首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 以太坊消耗了 700 萬美元;新的迷因幣被認為是有前途的狗狗幣競爭者

Ethereum’s significant $7M burn; new memecoin identified as promising Dogecoin contender

以太坊消耗了 700 萬美元;新的迷因幣被認為是有前途的狗狗幣競爭者

發布: 2024/02/03 19:02 閱讀: 852



以太坊消耗了 700 萬美元;新的迷因幣被認為是有前途的狗狗幣競爭者

Ethereum, the second-largest cryptocurrency by market capitalization, recently made headlines with a significant burn of $7 million worth of Ether (ETH). This monumental burn, involving 3,219.96 Ether, underscores Ethereum’s transition towards becoming a deflationary currency. 

以太坊是市值第二大的加密貨幣,最近因價值 700 萬美元的以太幣 (ETH) 被大量銷毀而成為頭條新聞。這次大規模銷毀涉及 3,219.96 以太幣,凸顯了以太坊正在向通貨緊縮貨幣轉型。

Let’s delve into the details of this burn and its implications for the Ethereum network.


Understanding Ethereum’s burn mechanism


The concept of burning in the cryptocurrency realm refers to the process of permanently removing coins or tokens from circulation by sending them to an unusable wallet. In Ethereum’s case, this burn occurred as a result of transactions, where a variable base fee, introduced through Ethereum Improvement Proposal 1159 (EIP-1159), is now included in each transaction.

加密貨幣領域中的銷毀概念是指透過將硬幣或代幣發送到無法使用的錢包來永久地將其從流通中刪除的過程。在以太坊的例子中,這種銷毀是由於交易而發生的,透過以太坊改進提案 1159 (EIP-1159) 引入的可變基本費用現在包含在每筆交易中。

EIP-1159, implemented on August 5th, 2021, overhauled Ethereum’s fee model by introducing this variable base fee. This fee adjusts according to the current demand for block space and is subsequently burned, reducing the overall supply of Ether in circulation.

EIP-1159 於 2021 年 8 月 5 日實施,透過引入可變基本費用徹底改革了以太坊的費用模型。該費用根據當前對區塊空間的需求進行調整,並隨後被銷毀,從而減少了流通中的以太幣的整體供應量。

Ethereum’s transition to deflationary currency


Before implementing EIP-1159, Ethereum issued a new Ether at a rate of 4% per year. However, with the introduction of this upgrade, the burn mechanism has the potential to outpace the issuance of new Ether, leading to a decrease in the overall supply of ETH. This gradual reduction in supply positions Ethereum to potentially become a deflationary currency in the long run.

在實施 EIP-1159 之前,以太坊以每年 4% 的速度發行新的以太幣。然而,隨著此次升級的推出,銷毀機制有可能超過新以太幣的發行速度,導致 ETH 整體供應量減少。從長遠來看,供應的逐漸減少使以太坊有可能成為通貨緊縮貨幣。

Experts anticipate that as Ethereum continues its transition to Ethereum 2.0, which is expected to reduce the issuance rate of new Ether to around 0.5-1% per year, the burn rate could surpass the token’s issuance. This scenario would further solidify Ethereum’s status as a deflationary asset, potentially impacting its long-term value and market dynamics.

專家預計,隨著以太坊繼續向以太坊 2.0 過渡,預計新以太幣的發行率將降低至每年 0.5-1% 左右,銷毀率可能會超過代幣的發行量。這種情況將進一步鞏固以太坊作為通貨緊縮資產的地位,可能會影響其長期價值和市場動態。

Rebel Satoshi emerges as a promising contender


Amidst Ethereum’s significant burn event, attention turns to emerging cryptocurrencies poised to capitalize on market trends and investor sentiment. Rebel Satoshi (RBLZ) has garnered attention as a promising contender in the competitive cryptocurrency landscape, particularly in the realm of meme coins and as a potential alternative to Dogecoin.

在以太坊的重大銷毀事件中,人們的注意力轉向了準備利用市場趨勢和投資者情緒的新興加密貨幣。 Rebel Satoshi (RBLZ) 作為競爭性加密貨幣領域中一個有前途的競爭者而受到關注,特別是在迷因幣領域,以及作為狗狗幣的潛在替代品。

Rebel Satoshi, built on the Ethereum network, distinguishes itself with a unique value proposition that resonates with investors seeking alternative meme coins with growth potential. Rebel Satoshi has demonstrated early investor confidence and support with a presale that has already sold over 100 million RBLZ and raised over $1.5 million.

Rebel Satoshi 建立在以太坊網路上,以獨特的價值主張脫穎而出,與尋求具有成長潛力的替代迷因幣的投資者產生共鳴。 Rebel Satoshi 透過預售展示了早期投資者的信心和支持,預售已售出超過 1 億個 RBLZ,並籌集了超過 150 萬美元。

Why invest in Rebel Satoshi?


Rebel Satoshi presents a compelling investment opportunity for crypto enthusiasts looking to diversify their portfolios and capitalize on emerging trends in the cryptocurrency market. 

Rebel Satoshi 為那些希望實現投資組合多元化並利用加密貨幣市場新興趨勢的加密貨幣愛好者提供了一個極具吸引力的投資機會。

With a presale approaching $2 million and built on the Ethereum network, known for its robust security and reliability, Rebel Satoshi stands out as a compelling choice for those seeking the best meme coin to invest in.

Rebel Satoshi 的預售金額接近200 萬美元,建立在以其強大的安全性和可靠性而聞名的以太坊網路上,對於那些尋求最佳迷因幣投資的人來說,它是一個令人信服的選擇。

Final thoughts


As Ethereum continues its journey towards becoming a deflationary currency, investors are presented with unique opportunities to explore emerging cryptocurrencies like Rebel Satoshi. With its innovative approach and strong foundation on the Ethereum network, Rebel Satoshi offers investors a chance to participate in the evolving crypto market and potentially reap substantial rewards.

隨著以太坊繼續走向通貨緊縮貨幣,投資者將獲得探索像 Rebel Satoshi 這樣的新興加密貨幣的獨特機會。憑藉其創新方法和以太坊網路的堅實基礎,Rebel Satoshi 為投資者提供了參與不斷發展的加密市場並可能獲得豐厚回報的機會。

In conclusion, Ethereum’s $7 million burn signals a significant shift in its economic model; while Rebel Satoshi emerges as a promising project for those keen on what altcoins to buy. Rebel Satoshi presents robust security and reliability, offering investors an exciting avenue for potential growth and investment opportunities. This is why top crypto analysts regard it as the best meme coin.

總之,以太坊 700 萬美元的銷毀標誌著其經濟模式的重大轉變;對於那些熱衷於購買哪些山寨幣的人來說,Rebel Satoshi 是一個很有前途的項目。 Rebel Satoshi 提供了強大的安全性和可靠性,為投資者提供了潛在成長和投資機會的令人興奮的途徑。這就是為什麼頂級加密分析師將其視為最好的迷因幣。

For the latest updates and more information, visit the official Rebel Satoshi Presale Website or contact Rebel Red via Telegram.

如需最新更新和更多信息,請訪問 Rebel Satoshi 官方預售網站或透過 Telegram 聯絡 Rebel Red。

Source: https://thebittimes.com/ethereum-s-significant-7m-burn-new-memecoin-identified-as-promising-dogecoin-contender-tbt78749.html



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