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Elon Musk X’s Docs Reveals Venmo-Like Payments, Is Dogecoin In Spotlight?

Elon Musk X 的文檔揭示了類似 Venmo 的支付方式,狗狗幣是否受到關注?

發布: 2024/06/18 21:40 閱讀: 322



Elon Musk X 的文檔揭示了類似 Venmo 的支付方式,狗狗幣是否受到關注?

Billionaire Elon Musk Unveils X Expansion with Comprehensive Features

億萬富翁埃隆馬斯克推出具有全面功能的 X 擴展

Billionaire Elon Musk has unveiled plans to expand X into an "everything app" by incorporating a wide range of features, including audio and video calling, news, payments, dating, job search, and more.

億萬富翁 Elon Musk 公佈了計劃,透過整合音訊和視訊通話、新聞、付款、約會、求職等多種功能,將 X 擴展為「一切應用程式」。

X Payments on the Horizon

X 支付即將到來

Linda Yaccarino, CEO of X, confirmed that work on payments through X Payments LLC is underway, marking a significant milestone for the company. Documents obtained by Bloomberg indicate that X has submitted applications for money transmitter licenses in several states, revealing Venmo-like payment features within the social media platform.

X 執行長 Linda Yaccarino 確認,透過 X Payments LLC 進行支付的工作正在進行中,這標誌著該公司的一個重要里程碑。彭博社獲得的文件顯示,X 已在多個州提交了貨幣傳輸許可證申請,揭示了社交媒體平台內類似 Venmo 的支付功能。

Venmo-Similar Payments on X

X 上的 Venmo 類似支付

The Venmo-like feature will enable users to store funds in their X accounts, transfer money to other users or businesses, and make purchases at physical stores. Musk previously announced that the payments feature is expected to launch in mid-2024, although specific launch dates remain uncertain.

類似 Venmo 的功能將使用戶能夠將資金儲存在他們的 X 帳戶中、向其他用戶或企業轉帳以及在實體店購物。馬斯克先前宣布,該支付功能預計將於 2024 年中期推出,但具體推出日期仍不確定。

Revenue Strategy for Payments


X has disclosed that it does not intend to impose upfront fees for its payment services. Instead, the company aims to generate revenue through increased user participation and engagement, as well as merchant fees and banking services.

X 透露,它不打算對其支付服務收取預付費用。相反,該公司的目標是透過增加用戶參與度和參與度以及商家費用和銀行服務來產生收入。

X Payments' Money Transmitter Licenses

X Payments 的匯款許可證

To date, X Payments has acquired money transmitter licenses in 28 US states. The most recent license was granted in Kentucky on May 10, 2023.

迄今為止,X Payments 已獲得美國 28 個州的匯款許可。最近的許可證於 2023 年 5 月 10 日在肯塔基州頒發。

Dogecoin and X Payments

狗狗幣和 X 支付

While X has stated that it has no current plans to integrate cryptocurrency into its payment network, Dogecoin remains relevant due to Musk's past hints at potential integration once regulatory clarity improves. Dogecoin's price has recently experienced a decline of 11% over the past 24 hours, trading at $0.1192. This decline is attributed to several factors, including the recent loss of Kabosu, the Shiba Inu dog associated with the Dogecoin meme.

雖然 X 表示目前沒有計劃將加密貨幣整合到其支付網路中,但狗狗幣仍然具有重要意義,因為馬斯克過去曾暗示,一旦監管清晰度提高,可能會整合。狗狗幣的價格最近在過去 24 小時內下跌了 11%,交易價格為 0.1192 美元。這種下降歸因於多種因素,包括最近與狗狗幣模因相關的柴犬 Kabosu 的消失。


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