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Emerging Crypto Contender: A Newcomer Poised to Rival Dogecoin and Shiba Inu


發布: 2023/12/30 17:34 閱讀: 317





  • Dogecoin (DOGE) could reach $0.1645 by the end of 2024, say experts.
  • 專家表示,到 2024 年底,狗狗幣 (DOGE) 可能會達到 0.1645 美元。

  • Shiba Inu (SHIB) predictions anticipate a 68% price surge for the meme coin in 2024.
  • Shiba Inu (SHIB) 預測,2024 年 Meme 幣的價格將飆升 68%。

  • A new crypto contender has challenged top altcoins with exciting gain prospects.
  • 一個新的加密貨幣競爭者以令人興奮的收益前景挑戰了頂級山寨幣。

Dogecoin (DOGE) co-founder slammed the SEC chair in a recent tweet. Meanwhile, Shiba Inu (SHIB) saw a price surge after its lead developer asserted that a 99.9% token burn is achievable. On the other hand, a new meme coin has positioned itself to rival DOGE and SHIB with 150% gain projections.

狗狗幣(DOGE)聯合創始人在最近的一條推文中猛烈抨擊了 SEC 主席。與此同時,在其主要開發商聲稱可以實現 99.9% 的代幣銷毀後,柴犬 (SHIB) 的價格飆升。另一方面,一種新的 meme 代幣已將自己定位為與 DOGE 和 SHIB 競爭,其收益預測為 150%。

Let’s explore what’s happening around DOGE and SHIB and discover why the new meme coin might be the best crypto to invest in!

讓我們探索 DOGE 和 SHIB 周圍發生的事情,並了解為什麼新的 Meme 硬幣可能是最好的投資加密貨幣!

DOGE Surges as Dogecoin Co-founder Slams the SEC Chair

狗狗幣聯合創辦人抨擊 SEC 主席,狗狗幣飆升

On December 22, 2023, Dogecoin founder Billy Markus, widely recognized by the pseudonym “Shibetoshi Nakamoto,” took a bold stance by criticizing Gary Gensler, the chairman of the SEC, in a tweet reply.

2023 年 12 月 22 日,狗狗幣創始人比利·馬庫斯(化名“Shibetoshi Nakamoto”)在推特回復中大膽批評了 SEC 主席加里·詹斯勒(Gary Gensler)。

Markus pointed out that Gensler has not provided concrete regulations, accusing the SEC boss of mere “hand waving,” referencing Gensler’s hand gestures during interviews. In a sharp critique, Markus referred to Gensler as “useless in every single way.”

馬庫斯指出,Gensler 沒有提供具體規定,指責 SEC 老闆只是“揮手”,並引用了 Gensler 在採訪中的手勢。馬庫斯在尖銳的批評中稱詹斯勒「在各方面都毫無用處」。

The impact on Dogecoin’s native token, DOGE, was notable, with its price soaring by 3.1% from $0.09233 on December 22 to $0.09520 on December 23. So, is DOGE the best crypto to buy for gains?

對狗狗幣原生代幣 DOGE 的影響非常顯著,其價格從 12 月 22 日的 0.09233 美元飆升至 12 月 23 日的 0.09520 美元,上漲了 3.1%。那麼,DOGE 是最好的收益加密貨幣嗎?

Looking into the future, experts predict a positive trajectory for Dogecoin. The price prediction for DOGE in 2024 anticipates reaching $0.1645 by the year’s end, driven by expectations of an upcoming rally and Dogecoin’s increasing popularity.

展望未來,專家預測狗狗幣將呈現正面的發展軌跡。受即將到來的反彈和狗狗幣日益受歡迎的預期推動,狗狗幣 2024 年的價格預測預計將在年底達到 0.1645 美元。

Nevertheless, more cautious forecasts suggest that DOGE’s price could stay below $0.1347 in 2024, particularly if bearish sentiments prevail in the market.

儘管如此,更謹慎的預測表明,到 2024 年,DOGE 的價格可能會保持在 0.1347 美元以下,特別是如果市場普遍看跌情緒的話。

Shytoshi Kusama Says 99.9% SHIB Token Burn is Not Impossible

Shytoshi Kusama 表示 99.9% 的 SHIB 代幣銷毀並非不可能

On December 21, 2023, Shytoshi Kusama, the leader of Shiba Inu’s development team, made a bold declaration in a tweet reply, expressing the vision of bringing Shiba Inu’s current circulating supply to 0.1% of its size.

2023 年12 月21 日,Shiba Inu 開發團隊負責人草間俊俊(Shytoshi Kusama) 在推文回復中做出了大膽宣言,表達了將Shiba Inu 目前的流通量減少到其規模的0.1% 的願景。

This announcement emerged during an exchange with a Shiba Inu critic, discussing Shibarium’s positive metrics, notably 150 million transactions. In response to the critic’s joke about burning 99.9% of SHIB tokens from Shibarium fees, Kusama asserted that nothing is impossible, emphasizing the determination to move forward.

這項聲明是在與一位柴犬評論家的交流中發布的,討論了 Shibarium 的積極指標,特別是 1.5 億筆交易。針對批評家關於燒掉 Shibarium 費用中 99.9% 的 SHIB 代幣的玩笑,草間彌生斷言沒有什麼是不可能的,強調了前進的決心。

With SHIB’s supply currently at 580 trillion, even a 99.9% burn would leave 580 billion tokens, which is still a significant figure.

目前 SHIB 的供應量為 580 兆枚,即使銷毀 99.9% 也會留下 5,800 億枚代幣,這仍然是一個重要數字。

The price of Shiba Inu’s native token, SHIB, experienced a surge following Kusama’s remarks. The market responded positively, with SHIB’s price increasing by 10.7% from $0.00001016 on December 21 to $0.00001125 on December 23.

在草間彌生的言論後,柴犬的原生代幣 SHIB 的價格出現飆升。市場反應積極,SHIB的價格從12月21日的0.00001016美元上漲10.7%至12月23日的0.00001125美元。

Experts now predict a bullish trend for Shiba Inu. The SHIB price prediction anticipates a surge of 68%, reaching $0.000019, driven by expectations of an upcoming bull run and Shiba Inu’s powerful community support.

專家現在預測柴犬將呈現看漲趨勢。由於對即將到來的牛市預期和柴犬強大的社區支持,SHIB 價格預測預計將飆升 68%,達到 0.000019 美元。

However, more conservative forecasts suggest that SHIB could stay below $0.000016 in 2024, particularly if the market sentiment turns bearish.

然而,更保守的預測表明,SHIB 到 2024 年可能會保持在 0.000016 美元以下,特別是如果市場情緒轉為看跌的話。

Rebel Satoshi: The Top ICO Challenging SHIB and DOGE

反叛中本聰:挑戰 SHIB 和 DOGE 的頂級 ICO

Rebel Satoshi (RBLZ) has emerged as a challenging newcomer in the crypto arena, taking on established top altcoins like Dogecoin and Shiba Inu. Rebel Satoshi’s launch signals not just the birth of another digital token but the inception of a movement that challenges conventional cryptocurrency norms.

Rebel Satoshi (RBLZ) 已成為加密貨幣領域具有挑戰性的新來者,與狗狗幣和柴犬等成熟的頂級山寨幣競爭。 Rebel Satoshi 的推出不僅標誌著另一種數位代幣的誕生,而且標誌著挑戰傳統加密貨幣規範的運動的開始。

Unlike its rivals, SHIB and DOGE, Rebel Satoshi is more than a meme-driven craze. This top ICO embodies a revolution, a collective uprising against the centralization that plagues the current crypto ecosystem.

與它的競爭對手 SHIB 和 DOGE 不同,Rebel Satoshi 不僅僅是一種由迷因驅動的熱潮。這次頂級 ICO 體現了一場革命,一場針對困擾當前加密生態系統的中心化的集體起義。

$RBLZ, the native token of Rebel Satoshi, is a critical element in this movement. Far beyond the scope of a typical cryptocurrency, $RBLZ is a symbol of unity and resistance against the established order. From interactive quests to community-driven events, $RBLZ is the ticket to an inclusive and dynamic crypto community.

$RBLZ 是 Rebel Satoshi 的原生代幣,是這項運動的關鍵要素。 $RBLZ 遠遠超出了典型加密貨幣的範圍,它是團結和反抗既定秩序的象徵。從互動任務到社群驅動的活動,$RBLZ 是通往包容且充滿活力的加密貨幣社群的門票。

Rebel Satoshi’s public presale journey began with the Early Bird Round, where $RBLZ was priced at a mere $0.010. The excitement quickly built up, leading to the Rebels Round 1, where the $RBLZ price rose to $0.013. The momentum didn’t stop there, as the Warriors Round 2 saw $RBLZ climbing to $0.018.

Rebel Satoshi 的公開預售之旅從早鳥輪開始,其中 $RBLZ 的售價僅為 0.010 美元。人們的興奮情緒很快就高漲起來,導致 Rebels 第 1 輪比賽開始,$RBLZ 價格上漲至 0.013 美元。這種勢頭並沒有就此停止,勇士隊第 2 輪比賽中,$RBLZ 攀升至 0.018 美元。

Now, in the Citizens Round 3, the token stands at $0.02, marking a stunning 100% price jump from its starting price. So far, Rebel Satoshi has raised over $1,000,000 during its presale.

現在,在 Citizens 第 3 輪中,該代幣價格為 0.02 美元,較起始價格驚人地上漲了 100%。到目前為止,Rebel Satoshi 在預售期間已籌集了超過 1,000,000 美元。

Looking ahead, the potential of Rebel Satoshi and $RBLZ is immense. Experts predict a continual rise in value, with projections placing $RBLZ at $0.025 by the end of the public presale. This will ensure a lucrative 150% profit for early investors.

展望未來,Rebel Satoshi 和 $RBLZ 的潛力是巨大的。專家預測其價值將持續上漲,預計公開預售結束時 RBLZ 價格將達到 0.025 美元。這將確保早期投資者獲得 150% 的豐厚利潤。

Moreover, joining the $RBLZ presale is now easier than ever using Bitcoin and 50 other top crypto coins!For the latest updates and more information, be sure to visit the official Rebel Satoshi Presale Website or contact Rebel Red via Telegram.

此外,使用比特幣和其他 50 種頂級加密貨幣加入 $RBLZ 預售現在比以往任何時候都更容易!有關最新更新和更多信息,請務必訪問 Rebel Satoshi 預售官方網站或透過 Telegram 聯繫 Rebel Red。

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The post Emerging Crypto Contender: A Newcomer Poised to Rival Dogecoin and Shiba Inu appeared first on CaptainAltcoin.

文章《新興加密貨幣競爭者:與狗狗幣和柴犬競爭的新人》首先出現在 CaptainAltcoin 上。


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