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Ethereum (ETH) may remain under pressure on Grayscale selling


發布: 2024/07/26 18:01 閱讀: 960




Ethereum ETF Debut Impacts ETH Price

以太坊 ETF 首次亮相影響 ETH 價格

The launch of an Ethereum (ETH) ETF brought additional selling pressure to the market. Some analysts speculate that Grayscale, a large ETH holder, may be behind the selling.

以太坊(ETH)ETF的推出給市場帶來了額外的拋售壓力。一些分析師推測,ETH 持有量大的 Grayscale 可能是這次拋售的幕後黑手。

Grayscale's Influence on ETH Price

灰階對 ETH 價格的影響

Grayscale's ETH reserves are currently at $9.17B, having recently made purchases from Coinbase Prime. This has helped support the ETH price, benefiting both crypto market traders and ETF investors.

Grayscale 的 ETH 儲備目前為 $9.17B,最近從 Coinbase Prime 購買。這有助於支撐 ETH 價格,使加密貨幣市場交易者和 ETF 投資者受益。

Grayscale's Possible Strategy


One scenario suggests that Grayscale may continue to sell ETH to further depress the price, creating a two-month window for a larger ETH breakout.

一種情況表明,灰階可能會繼續出售 ETH 以進一步壓低價格,為 ETH 更大突破創造兩個月的窗口。

ETF Trading Patterns


The Grayscale Ethereum Trust (ETHE) trades at a discount to the actual ETH price, creating an opportunity for Grayscale to purchase at lower prices and benefit from subsequent price recoveries.

灰階以太坊信託(ETHE)的交易價格低於實際 ETH 價格,為灰階創造了以較低價格購買並從隨後的價格回升中受益的機會。

Grayscale's Market Dominance


Grayscale holds a significant market share in the ETH ETF market, with approximately 95% of available ETH. While other ETF providers may enter the market, Grayscale's holdings will remain a major influence.

灰階在 ETH ETF 市場中佔有重要的市場份額,約佔可用 ETH 的 95%。儘管其他 ETF 提供者可能會進入市場,但 Grayscale 的持有量仍將具有主要影響力。

ETH Market Dynamics


The ETH ETF launch has seen initial outflows, similar to the early days of the BTC ETF. This has contributed to the price pullback, which is viewed as a potential precursor to a larger rally.

與 BTC ETF 的早期類似,ETH ETF 的推出最初出現了資金流出。這導致價格回調,這被視為更大反彈的潛在前兆。

Other Factors Affecting ETH Price

影響 ETH 價格的其他因素

Activity from the Ethereum Foundation wallet and the presence of large long positions on Huobi may also be contributing to the price pressure.


Market Outlook


Analysts predict that ETH could reach $6,000 within the next two months. Smart money buyers are entering the market, suggesting a short-term price bottom. The ETH/BTC trading pair is also closely monitored for potential breakouts.

分析師預測 ETH 可能在未來兩個月內達到 6,000 美元。聰明的買家正在進入市場,這表明短期價格觸底。 ETH/BTC 交易對也受到密切監控,以了解潛在的突破。

Impact on Meme Tokens and Ethereum Usage

對 Meme 代幣和以太坊使用的影響

The ETH price correction has affected meme tokens, with traders expecting a resurgence in demand for top assets like Pepe (PEPE) during ETH rallies. Ethereum's active daily users have also increased following the ETF news.

ETH 價格調整影響了 meme 代幣,交易員預計在 ETH 反彈期間對 Pepe (PEPE) 等頂級資產的需求將會復甦。在 ETF 消息發布後,以太坊的每日活躍用戶也有所增加。


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