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US Federal Reserve’s CBDC View and the Push for Bitcoin & SHIB

聯準會的 CBDC 觀點以及對比特幣和 SHIB 的推動

發布: 2023/10/18 15:39 閱讀: 858

原文作者:Crypto News Land

  • Federal Reserve Governor expresses doubt over the need for a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC).
  • 聯準會理事對中央銀行數位貨幣(CBDC)的必要性表示懷疑。

  • Speculations arise that the US prefers a global approach over a localized CBDC.
  • 人們猜測美國更喜歡全球性的方法而不是本地化的 CBDC。

  • Bitcoin and SHIB touted as potential inflation countermeasures due to their decentralized and deflationary nature.
  • 比特幣和 SHIB 由於其去中心化和通貨緊縮性質而被譽為潛在的通膨對策。

Recent comments by the Federal Reserve Governor questioning the necessity of a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) for the US have ignited discussions among cryptocurrency enthusiasts and experts alike. The Governor’s stance suggests a preference for a broader, global approach, rather than focusing on a local CBDC solution.

聯準會理事最近質疑美國央行數位貨幣(CBDC)必要性的評論引發了加密貨幣愛好者和專家之間的討論。州長的立場表明傾向於更廣泛的全球方法,而不是專注於本地 CBDC 解決方案。

Such sentiments resonate with a section of the crypto community that believes that rather than diving into CBDCs, the US might be better served by acquiring decentralized cryptocurrencies. Among these, Bitcoin stands out given its reputation as ‘digital gold’ and its proven resistance against inflationary pressures over the past decade. Additionally, tokens like Shiba Inu (SHIB), despite being relatively new, are also being considered due to their deflationary mechanisms.

這種觀點引起了加密貨幣社群的一部分共鳴,他們認為,與其深入研究 CBDC,不如透過獲取去中心化加密貨幣來更好地服務美國。其中,比特幣因其「數位黃金」的美譽以及過去十年來證明的抵禦通膨壓力的能力而脫穎而出。此外,像柴犬(SHIB)這樣的代幣儘管相對較新,但由於其通貨緊縮機制也正在被考慮。

The argument for embracing decentralized cryptocurrencies is straightforward: In a world grappling with inflationary concerns, tokens that are decentralized and inherently deflationary can act as a hedge, preserving value and providing economic stability.


While it’s still early to determine the direction the US will take, the evolving discussions highlight the significance of decentralized digital assets in contemporary economic dialogues. As countries worldwide debate the merits and challenges of CBDCs, the allure of established cryptocurrencies, with their global user base and proven mechanisms, becomes increasingly hard to ignore.

雖然現在確定美國將採取的方向還為時過早,但不斷發展的討論凸顯了去中心化數位資產在當代經濟對話中的重要性。隨著世界各國爭論 CBDC 的優點和挑戰,成熟的加密貨幣及其全球用戶基礎和經過驗證的機制的吸引力變得越來越難以忽視。


The post US Federal Reserve’s CBDC View and the Push for Bitcoin & SHIB appeared first on Crypto News Land.

聯準會的 CBDC 觀點以及對比特幣和 SHIB 的推動首先出現在 Crypto News Land 上。


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