首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 2024 年美國大選:川普和黑莉的加密貨幣政策成為焦點,前總統在共和黨競選中領先

US Elections 2024: Trump and Haley’s Crypto Policies in Focus as Former Leads GOP Race

2024 年美國大選:川普和黑莉的加密貨幣政策成為焦點,前總統在共和黨競選中領先

發布: 2024/01/23 08:35 閱讀: 570

原文作者:Coingape News Media


As the New Hampshire primary approaches, Donald Trump and Nikki Haley are intensifying their campaign efforts after Ron DeSantis’s exit from the presidential race before the start of this week.


Recent polls display a clear lead for Trump in the Republican race. NBC News, the Boston Globe, and Suffolk University’s Sunday poll show Trump with a significant advantage. He holds 55% support compared to Haley’s 36%.

最近的民調顯示川普在共和黨競選中明顯領先。 NBC 新聞、波士頓環球報和薩福克大學週日的民調顯示,川普擁有顯著優勢。他擁有 55% 的支持率,而黑利的支持率為 36%。

On Monday, a Washington Post-Monmouth University poll reported that 52% of potential primary voters favor Trump, while Haley garners 34% support.

週一,華盛頓郵報-蒙茅斯大學的一項民調顯示,52% 的潛在初選選民支持川普,而黑莉則獲得 34% 的支持。

Trump’s NFTs had record gains

川普的 NFT 漲幅創歷史新高

What is worth noting is Trump’s active engagement in the digital asset market. He ventured into Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs), with his latest debut set to launch on Bitcoin Ordinals. Reports from December reveal Trump’s NFT royalties amassed over $4 million. Arkham research noted that Trump began converting his Ethereum holdings to cash, selling approximately 1,075 ETH for $2.4 million after a period of accumulation.

值得注意的是川普對數位資產市場的積極參與。他涉足非同質代幣 (NFT),其最新的首次亮相將在比特幣 Ordinals 上推出。 12 月的報告顯示,川普的 NFT 版稅已超過 400 萬美元。 Arkham 研究指出,川普開始將其持有的以太坊轉換為現金,經過一段時間的累積後,以 240 萬美元的價格出售了約 1,075 枚 ETH。

In terms of policy, Trump has opposed the creation of a U.S. central bank digital currency (CBDC), aligning with several Republicans who view Biden’s proposed Fed digital dollar as a surveillance tool. This stance is reflected in DoTheySupportIt’s ‘B Supportive’ grade, indicating a positive but not fully committed stance towards cryptocurrency.

在政策方面,川普反對創建美國央行數位貨幣(CBDC),與幾位將拜登提議的聯準會數位美元視為監視工具的共和黨人保持一致。這一立場反映在 Do TheySupportIt 的「B 支援」等級中,表明對加密貨幣持積極但尚未完全承諾的立場。

On the other side, Nikki Haley’s position on cryptocurrency remains largely unclear.

另一方面,妮基·黑利 (Nikki Haley) 對加密貨幣的立場在很大程度上仍不清楚。

Haley’s stance is unclear


Haley’s silence on crypto makes it hard to gauge her stance. There is an absence of a clear position on cryptocurrency, making it challenging to predict her impact on the crypto sector.


As for the general election outlook, Dogecoin co-founder Billy Markus commented on the current political scenario, hinting at potential challenges for the Democratic Party.


He stated, “If the current polling is correct biden is gonna get completely wrecked and if the democrats want to win they need to pick someone else…if they don’t win they did it to themselves”




The presidential race is heating up, and cryptocurrency policies are becoming a point of discussion. Therefore, the candidates’ stances could play a big role in shaping the future of digital currencies in the U.S.


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Shraddha's professional journey spans over five years, during which she worked as a financial journalist, covering business, markets, and cryptocurrencies. As a reporter, she has placed particular emphasis to learn about the market interaction with emerging technologies.

Shraddha 的職業生涯長達五年多,期間她擔任財經記者,報道商業、市場和加密貨幣。身為記者,她特別注重了解市場與新興科技的互動。

The presented content may include the personal opinion of the author and is subject to market condition. Do your market research before investing in cryptocurrencies. The author or the publication does not hold any responsibility for your personal financial loss.



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