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Elon Musk’s Unwavering Stance on Freedom of Speech Amid Social Media Tensions


發布: 2023/11/30 18:02 閱讀: 228



In the ever-evolving environment of social media, Dogecoin enthusiast Elon Musk finds himself at the heart of a heated discussion regarding freedom of expression along with a social media platform X. As advertisers withdraw from the platform due to concerns over antisemitic content, X CEO Linda Yaccarino expressed her support for Musk, stating that the platform grants users freedom of expression.

在不斷發展的社交媒體環境中,狗狗幣愛好者馬斯克發現自己與社交媒體平台X 一起陷入了有關言論自由的激烈討論的中心。隨著廣告商因擔心反猶太主義內容而退出該平台,X 執行長琳達·亞卡里諾(Linda Yaccarino)表達了對馬斯克的支持,表示該平台賦予用戶言論自由。

Elon Musk’s Attitude as a Dogecoin Enthusiast


Amidst an exodus of advertisers triggered by Elon Musk’s candid response containing negative remarks, X CEO Linda Yaccarino supported Musk and the platform’s unwavering commitment to freedom of expression. Musk provided a clear perspective on the platform’s stance in response to concerns over antisemitic content, emphasizing the importance of freedom of expression.

在馬斯克(Elon Musk)包含負面言論的坦誠回應引發廣告商大批撤離之際,X首席執行官琳達·亞卡里諾(Linda Yaccarino)支持馬斯克以及該平台對言論自由的堅定承諾。馬斯克對該平台針對反猶太主義內容的擔憂的立場提供了清晰的看法,強調了言論自由的重要性。

Yaccarino notes that X enables an independence of information that may be uncomfortable for some. Highlighting X as a platform that allows people to make their own decisions, Yaccarino emphasizes that freedom of expression is very important to them. At this point, Yaccarino also expresses gratitude to partners and advertisers who align with X’s commitment to meaningful work.

Yaccarino 指出,X 實現了資訊的獨立性,這可能會讓某些人感到不舒服。 Yaccarino 強調 X 作為一個允許人們做出自己決定的平台,並強調表達自由對他們來說非常重要。在此,Yaccarino 也對支持 X 致力於有意義的工作的合作夥伴和廣告商表示感謝。

Elon Musk Against Advertisers


Elon Musk doesn’t mince words when responding to advertisers trying to exert financial pressure. During an interview at The New York Times’s DealBook Summit, Musk called out Disney CEO Bob Iger, underlining the ongoing conflict and influence attempts between tech bosses and advertisers.

伊隆馬斯克在回應廣告商試圖施加財務壓力時並不拐彎抹角。在《紐約時報》DealBook 峰會上接受採訪時,馬斯克點名了迪士尼首席執行長鮑勃艾格 (Bob Iger),強調了科技巨頭和廣告商之間持續存在的衝突和影響力嘗試。

Within the crypto community, Elon Musk particularly garners support from the Dogecoin community. Dogecoin’s founder, Shibetoshi Nakamoto, expressed his disdain for the “oppressor and oppressed” ideology perpetuated by certain organizations. Pro-XRP lawyer John Deaton praised Musk’s comments, earning the admiration of the XRP community.

在加密貨幣社群中,伊隆馬斯克尤其獲得了狗狗幣社群的支持。狗狗幣的創始人中本志貝表達了他對某些組織延續的「壓迫者和被壓迫者」意識形態的蔑視。支持XRP的律師John Deaton對馬斯克的言論表示讚賞,贏得了XRP社群的讚賞。


X finds itself in a complex situation, balancing the protection of freedom of expression amidst advertisers’ concerns. Nevertheless, the platform and Musk stand out with their firm stances. This conflict underscores the challenging balance between fostering open dialogue and addressing responsibilities related to content moderation.


In the unfolding drama between Elon Musk, X, and advertisers, both the technology and crypto communities are closely watching the battle for rights to freedom of expression. The outcome could shape the future trajectory of social media platforms as they grapple with the complexities of sustaining a vibrant community while addressing stakeholders’ concerns.

在馬斯克、X 和廣告商之間不斷上演的戲劇中,科技界和加密貨幣界都在密切關注言論自由權之爭。這一結果可能會塑造社交媒體平台的未來軌跡,因為它​​們需要努力解決維持充滿活力的社區的複雜性,同時解決利害關係人的擔憂。

  • Elon Musk defends freedom of expression.
  • 伊隆·馬斯克捍衛言論自由。

  • Platform X faces advertiser exodus.
  • X平檯面臨廣告商流失。

  • Social media’s future hangs in balance.
  • 社群媒體的未來懸而未決。

Continue Reading: https://en.coin-turk.com/elon-musks-unwavering-stance-on-freedom-of-speech-amid-social-media-tensions/



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