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ENS and GoDaddy Join Forces to Enhance Web3 Transition

ENS 和 GoDaddy 聯手加強 Web3 過渡

發布: 2024/02/06 13:02 閱讀: 764



ENS 和 GoDaddy 聯手加強 Web3 過渡

  • Users gain control over their digital identities with the help of GoDaddy by connecting blockchain domains.
  • 用戶在 GoDaddy 的幫助下透過連接區塊鏈域來控制自己的數位身分。

  • Users can now connect blockchain domains to conventional website addresses.
  • 用戶現在可以將區塊鏈域連接到傳統網站位址。

In order to facilitate the transition from conventional web domains to the decentralized Web3 domains, the Ethereum Name Service (ENS) has teamed up with GoDaddy, a domain registrar, to provide customers free usage of the .eth web domains with their URLs.

為了促進從傳統 Web 網域到去中心化 Web3 網域的過渡,以太坊名稱服務 (ENS) 與網域註冊商 GoDaddy 合作,為客戶提供免費使用 .eth Web 網域及其 URL 的服務。

Web2 and Web3 infrastructures are becoming more interdependent, and this partnership reflects that. Anyone may register .eth domains on a blockchain using the ENS, which is a decentralized domain.

Web2 和 Web3 基礎架構變得越來越相互依賴,這種夥伴關係反映了這一點。任何人都可以使用 ENS 在區塊鏈上註冊 .eth 域名,ENS 是一個去中心化的域名。

Improved Domain Management


These domains simplify crypto transactions by rebranding the otherwise intimidating wallet addresses. Users may now improve accessibility and gain control over their digital identities with the help of GoDaddy by connecting blockchain domains to conventional website addresses.

這些網域透過重新命名原本令人生畏的錢包位址來簡化加密交易。用戶現在可以在 GoDaddy 的幫助下,透過將區塊鏈域連接到傳統網站地址來提高可訪問性並獲得對其數位身分的控制。

Furthermore, this collaboration addresses the issue of high gas fees, which have prevented many from transferring their domains to the ENS architecture. Nevertheless, a new smart contract protocol has greatly improved domain resolution, allowing DNS domain owners to experience a greater degree of self-sovereignty at no extra cost.

此外,這種合作也解決了高額 Gas 費用的問題,這阻礙了許多人將其網域轉移到 ENS 架構中。儘管如此,新的智能合約協議極大地改善了網域解析,讓 DNS 網域所有者無需額外成本即可體驗更大程度的自我主權。

There has been more development outside the ENS ecosystem update that includes the GoDaddy connection. Unstoppable Domains, an existing rival in the Web3 domain arena, and ENS saw a type of Ethers integration in an effort to expand their respective markets.

ENS 生態系統更新之外還有更多開發,其中包括 GoDaddy 連接。 Unstoppable Domains 是 Web3 領域的現有競爭對手,而 ENS 則透過某種形式的以太整合來擴大各自的市場。

Because of which .eth names with improved domain management functions and more payment choices were able to be purchased. To ensure functional consistency, the ENS smart contract validates all domains registered using this channel.

因此,可以購買具有改進的網域管理功能和更多付款選擇的 .eth 名稱。為了確保功能一致性,ENS 智能合約會會驗證使用此頻道註冊的所有網域。

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