首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 著眼於長期利潤?考慮狗狗幣、Rebel Satoshi 和沙盒以獲得潛在收益

Eyeing Long-term Profit? Consider Dogecoin, Rebel Satoshi, and The Sandbox for Potential Gains

著眼於長期利潤?考慮狗狗幣、Rebel Satoshi 和沙盒以獲得潛在收益

發布: 2023/12/20 11:22 閱讀: 626





  • Dogecoin (DOGE) surged despite a bill targeting the US digital space garnered support. 
  • 儘管一項針對美國數位空間的法案獲得了支持,但狗狗幣(DOGE)仍在飆升。

  • Rebel Satoshi (RBLZ) emerges as the best ICO project as it aims to challenge centralized systems. 
  • Rebel Satoshi (RBLZ) 成為最好的 ICO 項目,因為它的目標是挑戰中心化系統。

  • The Sandbox (SAND) gained 14.3% in value after a new Game Maker update was unveiled.
  • 在新的 Game Maker 更新發布後,Sandbox (SAND) 的價值上漲了 14.3%。

Dogecoin (DOGE) has been gaining slowly despite lawmakers increasing scrutiny of digital assets. Meanwhile, Rebel Satoshi (RBLZ), a new meme coin, has entered the crypto world with the mission of dismantling the status quo. On the other hand, The Sandbox (SAND) has also increased in value after announcing a new Game Maker update. 

儘管立法者加強了對數位資產的審查,但狗狗幣(DOGE)的漲幅一直緩慢。同時,Rebel Satoshi (RBLZ),一種新的迷因幣,帶著打破現狀的任務進入了加密世界。另一方面,在宣布新的 Game Maker 更新後,The Sandbox (SAND) 的價值也有所增加。

Let’s learn more about DOGE, $RBLZ, and SAND to find the best cryptos to invest in!

讓我們詳細了解 DOGE、$RBLZ 和 SAND,以找到最佳的加密貨幣投資!

DOGE Gains Despite Senator Warren’s Onslaught on the US Digital Space

儘管參議員沃倫猛烈攻擊美國數位空間,DOGE 仍然上漲

Increased scrutiny from US lawmakers has been affecting the crypto world negatively.


On December 11, 2023, Senator Elizabeth Warren announced further support for her Digital Asset Anti-Money Laundering Act. The bill’s primary purpose is to give regulators more tools to control digital assets. 

2023 年 12 月 11 日,參議員伊麗莎白沃倫 (Elizabeth Warren) 宣布進一步支持其數位資產反洗錢法案。該法案的主要目的是為監管機構提供更多控制數位資產的工具。

Despite the news, Dogecoin, the most popular meme coin, continued a slow and steady increase in its value. On December 11, DOGE, the native token from Dogecoin, was trading at $0.09182. In the next two days, DOGE increased by 6% to reach $0.09738 on December 13. So, is DOGE the right crypto to buy now?

儘管有這一消息,最受歡迎的模因幣狗狗幣的價值仍在緩慢而穩定地增長。 12 月 11 日,狗狗幣的原生代幣 DOGE 的交易價格為 0.09182 美元。接下來的兩天,DOGE 上漲了 6%,於 12 月 13 日達到 0.09738 美元。那麼,DOGE 是現在購買的正確加密貨幣嗎?

DOGE price prediction suggests that Dogecoin could reach $0.1794 by the end of 2024 if the market remains bullish. However, if the market turns bearish, Dogecoin’s price will also be affected. In that case, Dogecoin will be trading at $0.1514 per DOGE by the end of 2024. 

DOGE 價格預測表明,如果市場保持看漲,狗狗幣到 2024 年底可能會達到 0.1794 美元。然而,如果市場轉為看跌,狗狗幣的價格也會受到影響。在這種情況下,到 2024 年底,狗狗幣的交易價格將為每 DOGE 0.1514 美元。

One thing the Dogecoin prediction has proved is that DOGE is not going anywhere anytime soon. 

狗狗幣預測證明的一件事是 DOGE 不會很快消失。

$RBLZ Challenges Centralized Systems To Emerge as the Best DeFi Project

$RBLZ 挑戰中心化系統,成為最佳 DeFi 項目

Rebel Satoshi has emerged as the champion of decentralization. It aims to challenge centralized systems and dismantle the status quo of the crypto world. Rebel Satoshi also seeks to unite rebels under one banner to fight unfairness. 


Rebel Satoshi, along with its native token $RBLZ, and the community of rebels, intends to herald a new era of decentralization. $RBLZ investors will not only get to be a part of this movement but will also enjoy exclusive benefits, including staking rewards

Rebel Satoshi 及其原生代幣 $RBLZ 以及反叛者社區,旨在預示一個去中心化的新時代。 $RBLZ 投資者不僅將成為這項運動的一部分,還將享受獨家福利,包括質押獎勵。

Investors of $RBLZ can also directly contribute to the Rebel Satoshi ecosystem to strengthen the community. 

$RBLZ 的投資者還可以直接為 Rebel Satoshi 生態系統做出貢獻,以加強社區。

So far, Rebel Satoshi has raised 500K after selling 67% of $RBLZ tokens. The $100 million market capitalization goal does not seem far-fetched now. The Rebels Round 1 stage of the $RBLZ presale was sold out in 10 days, demonstrating the demand for the token. 

到目前為止,Rebel Satoshi 在出售 67% 的 $RBLZ 代幣後已籌集了 50 萬美元。 1億美元的市值目標現在看來並不遙不可及。 Rebels 第一輪 $RBLZ 預售在 10 天內就被搶購一空,這顯示了對代幣的需求。

Currently, Rebel Satoshi is in the Warriors Round 2 stage of the presale. In this stage, each $RBLZ token is available for $0.018. After the official launch, $RBLZ is expected to trade at $0.025, offering a 150% return on investment to early investors. 

目前,Rebel Satoshi 正處於勇士隊第二輪預售階段。在此階段,每個 $RBLZ 代幣的售價為 0.018 美元。正式上線後,$RBLZ 預計交易價格為 0.025 美元,為早期投資者提供 150% 的投資報酬率。

Moreover, you can now sign up for the $RBLZ presale with Bitcoin and 50 top altcoins if you want to get a massive return on investment. 

此外,如果您想獲得巨額投資回報,現在可以使用比特幣和 50 種頂級山寨幣報名參加 $RBLZ 預售。

SAND Soars After the Release of a New Game Maker Update

新遊戲製作者更新發布後 SAND 飆升

On December 8, 2023, The Sandbox unveiled the all-new Game Maker 0.9 in a tweet. The Sandbox is calling the new version of Game Maker the biggest update yet. The Game Maker 0.9 brings more tools and more efficiency to creators. 

2023 年 12 月 8 日,The Sandbox 在推文中發布了全新的 Game Maker 0.9。 Sandbox 稱 Game Maker 的新版本是迄今為止最大的更新。 Game Maker 0.9 為創作者帶來更多工具和更高效率。

After the new update was announced, the price of SAND, the native token from The Sandbox, improved. On December 8, SAND was trading at $0.458. After the tweet from The Sandbox, SAND gained 14.3% in value to reach $0.5236 on December 13. 

在新的更新發布後,The Sandbox 的原生代幣 SAND 的價格有所提高。 12 月 8 日,SAND 交易價格為 0.458 美元。在 The Sandbox 發布推文後,SAND 的價值於 12 月 13 日上漲 14.3%,達到 0.5236 美元。

The future predictions for The Sandbox’s native token suggest that SAND could trade at $0.9114 by the end of 2024. However, the predicted price of SAND is only possible if the market turns bullish. If bearish sentiments overtake the market, The Sandbox will be trading at $0.7493 by the end of 2024. 

對 Sandbox 原生代幣的未來預測表明,到 2024 年底,SAND 的交易價格可能為 0.9114 美元。但是,只有當市場轉為看漲時,SAND 的預測價格才有可能。如果看跌情緒席捲市場,到 2024 年底,The Sandbox 的交易價格將為 0.7493 美元。

For the latest updates and more information, be sure to visit the official Rebel Satoshi Presale Website or contact Rebel Red via Telegram

如需最新更新和更多信息,請務必訪問 Rebel Satoshi 官方預售網站或透過 Telegram 聯繫 Rebel Red

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著眼於長期利潤?考慮一下狗狗幣、反叛中本聰和潛在收益沙箱首先出現在 CaptainAltcoin 上。


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