首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 以太幣和頂級山寨幣經歷回調,而 Memecoin 炒作再次飆升,狗狗幣和 DigiToads 處於最前沿

Ether and Top Altcoins Experience Pullback while Memecoin Hype Soars Again with Dogecoin and DigiToads at the Forefront

以太幣和頂級山寨幣經歷回調,而 Memecoin 炒作再次飆升,狗狗幣和 DigiToads 處於最前沿

發布: 2023/07/30 02:00 閱讀: 224



In a market full of twists and turns, the cryptocurrency landscape never ceases to amaze investors with its ever-evolving trends. As the once-dominant altcoins, including Ether, face a temporary pullback, the world of meme coins is once again ablaze with excitement. While Ether, the second-largest cryptocurrency, navigates through its market fluctuations, the meme coin hype is soaring high, with Dogecoin (DOGE) and DigiToads (TOADS) at the forefront.

在一個充滿曲折的市場中,加密貨幣格局不斷變化的趨勢總是讓投資人感到驚訝。隨著包括以太幣在內的曾經佔據主導地位的山寨幣面臨暫時的回調,迷因幣的世界再次充滿了興奮。雖然第二大加密貨幣以太幣在市場波動中導航,但迷因幣的炒作卻在飆升,其中狗狗幣(DOGE)和 DigiToads(TOADS)位居前列。

Among the top altcoins, Ether has been an integral player, driving innovation and pushing the boundaries of blockchain technology. However, in this dynamic crypto environment, even established cryptocurrencies are witnessing moments of volatility. On the other hand, the meme coin hype is soaring high, and the spotlight is firmly on DOGE and TOADS. These seemingly playful tokens have defied conventional expectations, gaining massive popularity and generating substantial returns for early adopters.

在頂級山寨幣中,以太幣一直是不可或缺的參與者,推動創新並突破區塊鏈技術的界限。然而,在這個動態的加密環境中,即使是成熟的加密貨幣也正在經歷波動的時刻。另一方面,迷因幣的炒作熱度飆升,焦點集中在 DOGE 和 TOADS 上。這些看似有趣的代幣超出了傳統預期,獲得了廣泛的歡迎,並為早期採用者帶來了豐厚的回報。

Let’s explore the meteoric rise of Dogecoin and DigiToads to understand how they are rewriting the rules of the crypto game. 

讓我們探索狗狗幣和 DigiToads 的快速崛起,了解它們如何改寫加密貨幣遊戲規則。

Dogecoin (DOGE) and DigiToads (TOADS) Riding the Meme Coin Wave

狗狗幣 (DOGE) 和 DigiToads (TOADS) 乘風破浪

In a world that loves to meme, Dogecoin (DOGE) and DigiToads (TOADS) have taken center stage, leading the charge in the explosive meme coin frenzy. While many might have dismissed these tokens as mere internet jokes, their meteoric rise has turned skeptics into believers.

在熱愛 meme 的世界中,Dogecoin (DOGE) 和 DigiToads (TOADS) 佔據了舞台中心,引領了爆炸性的 meme 幣狂潮。儘管許多人可能認為這些代幣只是網路笑話,但它們的迅速崛起已將懷疑者變成了信徒。

Dogecoin, with its iconic Shiba Inu mascot, has captured the hearts of the crypto community with its playful nature. What started as a fun project quickly transformed into a serious contender in the crypto space, gaining widespread recognition and acceptance. The support from prominent figures, including Elon Musk, further fueled its popularity, sending it to the moon and back, almost literally.


Similarly, DigiToads has emerged as a formidable player, captivating investors with its innovative approach and unique value proposition. With a strong focus on Play-to-earn gaming and NFT staking, DigiToads has bridged the gap between blockchain technology and the gaming community. As a result, it has achieved remarkable success in its presale, raising a staggering $6.4 million.

同樣,DigiToads 已成為一個強大的參與者,以其創新方法和獨特的價值主張吸引了投資者。 DigiToads 專注於 Play-to-earn 遊戲和 NFT 質押,彌合了區塊鏈技術和遊戲社群之間的差距。結果,它在預售中取得了巨大成功,籌集了驚人的 640 萬美元。

As the meme coin hype continues to unfold, one thing is clear: DOGE and TOADS are leading the charge, breaking barriers, and taking the crypto world by storm.

隨著迷因幣炒作的不斷展開,有一點是明確的:DOGE 和 TOADS 正在引領潮流,打破障礙,席捲加密世界。

DigiToads is a Revolutionary Meme Coin with a Thriving Presale and Unparalleled Tokenomics

DigiToads 是一款革命性的 Meme 代幣,擁有蓬勃發展的預售和無與倫比的代幣經濟學

DigiToads (TOADS) is one of the best altcoins to buy with its remarkable presale success and unique tokenomics. The presale, now in its final presale stage – Lilypads 10, has already raised a staggering $6.4 million, a testament to the widespread confidence in the project. The presale is set to end on 15th August 2023. One of the driving forces behind DigiToads’ success is its innovative tokenomics. 

DigiToads (TOADS) 因其卓越的預售成功和獨特的代幣經濟而成為最值得購買的山寨幣之一。目前,Lilypads 10 預售已進入最後預售階段,已籌集到 640 萬美元,證明了對該項目的廣泛信心。預售將於 2023 年 8 月 15 日結束。DigiToads 成功背後的驅動力之一是其創新的代幣經濟。

With a total supply of 585 million tokens, carefully allocated for various purposes, DigiToads aims to create a deflationary ecosystem. By dedicating 69.29% of the total supply to the presale phase, the team ensures a strong foundation for long-term growth. Moreover, 76.99 million tokens (13.16%) are reserved for Community Growth & Liquidity, fostering a supportive community and ensuring ample liquidity for smooth trading experiences. Additionally, 42.66 million tokens (7.29%) are dedicated to Competitions & Prizes, enticing engagement and rewarding active participants.

DigiToads 的總供應量為 5.85 億枚代幣,經過精心分配用於各種目的,旨在創建一個通貨緊縮的生態系統。透過將總供應量的 69.29% 用於預售階段,團隊確保了長期成長的堅實基礎。此外,還有 7,699 萬個代幣(13.16%)預留用於社區成長和流動性,培育支持性社群並確保充足的流動性以實現順暢的交易體驗。此外,4,266 萬個代幣(7.29%)專門用於競賽和獎品,吸引參與並獎勵活躍參與者。

DigiToads’ commitment to innovation extends beyond its tokenomics. The project introduces an engaging Play-to-Earn (P2E) gaming aspect, providing players with a unique opportunity to monetize their time and efforts spent in the game. The integration of NFT staking allows users to earn rewards by holding TOADS tokens, giving them a sense of ownership.

DigiToads 對創新的承諾超出了其代幣經濟學的範圍。該項目引入了一種引人入勝的邊玩邊賺(P2E)遊戲方式,為玩家提供了一個獨特的機會,可以將他們在遊戲中花費的時間和精力貨幣化。 NFT 質押的整合讓用戶可以透過持有 TOADS 代幣來獲得獎勵,給予他們一種所有權感。

With a dynamic roadmap that includes NFT Staking and P2E gaming set to be launched on 21st August 2023, DigiToads is all set to establish itself as the best DeFi crypto. Investors looking for the best cryptocurrency to invest in 2023 will find DigiToads a compelling choice.

DigiToads 的動態路線圖包括將於 2023 年 8 月 21 日推出的 NFT 質押和 P2E 遊戲,DigiToads 已準備好將自己打造成最好的 DeFi 加密貨幣。尋找 2023 年最佳加密貨幣投資的投資者會發現 DigiToads 是一個令人信服的選擇。



The cryptocurrency market has witnessed a pullback for top altcoins like Ether, but the meme coin hype is soaring once again with Dogecoin (DOGE) and DigiToads (TOADS) leading the charge. While Ether and other established altcoins may face temporary setbacks, the unique charm and enthusiasm surrounding memecoins have reignited investor interest.

加密貨幣市場見證了以太幣等頂級山寨幣的回調,但隨著狗狗幣 (DOGE) 和 DigiToads (TOADS) 的引領,迷因幣的炒作再次飆升。雖然以太幣和其他成熟的山寨幣可能會面臨暫時的挫折,但迷因幣的獨特魅力和熱情重新點燃了投資者的興趣。

As investors keep a close eye on the market, Dogecoin and DigiToads stand at the forefront of this renewed excitement. Dogecoin’s iconic Shiba Inu mascot continues to attract attention, while DigiToads’ remarkable 400% surge highlights its potential for exponential growth. As the meme coin craze takes center stage once more, DigiToads emerge as the frontrunner in the list of top 10 altcoins this year.

隨著投資者密切關注市場,Dogecoin 和 DigiToads 站在了這一新的興奮點的最前沿。狗狗幣標誌性的柴犬吉祥物繼續吸引人們的關注,而 DigiToads 驚人的 400% 飆升凸顯了其指數增長的潛力。隨著迷因幣熱潮再次成為焦點,DigiToads 成為今年十大山寨幣名單中的領跑者。

Visit DigiToads Presale

造訪 DigiToads 預售

Mint DigiToads NFTs Here

在這裡薄荷 DigiToads NFT

Buy DigiToads NFTs on OpenSea

在 OpenSea 上購買 DigiToads NFT

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