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Elon Musk and Sam Altman: Crypto Fans Can’t Pick Sides


發布: 2024/03/03 06:06 閱讀: 262



The crypto community has opted not to pick sides in the ongoing lawsuit involving Elon Musk and OpenAI. Elon Musk, the well-known owner of the X app, surprised many in the tech world by suing OpenAI and Sam Altman.

加密貨幣社群選擇在涉及伊隆馬斯克和 OpenAI 的持續訴訟中不選邊站。 X 應用程式的知名所有者 Elon Musk 起訴 OpenAI 和薩姆·奧爾特曼 (Sam Altman),令科技界的許多人感到驚訝。

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Cryptos Headlines 代幣空投已上線,在 CryptosHeadlinesToken.com 上免費領取價值 50 美元的即時 5000 個 CHT 代幣

Both Musk and Altman play significant roles in the crypto ecosystem, making it difficult for supporters of Web3 to decide whose side to take. To complicate matters further, an old post resurfaced from Sam Altman, potentially altering the way people view the situation.

馬斯克和 Altman 在加密生態系統中都扮演著重要角色,這使得 Web3 的支持者很難決定站在哪一邊。讓事情變得更加複雜的是,山姆·奧爾特曼(Sam Altman)的一篇舊帖子重新出現,可能會改變人們看待情況的方式。

Lawsuit Dynamics: Musk vs. Altman

The lawsuit filed by Elon Musk against OpenAI and Sam Altman centers on allegations of betrayal of OpenAI’s founding principles. Musk claims that Altman has steered the organization away from its original nonprofit status to focus on maximizing profits.

訴訟動態:馬斯克與 Altman Elon Musk 對 OpenAI 和 Sam Altman 提起的訴訟主要指控其背叛 OpenAI 的創始原則。馬斯克聲稱,奧特曼已經讓該組織擺脫了最初的非營利地位,轉而專注於利潤最大化。

Part of Musk’s allegations includes accusations that Altman is working to benefit Microsoft, which allegedly holds a significant position on OpenAI’s board. Altman has not directly addressed these claims but referenced a 2019 post where he criticized Elon Musk’s critics.

馬斯克的部分指控包括指控奧特曼正在努力讓微軟受益,據稱微軟在 OpenAI 董事會中佔有重要地位。奧特曼沒有直接回應這些說法,但引用了 2019 年他批評伊隆馬斯克批評者的貼文。

In the post, Altman defended Musk and stated that shorting Tesla was a mistake, emphasizing that the best product would ultimately prevail. Musk responded by thanking Altman for his support. This unexpected turn of events has left members of the crypto community questioning loyalties.


Daniel Keller, founder of Flux Blockchain, joined the conversation, questioning Altman if the potential consequences were worth the actions taken.

Flux Blockchain 創辦人 Daniel Keller 加入了對話,質疑 Altman 所採取的行動是否值得潛在後果。

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Cryptos Headlines 代幣空投已上線,在 CryptosHeadlinesToken.com 上免費領取價值 50 美元的即時 5000 個 CHT 代幣

As the lawsuit unfolds, it’s unclear how it will conclude. However, amidst the ongoing developments, many market participants have opted to remain neutral for the time being.


Also Read: MicroStrategy Account Hacked: $440K Crypto Stolen

另請閱讀:MicroStrategy 帳戶被駭:44 萬美元加密貨幣被盜

The recent legal dispute between Elon Musk and OpenAI has raised concerns about its impact on AI-based tokens. Initially, the lawsuit announcement caused a 5% dip in the price of Worldcoin (WLD). However, the token has since recovered, now showing a minor decline of only 0.05% over the past 24 hours, trading at $7.71.

AI 代幣應對法律動盪:市場反應 Elon Musk 與 OpenAI 之間最近的法律糾紛引發了人們對其對基於 AI 的代幣影響的擔憂。最初,訴訟公告導致 Worldcoin (WLD) 的價格下跌 5%。然而,該代幣此後已恢復,目前在過去 24 小時內僅小幅下跌 0.05%,交易價格為 7.71 美元。

Amidst the legal uncertainty, other AI protocols such as Fetch.ai (FET) and SingularityNET (AGIX) have demonstrated relative stability. FET has seen a modest increase of 1.1%, trading at $1.63, while AGIX is up by 2.46%, reaching $0.8707 in the last 24 hours. These marginal fluctuations suggest that the market is maintaining a neutral stance in response to the ongoing lawsuit.

在法律不確定性的情況下,Fetch.ai (FET) 和 SingularityNET (AGIX) 等其他人工智慧協定已表現出相對穩定性。 FET 小幅上漲 1.1%,交易價格為 1.63 美元,而 AGIX 上漲 2.46%,在過去 24 小時內達到 0.8707 美元。這些邊際波動表明市場對正在進行的訴訟保持中立立場。

Important: Please note that this article is only meant to provide information and should not be taken as legal, tax, investment, financial, or any other type of advice.



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