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Emerging Low-Valued Cryptos Catch Investors’ Eyes


發布: 2024/02/03 06:22 閱讀: 515

原文作者:BH NEWS



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您也可以在 BH NEWS 上閱讀此新聞:新興低價值加密貨幣吸引投資者的目光

Young entrepreneurs initially intimidated by Bitcoin‘s high entry price are now gravitating towards low-priced cryptocurrencies with potential for substantial returns. These investors are particularly interested in altcoins priced below $0.10. The key question is, which of the numerous available altcoins should they monitor?

最初被比特幣的高入門價格嚇倒的年輕企業家現在開始轉向具有可觀回報潛力的低價加密貨幣。這些投資者對價格低於 0.10 美元的山寨幣特別感興趣。關鍵問題是,他們應該監控眾多可用的山寨幣中的哪些?

Shiba Inu’s Market Movements


Shiba Inu (SHIB), a well-known name alongside Dogecoin in the crypto realm, consistently captures investors’ interest. Analyst Ali Martinez has predicted a possible price surge for SHIB, suggesting a rise to $0.010 or even $0.011. CoinCodex’s AI algorithms also forecast a significant increase, estimating a potential price of $0.00003132 within a month, a jump of 246.12% from its present value of $0.000009049.

柴犬(SHIB)是加密貨幣領域與狗狗幣齊名的知名品牌,一直吸引著投資者的興趣。分析師 Ali Martinez 預測 SHIB 的價格可能會飆升,建議上漲至 0.010 美元甚至 0.011 美元。 CoinCodex 的人工智慧演算法還預測價格將大幅上漲,估計一個月內的潛在價格為 0.00003132 美元,較現值 0.000009049 美元上漲 246.12%。

Dogecoin’s Surge in Popularity


Dogecoin (DOGE), the iconic dog-themed meme coin, has seen its value influenced by the buzz generated by high-profile mentions, including those by Elon Musk. The cryptocurrency has experienced a 1,100% spike in active addresses, indicating a growing interest from new market participants or those previously uninvested in DOGE. AI projections also suggest a short-term price increase for DOGE, possibly reaching $0.081156 from its current price of $0.07951 in just one week.

狗狗幣(DOGE)是一種以狗為主題的標誌性迷因硬幣,其價值受到高調提及(包括馬斯克的提及)所產生的嗡嗡聲的影響。該加密貨幣的活躍地址激增 1,100%,顯示新的市場參與者或先前未投資 DOGE 的人的興趣日益濃厚。 AI 預測還表明 DOGE 的短期價格上漲,可能在短短一周內從目前的 0.07951 美元價格上漲到 0.081156 美元。

Cronos Gains from Integration


Cronos (CRO), the native token of Cryptocom, recorded a notable uptick following multiple integrations at the end of 2023. AI predictions show a continuous rise over the next six months for CRO, culminating in a price well above $0.08169, hinting at an upcoming rally.

Cryptocom 的原生代幣 Cronos (CRO) 在 2023 年底進行多次整合後錄得顯著上漲。人工智慧預測顯示 CRO 在未來六個月內持續上漲,最終價格遠高於 0.08169 美元,暗示即將到來的集會。

Floki Inu’s Potential Rebound

Floki Inu 的潛在反彈

Floki Inu (FLOKI), though slower than its canine counterparts, shows signs of advancement. Despite a 25% drop in value over the past 30 days, FLOKI’s price has recently increased by 0.29% to $0.00002819. AI forecasts are optimistic, predicting a rise to $0.00003087 within a month and doubling in value to $0.00006017 within a year.

弗洛基犬(FLOKI)雖然比同類犬類慢一些,但也顯示出了進步的跡象。儘管過去 30 天內價值下跌了 25%,但 FLOKI 的價格最近上漲了 0.29% 至 0.00002819 美元。 AI 的預測很樂觀,預計一個月內將上漲至 0.00003087 美元,一年內價值將翻倍至 0.00006017 美元。

The post first appeared on BH NEWS: Emerging Low-Valued Cryptos Catch Investors’ Eyes

這篇貼文首次出現在 BH NEWS:新興低價值加密貨幣吸引投資者的目光


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