首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 低於 0.01 美元的新興加密貨幣,有潛力與狗狗幣 (DOGE) 競爭

Emerging Cryptocurrency Below $0.01 with Potential to Rival Dogecoin (DOGE)

低於 0.01 美元的新興加密貨幣,有潛力與狗狗幣 (DOGE) 競爭

發布: 2024/01/31 16:05 閱讀: 864



In the ever-evolving cryptocurrency market, new contenders constantly emerge to challenge established players in the market. Dogecoin (DOGE), the beloved meme coin launched in 2013, has defied skeptics by growing into a cryptocurrency legend backed by a devoted fanbase. However, a new utility coin called Pandoshi (PAMBO) is now positioning itself to potentially surpass even Dogecoin in performance. 

在不斷發展的加密貨幣市場中,新的競爭者不斷出現,挑戰市場上的老牌參與者。狗狗幣 (DOGE) 是 2013 年推出的深受人們喜愛的迷因幣,它已經發展成為由忠實粉絲支持的加密貨幣傳奇,從而無視了懷疑者的質疑。然而,一種名為 Pandoshi (PAMBO) 的新型實用代幣現在的定位是,其性能甚至有可能超越狗狗幣。

What is Pandoshi?

Unlike Dogecoin, which started as a lighthearted joke, Pandoshi is a serious cryptocurrency project with a clear vision. Its goal is to champion decentralization, privacy, and monetary freedom – the very principles that blockchain technology was founded on.

什麼是Pandoshi?與最初只是一個輕鬆笑話的狗狗幣不同,Pandoshi 是一個嚴肅的加密貨幣項目,有著清晰的願景。其目標是倡導去中心化、隱私和貨幣自由——這正是區塊鏈技術的基礎原則。

Pandoshi aims to build an ecosystem of decentralized products, including its own blockchain infrastructure called PandaChain, a decentralized exchange called PandoshiSwap, a non-custodial wallet, play-to-earn games, NFTs, and more.

Pandoshi 旨在建立一個去中心化產品的生態系統,包括自己的區塊鏈基礎設施(稱為 PandaChain)、去中心化交易所(稱為 PandoshiSwap)、非託管錢包、即玩遊戲、NFT 等。

Notably, Pandoshi recently launched the Pandoshi Wallet app for Android. The wallet offers secure PAMBO token storage and management, setting the stage for future developments.

值得注意的是,Pandoshi 最近推出了 Android 版 Pandoshi 錢包應用程式。該錢包提供安全的 PAMBO 代幣儲存和管理,為未來的發展奠定了基礎。

PAMBO Tokenomics and Presale Progress

PAMBO is the native utility token that will power the Pandoshi ecosystem. It has a maximum supply of 2 billion tokens, 1 billion of which is allocated to its ongoing public presales. 

PAMBO 代幣經濟和預售進度PAMBO 是原生實用代幣,將為 Pandoshi 生態系統提供動力。它的最大供應量為 20 億枚代幣,其中 10 億枚分配給正在進行的公開預售。

PAMBO is designed to be a deflationary token thanks to a buyback and burn mechanism. As the supply reduces over time, PAMBO is intended to increase in value and scarcity.

由於回購和銷毀機制,PAMBO 被設計為通貨緊縮代幣。隨著供應量隨著時間的推移而減少,PAMBO 的目的是增加價值和稀缺性。

There will also be a governance token called BAMBOO that allows PAMBO holders to vote on the project’s future direction.

還將有一個名為 BAMBOO 的治理代幣,允許 PAMBO 持有者對專案的未來方向進行投票。

Pandoshi is currently in the final stage of its presale, offering the last chance to buy PAMBO for $0.01 before it possibly lists on tier-1 exchanges like Binance and Coinbase.

Pandoshi 目前正處於預售的最後階段,這是在 PAMBO 在 Binance 和 Coinbase 等一級交易所上市之前以 0.01 美元購買 PAMBO 的最後機會。

Despite a pullback in the wider crypto market, Pandoshi raised over $2.4 million in eight days during its recently closed stage, indicating strong interest that’s driving FOMO as the final round begins.

儘管更廣泛的加密貨幣市場有所回落,但 Pandoshi 在最近關閉階段的八天內籌集了超過 240 萬美元,這表明在最後一輪開始時,強烈的興趣正在推動 FOMO。

Can Pandoshi Really Challenge Dogecoin?

As a memecoin pioneer, Dogecoin enjoys a first-mover advantage and occasionally benefits from billionaire Elon Musk’s backing. However, reliance on celebrity endorsements and pure hype may not sustain Dogecoin forever.

Pandoshi 真的能挑戰狗狗幣嗎?身為迷因幣先驅,狗狗幣享有先發優勢,偶爾也會受益於億萬富翁伊隆馬斯克的支持。然而,對名人代言和純粹炒作的依賴可能無法永遠維持狗狗幣。

Pandoshi on the other hand, is focused on building real utility and fundamental value beyond memes – much like Ethereum has done to cement itself as the top altcoin

另一方面,Pandoshi 專注於建立超越迷因的真正實用性和基本價值——就像以太坊為鞏固自己作為頂級山寨幣所做的那樣。

If Pandoshi manages to successfully execute even a fraction of its ambitious roadmap, explosive growth akin to Shiba Inu and Dogecoin’s peaks doesn’t seem unrealistic. 

如果 Pandoshi 能夠成功執行其雄心勃勃的路線圖的一小部分,那麼類似於柴犬和狗狗幣巔峰的爆炸性增長似乎也並非不切實際。

For investors, getting in early is key to maximizing returns during a potential meteoric rise. And at the current presale phase, PAMBO costs just a cent – promising huge upside if it eventually reaches $1.

對於投資者來說,儘早入場是在潛在的快速上漲期間最大化回報的關鍵。在目前的預售階段,PAMBO 的售價僅為 1 美分——如果最終達到 1 美元,有望帶來巨大的上漲空間。


In the volatile crypto industry, new promising projects like Pandoshi emerge frequently to shake up the status quo. While risks exist, the potential reward also remains high, especially for early backers.


With presale PAMBO prices possibly their lowest ever, Pandoshi presents an intriguing investment case at a minimal buy-in cost. If even a fraction of the stars align, Pandoshi may well grow to rival Dogecoin itself and reward investors with Doge-like returns.

PAMBO 的預售價格可能是有史以來最低的,Pandoshi 以最低的買入成本提供了一個有趣的投資案例。即使只有一小部分星星對齊,Pandoshi 也很可能成長為與狗狗幣本身相媲美,並為投資者帶來類似狗狗的回報。

Click Here To Buy PAMBO Tokens

點擊此處購買 PAMBO 代幣

Visit the links below for more information about Pandoshi (PAMBO):
Website: https://pandoshi.com/
Whitepaper: https://docs.pandoshi.com/

請訪問以下鏈接,以了解有關 Pandoshi (PAMBO) 的更多信息:網站:https://pandoshi.com/Whitepaper:https://docs.pandoshi.com/


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