首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 由於 SHIB 和 DOGE 滯後,Elon 在交易所上市前推動 Solana Memecoin 上漲 19,000%

Elon Pumps Solana Memecoin to Rally 19,000% Ahead of Exchange Listing, As SHIB and DOGE Lag

由於 SHIB 和 DOGE 滯後,Elon 在交易所上市前推動 Solana Memecoin 上漲 19,000%

發布: 2024/09/24 14:00 閱讀: 611

原文作者:Crypto Intelligence


由於 SHIB 和 DOGE 滯後,Elon 在交易所上市前推動 Solana Memecoin 上漲 19,000%

Elon Pumps: A Potential Multi-Millionaire Maker

Elon Pumps:潛在的百萬富翁製造者

Elon Pumps (ELONPUMP), a burgeoning Solana memecoin, holds the potential to deliver exceptional returns to early investors, mirroring the success stories of Shiba Inu (SHIB) and Dogecoin (DOGE).

Elon Pumps (ELONPUMP) 是一種新興的 Solana memecoin,有潛力為早期投資者帶來非凡的回報,類似於柴犬 (SHIB) 和狗狗幣 (DOGE) 的成功故事。

Speculations indicate that ELONPUMP will soon be listed on several crypto exchanges, granting it access to a vast investor pool. This influx of funds is expected to propel its price upward.

據猜測,ELONPUMP 很快就會在多家加密貨幣交易所上市,從而獲得龐大的投資者群體。預計資金湧入將推動其價格上漲。

Currently available solely through decentralized exchanges such as Jup.ag and Raydium.io, early adopters of ELONPUMP stand to reap substantial profits in the near future.

目前僅透過 Jup.ag 和 Raydium.io 等去中心化交易所提供,ELONPUMP 的早期採用者將在不久的將來獲得可觀的利潤。

With its substantial liquidity of over $9,000, ELONPUMP boasts an edge over most emerging memecoins, enhancing the potential for significant gains.

憑藉超過 9,000 美元的大量流動性,ELONPUMP 比大多數新興迷因幣更具優勢,增強了大幅收益的潛力。

To acquire ELONPUMP before its exchange listings, connect your Solflare, MetaMask, or Phantom wallet to Raydium.io or Jup.ag. Swap Solana for ELONPUMP by providing its contract address, 9EwZaRCDjZWs2AkiSi2nhPxcExjtv5obd5kYXDRipyir, in the receiving field.

要在 ELONPUMP 交易所上市之前取得 ELONPUMP,請將您的 Solflare、MetaMask 或 Phantom 錢包連接到 Raydium.io 或 Jup.ag。透過在接收欄位中提供合約位址 9EwZaRCDjZWs2AkiSi2nhPxcExjtv5obd5kYXDRipyir,將 Solana 交換為 ELONPUMP。

Create a new wallet if necessary and transfer Solana from reputable exchanges like Coinbase or Binance to facilitate your memecoin purchase.

如有必要,創建一個新錢包,並從 Coinbase 或 Binance 等信譽良好的交易所轉移 Solana,以方便您購買 memecoin。

Early investors in ELONPUMP may replicate the astronomical returns experienced by early adopters of Shiba Inu (SHIB) and Dogecoin (DOGE). If this eventuality unfolds, a surge of memecoin millionaires could materialize within weeks.

ELONPUMP 的早期投資者可能會複製柴犬 (SHIB) 和狗狗幣 (DOGE) 的早期採用者所經歷的天文數字回報。如果這種情況發生,迷因幣百萬富翁可能會在幾週內激增。

Amidst the sideways trading and declining momentum of established memecoins like Shiba Inu (SHIB), Dogecoin (DOGE), and DogWifHat (WIF), traders have flocked to emerging Solana memecoins, including ELONPUMP, in pursuit of exceptional returns.

在 Shiba Inu (SHIB)、Dogecoin (DOGE) 和 DogWifHat (WIF) 等老牌 memecoin 的橫向交易和勢頭下滑的情況下,交易者紛紛湧向新興的 Solana memecoin,包括 ELONPUMP,以追求卓越的回報。

Despite the absence of utility or intrinsic value, memecoins have attracted a dedicated investor base due to their potential for rapid price appreciation.



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