首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 伊隆馬斯克 (Elon Musk) 週末在 YouTube 上透過深度造假欺騙了加密貨幣用戶

Elon Musk deep fakes scammed crypto users on YouTube over the weekend

伊隆馬斯克 (Elon Musk) 週末在 YouTube 上透過深度造假欺騙了加密貨幣用戶

發布: 2024/06/25 01:09 閱讀: 597



伊隆馬斯克 (Elon Musk) 週末在 YouTube 上透過深度造假欺騙了加密貨幣用戶

Deleted Livestream Promoted Crypto Scam


On June 23, 2024, a now-deleted livestream featuring Elon Musk's likeness aired on YouTube, directing viewers to a fraudulent website and soliciting Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Dogecoin deposits.

2024 年6 月23 日,YouTube 上播出了一段以埃隆·馬斯克(Elon Musk) 為主角的直播,現已刪除,該直播將觀眾引導至欺詐網站並招攬比特幣、以太坊和狗狗幣存款。

The stream, which garnered over 30,000 viewers, employed semi-pixelated videos of Elon Musk and an AI-generated voice promising to "automatically return double the amount of cryptocurrency you deposited." The "elontestastream" account was verified as Tesla but has since been removed by Google.

該直播吸引了超過 30,000 名觀眾,使用了馬斯克的半像素化影片和人工智慧生成的聲音,承諾「自動返還您存入的加密貨幣金額的兩倍」。 「elontestastream」帳戶已被驗證為特斯拉,但已被Google刪除。

Elon Musk Scams


This incident joins a pattern of crypto scams using deepfakes of Musk's image and voice. In April 2024, fraudulent "Space X giveaway" scams appeared on YouTube during the solar eclipse. In May, the Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission warned of a fake crypto exchange employing Musk's AI-generated videos.

這起事件加入了利用馬斯克圖像和聲音的深度偽造的加密貨幣詐騙模式。 2024 年 4 月,日食期間 YouTube 上出現了欺詐性的「Space X 贈品」騙局。今年 5 月,香港證券及期貨事務監察委員會警告稱,存在利用馬斯克人工智慧產生影片的虛假加密貨幣交易所。

According to an Elliptic report, AI has become a tool for crypto scammers, posing threats to the credibility of both AI and the crypto industry.

根據 Elliptic 的報告,人工智慧已成為加密貨幣詐騙者的工具,對人工智慧和加密貨幣產業的可信度構成威脅。


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