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ENS emerges as top gainer following GoDaddy partnership

繼與 GoDaddy 合作後,ENS 成為漲幅最大的公司

發布: 2024/02/06 16:05 閱讀: 579



The native token of the Ethereum Name Service platform, ENS, has emerged as the top gainer among the leading 100 cryptocurrencies after teaming up with the popular domain name registrar GoDaddy. 

以太坊名稱服務平台的原生代幣 ENS 在與熱門域名註冊商 GoDaddy 合作後,已成為 100 種領先加密貨幣中漲幅最大的加密貨幣。

ENS is up by 19.3% in the past 24 hours and is trading at $21.6 at the time of writing. Following the price hike, the asset’s market cap surpassed the $660 million mark — making it the 93rd-largest crypto.

ENS 在過去 24 小時內上漲了 19.3%,截至撰寫本文時交易價格為 21.6 美元。在價格上漲後,該資產的市值突破了 6.6 億美元大關,成為第 93 大加密貨幣。

The daily trading volume of ENS also rallied by 225%, reaching $200 million. Data shows that almost 30% of the token’s trading volume comes from Binance.

ENS 的每日交易量也上漲了 225%,達到 2 億美元。數據顯示,該代幣近30%的交易量來自幣安。

According to data provided by Santiment, the total open interest (OI) in ENS increased by $16.9 million over the past 24 hours — currently sitting at $60.05 million. 

根據 Santiment 提供的數據,ENS 的未平倉合約總額 (OI) 在過去 24 小時內增加了 1,690 萬美元,目前為 6,005 萬美元。

However, the asset’s total funding rates declined from 0.009% to 0.007%, per Santiment. This might indicate that some investors are betting against the ENS price surge. The exact amounts of short and long position holders are still unclear until further price movements.

然而,根據 Santiment,該資產的總融資利率從 0.009% 下降至 0.007%。這可能表明一些投資者押注 ENS 價格飆升。在價格進一步變動之前,空頭和多頭部位持有者的確切數量仍不清楚。

Data from the market intelligence platform shows that the number of whale transactions consisting of at least $100,000 worth of ENS tokens surged from one transaction per day to 11 in the past 24 hours.

市場情報平台的數據顯示,價值至少 10 萬美元 ENS 代幣的鯨魚交易數量從每天 1 筆激增至過去 24 小時內的 11 筆。

Typically, when an asset’s whale activity suddenly surges, high price volatility is usually expected.


The ENS Relative Strength Index (RSI) also rose from 49 to 62 following the price surge, according to Santiment. This shows that ENS might currently be over-heated and a price cooldown would be on the way.

據 Santiment 稱,隨著價格飆升,ENS 相對強弱指數 (RSI) 也從 49 升至 62。這表明 ENS 目前可能過熱,價格即將降溫。

For ENS to stay in the bullish zone, its RSI would need to stay below the 50 mark.

為了使 ENS 保持在看漲區域,其 RSI 需要保持在 50 大關以下。

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Source: https://thebittimes.com/ens-emerges-as-top-gainer-following-godaddy-partnership-tbt78987.html



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