Approximately 25,000 people attended the 2025 ETHDenver conference in Colorado, held from February 23rd to March 2nd. The event featured Colorado's governor, representatives from numerous crypto companies, and U.S. lawmakers.
大約有25,000人參加了2月23日至3月2日在科羅拉多州舉行的2025年埃塞德佛會議。 該活動以科羅拉多州州長,來自眾多加密公司的代表和美國立法者為特色。
Launched in 2017, the annual Ethereum-focused conference began this year with its traditional BUIDLWeek, a gathering of developers for technical presentations, workshops, networking, and social events. While some attendees noted concerns about declining major token prices, the overall atmosphere remained optimistic.
一年一度的以以太坊為重點的會議於2017年啟動,其傳統Buidlweek於今年啟動,這是一群開發人員,用於技術演示,講習班,網絡和社交活動。 儘管一些與會者註意到對主要代幣價格下降的擔憂,但整體氣氛仍然樂觀。
Families attended in large numbers, with children entertained by various mascots, including the iconic ETHDenver Bufficorn – a buffalo-unicorn hybrid. Adults enjoyed activities such as poker games, Dogecoin (DOGE)-branded vehicle giveaways, and spork-themed merchandise (SporkDAO manages the event).
大量參加的家庭,由各種吉祥物娛樂的孩子,包括標誌性的Ethdenver Bufficorn - 水牛 - 無衛星混合動力車。 成人享受諸如撲克遊戲,狗狗(Doge)品牌的贈品以及爆炸主題的商品(Sporkdao管理該活動)等活動。
Mascot at the conference. Source: ETHDenver
Colorado Governor Jared Polis addressed the opening ceremony on February 27th, jokingly attributing Denver's unusually warm weather (above 60°F/16°C) to his efforts. While many panels covered diverse industry issues, from combating North Korean hackers to the role of crypto in banking, a dedicated stage on February 28th focused exclusively on policy matters.
科羅拉多州州長賈里德·波利斯(Jared Polis)於2月27日在開幕式上發表了開幕式,他開玩笑地歸因於丹佛異常溫暖的天氣(高於60°F/16°C)。 儘管許多小組討論了各種行業問題,從打擊朝鮮黑客到加密在銀行業的角色,但2月28日專門的階段專門針對政策事項。
Related: Colorado church group tokenizes $2.5M chapel
相關:科羅拉多州教堂集團tokenizes 250萬美元教堂
Policymakers, including Governor Polis, have enabled Colorado residents to pay taxes using cryptocurrency since 2022. Colorado is also one of the few jurisdictions allowing residents to use digital identification cards on their phones in certain situations. These factors likely contributed to ETHDenver founder John Paller's statement that the conference has no plans to relocate.
自2022年以來,包括州長的政策制定者,包括州長波利斯,使科羅拉多州居民能夠使用加密貨幣繳稅。科羅拉多州也是允許居民在某些情況下手機上使用數字識別卡的少數司法管轄區之一。 這些因素可能促成了埃塞登夫創始人約翰·帕勒(John Paller)的聲明,即該會議沒有搬遷計劃。
"We are centrally located, easily accessible, fun, and a hub of innovation," Governor Polis stated at ETHDenver, referring to Colorado.
In the wake of SEC case dismissals
Hester Peirce of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) spoke at ETHDenver in 2024. Although she did not attend this year, the SEC's actions significantly impacted the event following their February 27th announcement dismissing an enforcement action against Consensys.
美國證券交易委員會(SEC)的海絲特·皮爾斯(Hester Peirce)於2024年在埃塞德佛(Ethdenver)發表了講話。儘管她今年沒有參加,但SEC的行動在2月27日宣布駁回了針對Consensys的執法行動之後,對這項事件產生了重大影響。
"Like many others in the community, we've recently been relieved of constraints," said Consensys CEO Joe Lubin during a February 27th panel. "The attacks from the former SEC are behind us, and we are eager to resume our strong advocacy for Ethereum, Metropolitan Ethereum, and the industry as a whole."
共識首席執行官喬·盧賓(Joe Lubin)在2月27日的一個小組中說:“像社區中的許多其他人一樣,我們最近擺脫了限制。” “前SEC的襲擊在我們身後,我們渴望恢復對以太坊,大都會以太坊和整個行業的強烈倡導。”
Bo Hines, executive director of President Donald Trump's crypto working group, cancelled his scheduled ETHDenver appearance. Hines will be hosting a crypto summit at the White House on March 7th, expected to draw numerous digital asset CEOs and leaders.
唐納德·特朗普(Donald Trump)總統的加密貨幣工作組執行董事Bo Hines取消了他計劃的Ethdenver出現。海因斯將於3月7日在白宮舉辦加密峰會,預計將吸引眾多數字資產首席執行官和領導人。
Magazine: ETH whale’s wild $6.8M ‘mind control’ claims, Bitcoin power thefts: Asia Express
雜誌:Eth Whale的野外$ 680萬美元的“思維控制”主張,比特幣盜竊:亞洲快遞