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Which Ethereum (ETH) tokens show signs of accumulation from whales and smart money


發布: 2024/07/17 20:01 閱讀: 937




Ethereum Tokens: Whale Accumulation and Smart Money Insights


Despite the fragmented altcoin market, buyers have become more selective in 2024. Amidst the plethora of Ethereum-based tokens, a select few have garnered attention based on whale accumulation and smart money activity.

儘管山寨幣市場分散,但到 2024 年,買家變得更加挑剔。

Whale Accumulation and Smart Money Metrics


According to Nansen's smart money metrics, Ethereum activity reveals tokens with potential, while others may be ripe for selling. Two trends emerge:


  • Stablecoin movement suggests potential bullish scenarios.
  • BLUR displays ongoing accumulation rather than selling pressure.

Potential Sell-Offs


In contrast, the STRK token may face selling pressure due to Panthera Capital's recent divestment. Smart money is becoming increasingly relevant, as broader narratives often lead to underperforming tokens.

相比之下,由於 Panthera Capital 最近的撤資,STRK 代幣可能面臨拋售壓力。智能貨幣變得越來越重要,因為更廣泛的敘述往往會導致代幣表現不佳。

Narrative-Based Tokens Struggling


Narrative-based tokens have faced a decline in 2024, with an average negative return of -22%. Individual tokens are also losing ground to simpler forms of passive income, such as liquid staking and lending protocols.

基於敘事的代幣在 2024 年面臨下跌,平均負回報率為-22%。單一代幣也正在輸給更簡單形式的被動收入,例如流動質押和借貸協議。

Ethereum Token Ecosystem Recovery


Interest in tokens has rebounded, as the value locked in Ethereum's decentralized finance ecosystem has surpassed $60B. The number of tokens has also expanded, with most assets flowing into Uniswap.

隨著以太坊去中心化金融生態系統中鎖定的價值已超過 $60B,人們對代幣的興趣有所回升。代幣數量也有所增加,大部分資產流入 Uniswap。

Smart Contracts Highlight Active Tokens


Top smart contracts reveal promising Ethereum tokens, including:


  • USDT and USDC (stablecoins)
  • Wrapped XRP (tokenized version on Ethereum)
  • Cronos Coin (CRO)
  • Memecoin (MEME)
  • ZRX (ZRX)

ERC-20 Token Activity

USDT 和 USDC(穩定幣)包裝的 XRP(以太坊上的代幣化版本)Cronos Coin (CRO)Memecoin (MEME)ZRX (ZRX)ERC-20 代幣活動

ERC-20 tokens have experienced a low point in activity in June, while July has brought more balance between sellers and buyers. Accumulation mode and new address acquisitions account for approximately 30% each of ERC-20 token activity.

ERC-20 代幣在 6 月經歷了活躍度低點,而 7 月則在賣家和買家之間帶來了更多平衡。累積模式和新地址獲取分別約佔 ERC-20 代幣活動的 30%。

Ethereum Tokens Gain Market Value


Ethereum-based tokens have collectively increased their market capitalization to $475M, with a daily growth of 4.75%. Rapid daily inflows reflect demand for quick appreciation, as seen in Solana and Base tokens.

基於以太坊的代幣總市值已增至 4.75 億美元,日成長率為 4.75%。每日快速資金流入反映了快速升值的需求,如 Solana 和 Base 代幣所示。

Staking and Tokenized Projects


ETH stakers are diversifying their investments by turning to tokenized projects that provide value and passive income.

ETH 質押者正在透過轉向提供價值和被動收入的代幣化項目來實現投資多元化。



The Ethereum ecosystem offers tokens with additional utility and influence. Buyers in 2024 are more discerning, leading to whale accumulation and smart money buying in specific tokens. While some tokens may face potential sell-offs, others are poised for growth and innovation.

以太坊生態系統提供具有額外效用和影響力的代幣。 2024 年的買家更加挑剔,導致鯨魚累積和明智的資金購買特定代幣。雖然一些代幣可能面臨潛在的拋售,但其他代幣則有望實現成長和創新。


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