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Elon Musk’s Hidden Influence on Dogecoin Unearthed


發布: 2023/09/03 02:00 閱讀: 363



Musk’s Undisclosed Relationship with Dogecoin

An upcoming biography about Elon Musk is anticipated to uncover the tech magnate’s behind-the-scenes involvement in funding the development of the internet-famous cryptocurrency, Dogecoin.

Musk’s Digital Footprints and DOGE

Reports from the Wall Street Journal shed light on the business tycoon’s aspirations to debut a blockchain-based social media platform. This ambitious venture would integrate payment utilities that leverage Dogecoin as the chosen currency.

For years, digital communities have been buzzing with theories about Musk’s significant involvement with Dogecoin. He’s been significantly influential, with even minor mentions and nods to the coin causing seismic shifts in its valuation. His presence on social media has earned him the playful moniker, “Doge Father.”

Earlier in the year, a singular tweet from Musk sent shockwaves through the Dogecoin community. An appearance alongside Rupert Murdoch during the NFL Super Bowl LVII game spurred immense curiosity. When questioned about their topic of conversation, Musk cheekily revealed they were discussing Dogecoin. Following this revelation, the cryptocurrency’s value surged by over 5%, reaching $0.08399, with Musk conspicuously donning a Dogecoin-themed T-shirt during the event.

Twitter, Dogecoin, and Musk’s Imprint

After Musk’s high-profile acquisition of Twitter, which he secured for a whopping $44 billion, the platform experienced a temporary aesthetic overhaul. Musk audaciously replaced Twitter’s iconic avian emblem with the Dogecoin insignia. This change, albeit brief, escalated Dogecoin’s value by an astounding 16%. This audacious gesture fanned flames of speculation regarding the introduction of Dogecoin transactions on the revamped Twitter, now known as “X“.

Musk: The Lifeline of Dogecoin?

The crypto community largely agrees on Musk’s pivotal role in maintaining Dogecoin’s relevance. Binance’s Chief Executive, Changpeng ‘CZ’ Zhao, expressed astonishment that Dogecoin has withstood the test of time. He opined that Musk’s silent patronage might be the wind beneath Dogecoin’s wings.

Recent controversies saw Musk embroiled in a lawsuit concerning the meme-inspired cryptocurrency. Allegations of insider trading and potential market manipulation pertaining to Dogecoin surfaced, although the consensus remains that these claims might be tenuous at best.

As Musk’s biography gears up for its release, it’s clear that the cryptocurrency domain is bracing for more revelations about Musk’s deep-rooted association with Dogecoin.

馬斯克與狗狗幣的未公開關係即將出版的關於埃隆·馬斯克的傳記預計將揭露這位科技巨頭在資助互聯網著名的加密貨幣狗狗幣的開發過程中的幕後參與。馬斯克​​的數字足跡和《華爾街日報》的DOGE 報導揭示了這一情況。商業大亨渴望推出基於區塊鏈的社交媒體平台。這個雄心勃勃的計畫將整合利用狗狗幣作為選定貨幣的支付工具。 多年來,數位社群一直在熱議有關馬斯克大力參與狗狗幣的理論。他的影響力非常大,即使是對代幣的輕微提及和認可也會導致其估值發生巨大變化。他在社交媒體上的出現為他贏得了一個有趣的綽號“狗狗之父”。今年早些時候,馬斯克的一條推文在狗狗幣社區引起了震動。在 NFL 超級盃第五十七屆比賽中與魯珀特默多克一起亮相激發了人們極大的好奇心。當被問及他們的談話主題時,馬斯克厚顏無恥地透露他們正在討論狗狗幣。這一消息曝光後,加密貨幣的價值飆升了5% 以上,達到0.08399 美元,馬斯克在活動期間引人注目地穿上了一件狗狗幣主題的T 卹。T 卹、狗狗幣和馬斯克的印記在馬斯克高調收購Twitter 後,他為Twitter 買下了這筆交易。該平台價值高達 440 億美元,經歷了暫時的美學改造。馬斯克大膽地用狗狗幣徽章取代了 Twitter 標誌性的鳥類徽章。這項變化雖然短暫,但卻使狗狗幣的價值驚人地上漲了 16%。這一大膽的舉動激起了人們對在改版後的Twitter(現在稱為“X”)上引入狗狗幣交易的猜測。馬斯克:狗狗幣的生命線?加密貨幣社區基本上同意馬斯克在維持狗狗幣相關性方面發揮的關鍵作用。幣安執行長趙長鵬對狗狗幣經歷了時間的考驗表示驚訝。他認為,馬斯克的默默支持可能是狗狗幣羽翼下的風。最近的爭議讓馬斯克捲入了一場有關這種受迷因啟發的加密貨幣的訴訟。有關狗狗幣的內幕交易和潛在市場操縱的指控浮出水面,儘管人們一致認為這些指控充其量可能是站不住腳的。隨著馬斯克的傳記即將發布,很明顯,加密貨幣領域正在準備迎接更多有關馬斯克深層的揭露。與狗狗幣有根深蒂固的聯繫。


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