首頁 > 資訊新聞 > Filecoin 和 Dogecoin 價格下跌令投資者震驚; Rebel Satoshi 街機是下一個機會嗎?

Filecoin and Dogecoin price dips shock investors; is Rebel Satoshi arcade the next opportunity?

Filecoin 和 Dogecoin 價格下跌令投資者震驚; Rebel Satoshi 街機是下一個機會嗎?

發布: 2024/04/25 03:30 閱讀: 422



  • Filecoin slumps 22% in a week, but experts expect bulls to resurface soon.
  • Filecoin 一週內下跌 22%,但專家預計多頭很快就會重新出現。

  • Dogecoin plummets 20% in a week, and analysts believe the downtrend will persist.
  • 狗狗幣一週內暴跌 20%,分析師認為下跌趨勢將持續下去。

  • Rebel Satoshi’s $RECQ captures investor interest with its rapid presale growth.
  • Rebel Satoshi 的 $RECQ 以其快速的預售成長吸引了投資者的興趣。

Top altcoins like Filecoin (FIL) and Dogecoin (DOGE) remained red over the past week. As a result, investors have started shifting to tokens with an upward trajectory. This explains why the Rebel Satoshi (RECQ) token has become a top investment alternative among many crypto enthusiasts.

Filecoin (FIL) 和 Dogecoin (DOGE) 等頂級山寨幣在過去一周仍保持紅色。因此,投資者開始轉向具有上升趨勢的代幣。這解釋了為什麼 Rebel Satoshi (RECQ) 代幣已成為許多加密貨幣愛好者的首選投資選擇。

Will $RECQ continue eclipsing Filecoin and Dogecoin? Continue reading to discover.

$RECQ 會繼續超越 Filecoin 和 Dogecoin 嗎?繼續閱讀以發現。

Filecoin (FIL) plunges 22% in a week

Filecoin(FIL)一週暴跌 22%

Filecoin has performed poorly over the past seven days. FIL opened trading on April 12 at $8.05. However, the crypto market experienced a flash crash the same day, and FIL failed to withstand the bearish sentiment. The resulting downtrend saw FIL trade as low as $5.10 on April 14.

Filecoin 在過去 7 天表現不佳。 FIL 於 4 月 12 日開盤交易,售價為 8.05 美元。然而,當天加密貨幣市場出現閃崩,FIL未能頂住看跌情緒。由此產生的下跌趨勢導致 4 月 14 日 FIL 交易價格低至 5.10 美元。

In a positive turn, FIL rebounded after Filecoin quoted a recent Grayscale report on April 15. The Grayscale report pointed out that Filecoin is disrupting the digital storage industry by challenging established players like Amazon Web Services and Google Cloud. By April 19, FIL had stabilized at around $6.22. This price means FIL has shed 22.73% in a week.

在 Filecoin 於 4 月 15 日引用最近的灰階報告後,FIL 出現積極的轉變。到 4 月 19 日,FIL 穩定在 6.22 美元左右。這個價格意味著FIL一週內已經下跌了22.73%。

So, will FIL continue plunging, or is it a good crypto to buy now? Per experts, FIL will reverse course and climb to $9.05 by the end of April. Experts base this prediction on FIL getting more adoption after Filecoin undergoes a scheduled network upgrade on April 24.

那麼,FIL 會繼續暴跌,還是現在值得買入的好加密貨幣?據專家稱,FIL 將扭轉走勢,並在 4 月底攀升至 9.05 美元。專家們的這項預測是基於 Filecoin 於 4 月 24 日進行預定的網路升級後,FIL 將獲得更多採用。

Dogecoin (DOGE) dumps 20% in a week

狗狗幣 (DOGE) 一週內下跌 20%

Dogecoin has performed dismally over the past seven days. DOGE opened trading on April 12 at $0.194. However, the marketwide flash crash did not spare DOGE. As a result, DOGE plummeted to $0.135 on April 13 as investors liquidated their DOGE holdings due to fears of bears remaining dominant.

狗狗幣在過去 7 天表現慘淡。 DOGE 於 4 月 12 日開盤交易,售價為 0.194 美元。然而,市場的閃崩並沒有讓DOGE倖免。結果,4 月 13 日,由於擔心空頭仍占主導地位,投資者清算了所持有的 DOGE,DOGE 暴跌至 0.135 美元。

Fortunately, a whale account transferred 350 million DOGE worth approximately $53 million from Robinhood to an unknown wallet on April 14. This whale activity spurred a buying spree among traders, and DOGE began climbing. By April 19, DOGE had stabilized at around $0.154. This price means DOGE has shed 20.62% in a week.

幸運的是,4 月 14 日,一個鯨魚帳戶將價值約 5300 萬美元的 3.5 億 DOGE 從 Robinhood 轉移到一個不知名的錢包。到 4 月 19 日,DOGE 穩定在 0.154 美元左右。這個價格意味著DOGE一週內下跌了20.62%。

This lackluster performance has left potential investors asking if it is a good time to buy DOGE. Per experts, Dogecoin will continue plunging as the excitement about the recent whale activity dwindles. To this end, experts set the end-of-April DOGE prediction at $0.139. This forecast adds Dogecoin to the list of altcoins to watch.

這種低迷的表現讓潛在投資者詢問現在是否是購買 DOGE 的好時機。根據專家的說法,隨著最近鯨魚活動的興奮度減弱,狗狗幣將繼續暴跌。為此,專家將4月底DOGE預測定為0.139美元。這項預測將狗狗幣添加到值得關注的山寨幣清單中。

Rebel Satoshi’s $RECQ could jump further as stage 1 winds up

隨著第一階段結束,Rebel Satoshi 的 $RECQ 可能會進一步上漲

Rebel Satoshi, a new meme coin project that seeks to challenge centralized crypto organizations and the privileged few, has become an instant hit among investors. Investors are rushing to join Rebel Satoshi because of its feature-rich ecosystem, which boasts an arcade with various games, an NFT marketplace, and a stake-to-earn program.

Rebel Satoshi是一個新的迷因幣項目,旨在挑戰中心化加密貨幣組織和少數特權階層,已立即受到投資者的歡迎。投資者爭先恐後地加入 Rebel Satoshi,因為其生態系統功能豐富,擁有各種遊戲的街機、NFT 市場和權益賺取計劃。

It is worth noting that these features will only be open to crypto enthusiasts that hold both Rebel Satoshi tokens. These are $RBLZ and $RECQ. $RBLZ is Rebel Satoshi’s membership badge and long-term investment, while $RECQ is the ecosystem’s base currency.

值得注意的是,這些功能僅向持有 Rebel Satoshi 代幣的加密貨幣愛好者開放。它們是 $RBLZ 和 $RECQ。 $RBLZ 是 Rebel Satoshi 的會員徽章和長期投資,而 $RECQ 是生態系統的基礎貨幣。

By April, investors could buy $RBLZ from Coinstore, CoinGecko, Uniswap, and DEXTools. $RBLZ completed its presale on February 29, offering Early Bird Round investors of its presale a 150% ROI. With $RECQ now in Stage 1 of its public presale, many investors are pointing to the performance of $RBLZ as an indicator that $RECQ might be one of the best cryptos to buy now.

到 4 月,投資者可以從 Coinstore、CoinGecko、Uniswap 和 DEXTools 購買 RBLZ 美元。 $RBLZ 於 2 月 29 日完成預售,為預售的早鳥輪投資者提供 150% 的投資回報率。隨著 $RECQ 目前處於公開預售的第一階段,許多投資者將 $RBLZ 的表現視為 $RECQ 可能是現在最值得購買的加密貨幣之一的指標。

Notably, $RECQ’s price during Stage 1 is $0.0037. This price means $RECQ has already jumped 85% from the Early Bird Round price of $0.0020. When $RECQ starts Stage 2 at $0.0044, Early Bird Round investors will get a 120% ROI. In contrast, Stage 1 investors will enjoy an 18.92% ROI when $RECQ hits $0.0044. This growth trajectory could potentially position $RECQ for a 10x surge.

值得注意的是,$RECQ 在第一階段的價格為 0.0037 美元。這個價格意味著 $RECQ 已經比早鳥輪價格 0.0020 美元上漲了 85%。當 $RECQ 以 0.0044 美元開始第二階段時,早鳥輪投資者將獲得 120% 的投資回報率。相比之下,當 $RECQ 達到 0.0044 美元時,第一階段投資者將享受 18.92% 的投資回報率。這種成長軌跡可能會使 $RECQ 飆升 10 倍。

For the latest updates and more information on RECQ, be sure to visit the official Rebel Satoshi Website or contact Rebel Red via Telegram.

有關 RECQ 的最新更新和更多信息,請務必訪問 Rebel Satoshi 官方網站或透過 Telegram 聯繫 Rebel Red。



Source: https://thebittimes.com/filecoin-and-dogecoin-price-dips-shock-investors-is-rebel-satoshi-arcade-the-next-opportunity-tbt86420.html



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