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Finance experts predict XRP price for start of 2024

金融專家預測 2024 年初 XRP 價格

發布: 2023/10/25 00:16 閱讀: 647



In the aftermath of Ripple’s latest legal triumph against the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), which saw the official dismissal of longstanding charges, the crypto world is abuzz with anticipation. 

Ripple 最近在法律上擊敗了美國證券交易委員會 (SEC),並正式駁回了長期指控,此後,加密世界充滿了期待。

As we enter the final period of 2023, Finbold sought insights from financial and crypto experts regarding XRP’s (XRP) price outlook for 2024. 

隨著我們進入 2023 年的最後時期,Finbold 向金融和加密貨幣專家尋求有關 XRP (XRP) 2024 年價格前景的見解。

The analysts’ opinions, gathered by Finbold on October 24, were marked by a diverse range of forecasts for the crypto token’s potential price trajectory. These predictions spanned from bullish optimism to more cautious, tepid outlooks, reflecting the intricate interplay of various influencing factors.

Finbold 在 10 月 24 日收集的分析師意見中,對加密代幣潛在價格軌蹟的預測多種多樣。這些預測涵蓋從看漲樂觀到更謹慎、不溫不火的前景,反映了各種影響因素錯綜複雜的相互作用。

Dom Farnell, co-founder of The Investors Centre

Dom Farnell,投資者中心共同創辦人

One of the finance experts who shared his predictions on XRP’s 2024 predictions was Dom Farnell, a co-founder of The Investors Centre. 

投資者中心聯合創始人 Dom Farnell 是分享對 XRP 2024 年預測的金融專家之一。



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The crypto specialist said XRP remains “one of the most exciting altcoins on the market,” adding that it is “a matter of time before we see a new all-time high (ATH) for this token.”

這位加密貨幣專家表示,XRP 仍然是“市場上最令人興奮的山寨幣之一”,並補充說“我們遲早會看到該代幣創下新的歷史高點 (ATH)。”

“XRP is in what I like to call a holding phase, we saw a very exciting climb to over $0.80 in mid-July for it now to have corrected itself back down to roughly $0.55.”

“XRP 正處於我所說的持有階段,我們在 7 月中旬看到了非常令人興奮的攀升至 0.80 美元以上,現在它已經回調至大約 0.55 美元。”

– said Farnell in his response to Finbold.


Looking ahead, Farnell said he does not see “much movement for XRP in the coming months,” and instead predicted the cryptocurrency to continue trading between $0.5 and $0.6. 

展望未來,Farnell 表示,他認為“未來幾個月 XRP 不會出現太大變動”,並預測加密貨幣將繼續在 0.5 美元至 0.6 美元之間交易。

The expert noted that XRP’s “die-hard supporters” will keep the token’s price propped up, however, there will not be much new investment coming in either as investors “will immediately be put off by upcoming court cases, and also the relatively high position it holds in the market cap rankings.”

該專家指出,XRP 的“頑固支持者”將保持該代幣的價格得到支撐,但是,由於投資者“將立即因即將到來的法庭案件以及相對較高的地位而被推遲”,因此不會有太多新的投資進入。它在市值排名中佔有一席之地。”

Gillian Dewar, CFO of Crediful

Gillian Dewar,Credful 財務官

Meanwhile, Gillian Dewar, Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of personal finance site Crediful believes XRP’s price course in the coming months mainly depends on on whether major institutions adopt the currency for global transactions and if the market starts a bull run, “which would effectively raise XRP rates.”

同時,個人理財網站 Crediful 財務長 (CFO) Gillian Dewar 認為,未來幾個月 XRP 的價格走勢主要取決於主要機構是否採用該貨幣進行全球交易以及市場是否開始牛市,「這將有效提高瑞波幣匯率。”

“On the conservative end, we may see increases in XRP into the $0.60 range, but that number could rise up to $1.00+ if these factors play out right.”

“從保守的角度來看,我們可能會看到 XRP 上漲至 0.60 美元的範圍,但如果這些因素發揮得好,這個數字可能會升至 1.00 美元以上。”

– Dewar added.

– 杜瓦瓶補充道。

Laurens Yarpei, founder of ReallyNeedCash

Laurens Yarpei,ReallyNeedCash 創辦人

Laurens Yarpei, financial expert and founder of the personal finance website reallyneedcash.com believes the final outcome of the SEC-Ripple dispute is the single biggest factor that will impact the XRP’s price.

金融專家兼個人理財網站 realneedcash.com 創辦人 Laurens Yarpei 認為,SEC 與 Ripple 糾紛的最終結果是影響 XRP 價格的最大因素。

In the meantime, other factors that are capable of influencing the crypto asset’s trajectory are developments related to institutional adoption of the token, and the overall state of the broader cryptocurrency market. 


“Given all of these factors, it is difficult to predict the exact price of XRP at the start of 2024. However, some financial experts believe that XRP could reach a price of $1.50 to $2.00 by the start of 2024.”

“考慮到所有這些因素,很難預測 2024 年初 XRP 的確切價格。然而,一些金融專家認為,到 2024 年初,XRP 的價格可能會達到 1.50 至 2.00 美元。”

– noted Yarpei.


XRP price analysis


At the time of publication, XRP was sitting at $0.58, up more than 9.6% in the past 24 hours.

截至發稿時,XRP 價格為 0.58 美元,在過去 24 小時內上漲了 9.6% 以上。

The cryptocurrency gained more than 18% over the past seven days and around 14% on the month, propelled by the positive market developments, including Bitcoin’s (BTC) latest pump. 

在積極的市場發展(包括比特幣(BTC)的最新上漲)的推動下,加密貨幣在過去 7 天上漲了 18% 以上,本月上漲了 14% 左右。

XRP’s newest upturn created a unique opportunity for Ripple to move an additional 70 million tokens ($38.5 million) prior to what could turn into another major sell-off. If that happens, XRP could come under fresh pressure from the bears and possibly lose some of its latest gains. 

XRP 的最新改善為 Ripple 創造了一個獨特的機會,可以在可能導致另一次大規模拋售之前額外轉移 7000 萬枚代幣(3850 萬美元)。如果發生這種情況,XRP 可能會面臨空頭的新壓力,並可能失去部分最新漲幅。

Disclaimer: The content on this site should not be considered investment advice. Investing is speculative. When investing, your capital is at risk.


Source: https://thebittimes.com/finance-experts-predict-xrp-price-for-start-of-2024-tbt67558.html



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