、XRP、ADA、TRX 和 MATIC 等山寨幣可能會受益。然而,值得注意的是,APORK 因其較低的市值以及與利潤豐厚的表情包行業的聯繫而脫穎而出。其固定代幣供應量為 1.9B,與比特幣類似,增強了其成長潛力。

For those interested in acquiring APORK, the presale link is provided below:

對於有興趣購買 APORK 的人,預售連結如下:

Visit Angry Pepe Fork Presale

造訪 Angry Pepe Fork 預售


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