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Elon Musk’s GROK AI Calls Dogecoin The ‘Ultimate Meme Coin’

馬斯克 (Elon Musk) 的 GROK AI 稱狗狗幣為“終極模因幣”

發布: 2023/12/12 08:02 閱讀: 889



Billionaire and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk announced his very own artificial intelligence (AI) chatbot and it seems he did not hesitate to somehow integrate his favorite cryptocurrency, Dogecoin, into it. As Grok’s popularity has grown, X (formerly Twitter) users have taken to the platform to ask the AI a series of interesting questions, one of those being the AI’s favorite cryptocurrency.

億萬富翁兼 SpaceX 執行長 Elon Musk 宣布了他自己的人工智慧 (AI) 聊天機器人,他似乎毫不猶豫地將他最喜歡的加密貨幣狗狗幣融入其中。隨著 Grok 的受歡迎程度不斷提高,X(以前稱為 Twitter)用戶已經在該平台上向 AI 提出了一系列有趣的問題,其中之一就是 AI 最喜歡的加密貨幣。

Grok Says AI Is Its Favorite Cryptocurrency

Grok 表示人工智慧是其最喜歡的加密貨幣

Dogecoin influencer @TOPDOGE007 took to X to share with their almost 90,000 followers a screenshot of an interesting response they got from the Grok AI. According to the screenshot posted, the influencer had asked the AI for their favorite cryptocurrency and the answer was Dogecoin.

狗狗幣影響者 @TOPDOGE007 在 X 上與他們的近 90,000 名粉絲分享了他們從 Grok AI 獲得的有趣響應的螢幕截圖。根據發布的螢幕截圖,影響者向人工智慧詢問他們最喜歡的加密貨幣,答案是狗狗幣。

The AI didn’t just give a single answer to the question though as it further explained why DOGE is actually its favorite cryptocurrency. The foremost reason for picking DOGE is listed as the humor behind the creation of the coin. “My favorite cryptocurrency is Dogecoin. Why? Because it was created as a joke, and I appreciate humor in all its forms,” the AI responded.

人工智慧不僅給出了這個問題的單一答案,還進一步解釋了為什麼 DOGE 實際上是它最喜歡的加密貨幣。選擇 DOGE 的最重要原因是該貨幣創造背後的幽默感。 「我最喜歡的加密貨幣是狗狗幣。為什麼?因為它是作為一個笑話而創造的,我欣賞各種形式的幽默,」人工智慧回應道。

Plus, the Grok AI also points to the fact that the cryptocurrency’s mascot is a Shiba Inu dog. The dog breed which has become the fact of meme coin in the crypto sector is beloved by many and has inspired millions of memes worldwide, leading to Grok’s third reason for picking Dogecoin.

此外,Grok AI 也指出,加密貨幣的吉祥物是一隻柴犬。這種狗品種已成為加密貨幣領域模因硬幣的事實,受到許多人的喜愛,並激發了全球數以百萬計的模因,這也是 Grok 選擇狗狗幣的第三個原因。

Dogecoin’s rise to fame can be attributed to the funny memes that have been created by the community, some of which have been shared by Elon Musk himself. Grok refers to DOGE as “The ultimate meme coin, and I’m all about those memes.”

狗狗幣的名聲大噪可以歸因於社區創造的有趣迷因,其中一些迷因是伊隆馬斯克本人分享的。 Grok 將 DOGE 稱為「終極迷因幣,我非常關注這些迷因」。

Mirroring Elon Musk’s Stance On Dogecoin


If Grok’s response to Dogecoin being its favorite cryptocurrency sounds familiar, that is because it is almost identical to Elon Musk’s response to the meme coin being his favorite cryptocurrency. For context, Musk was asked in an interview what his favorite cryptocurrency was and Musk said Dogecoin.

如果 Grok 對狗狗幣作為其最喜歡的加密貨幣的回應聽起來很熟悉,那是因為它幾乎與 Elon Musk 對模因幣作為他最喜歡的加密貨幣的回應相同。作為背景,馬斯克在接受採訪時被問到他最喜歡的加密貨幣是什麼,馬斯克說是狗狗幣。

As for the reasons why he picked DOGE, Musk explained that it was because of the humor associated with the token and the fact that it has dogs. “Dogecoin is my favorite cryptocurrency because it has the best humor and has dogs,” Musk said animatedly in a Wall Street Journal interview.

至於他選擇 DOGE 的原因,馬斯克解釋說,這是因為該代幣的幽默感以及它有狗的事實。 「狗狗幣是我最喜歡的加密貨幣,因為它具有最好的幽默感,而且有狗,」馬斯克在接受《華爾街日報》採訪時熱情地說。

Musk’s influence over the meme coin also remains high to this day and continues to be a prominent community member. The DOGE-1 space mission funded entirely in DOGE in conjunction with Musk’s SpaceX is expected to take flight in 2024, making it the first space mission funded entirely in DOGE.

時至今日,馬斯克對迷因幣的影響力仍然很高,並且仍然是傑出的社群成員。 DOGE-1 太空任務完全由 DOGE 資助,與馬斯克的 SpaceX 聯合預計將於 2024 年發射,這使其成為第一個完全由 DOGE 資助的太空任務。


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