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Flare Network to Bring New Utility to BTC, XRP, and DOGE

Flare 網路將為 BTC、XRP 和 DOGE 帶來新的實用性

發布: 2023/12/13 06:00 閱讀: 792



Flare 網路將為 BTC、XRP 和 DOGE 帶來新的實用性

Flare Labs, a Ripple Labs-backed blockchain for data network has recently announced plans to revolutionize the utility of Bitcoin (BTC), XRP, and Dogecoin (DOGE) through its innovative FAssets system. This development marks a huge step forward for the blockchain space, as Flare Network aims to bring new purpose and functionality to these established cryptocurrencies. 

Flare Labs 是 Ripple Labs 支援的數據網路區塊鏈,最近宣布計劃透過其創新的 FAssets 系統徹底改變比特幣 (BTC)、XRP 和狗狗幣 (DOGE) 的實用性。這一發展標誌著區塊鏈領域向前邁出了一大步,因為 Flare Network 旨在為這些已建立的加密貨幣帶來新的用途和功能。

FAssets: a Gateway to New Possibilities


According to the announcement, the FAssets system will empower users to earn yield in Decentralized Applications (dApps) on the Flare Network or bridge their assets to other ecosystems using the innovative LayerCake protocol. The latter, described as an insured-in-transit bridging and cross-network composability protocol, offers users a seamless and secure means of connecting with different blockchain networks.

根據公告,FAssets 系統將使用戶能夠在 Flare 網路上的去中心化應用程式 (dApp) 中賺取收益,或使用創新的 LayerCake 協議將其資產連接到其他生態系統。後者被描述為一種被保險在途橋接和跨網路可組合性協議,為用戶提供了一種與不同區塊鏈網路連接的無縫且安全的方式。

The multi-asset backing structure of FAssets ensures stability and security, making it a trustless gateway for non-smart contract assets to participate in Decentralized Finance (DeFi) or Non-Fungible Token (NFT) ecosystems.


The announcement comes on the heels of recent massive selloffs in the crypto market. As noted in an earlier report, Bitcoin fell 7%, while popular altcoins including XRP, and DOGE saw major selling within minutes.

這項消息是在加密貨幣市場最近出現大規模拋售之後發布的。正如先前的一份報告所述,比特幣下跌了 7%,而包括 XRP 和 DOGE 在內的流行山寨幣在幾分鐘內就出現了大幅拋售。

Notably, Flare Network, as an EVM-compatible Layer-1, is designed to enhance interoperability and usability in the blockchain space. With oracles secured by the network, Flare aims to enable open, decentralized, and safe interoperability not only between blockchains but also between blockchains and Web2 APIs. 

值得注意的是,Flare Network 作為 EVM 相容的 Layer-1,旨在增強區塊鏈空間的互通性和可用性。透過網路保護的預言機,Flare 旨在不僅在區塊鏈之間,而且在區塊鏈和 Web2 API 之間實現開放、去中心化和安全的互通性。

The goal is to simplify the process of building dApps by providing developers with the tools and protocols needed to securely access diverse data.

目標是透過為開發人員提供安全存取不同資料所需的工具和協定來簡化建立 dApp 的過程。

Flare Network: Core Protocol

Flare 網路:核心協議

Flare Network’s two core protocols, the State Connector and Flare Time Series Oracle (FTSO), play a crucial role in operationalizing EVM-based smart contracts and the associated dApps. 

Flare Network 的兩個核心協議,State Connector 和 Flare Time Series Oracle (FTSO),在運行基於 EVM 的智能合約和相關 dApp 方面發揮著至關重要的作用。

The State Connector facilitates the secure acquisition of time series data, including cryptocurrency price data, and event data from other blockchains and Web2 APIs. The FTSO ensures the provision of accurate and trustless data by incentivizing independent decentralized nodes to contribute.

State Connector 有助於安全地取得時間序列數據,包括加密貨幣價格數據以及來自其他區塊鏈和 Web2 API 的事件數據。 FTSO 透過激勵獨立的去中心化節點做出貢獻,確保提供準確且無需信任的資料。

The recent collaboration between Flare Network and Bloxico, a leading blockchain service company, adds another layer of innovation to the ecosystem. Bloxico’s expertise will introduce a Reputation Score to the Flare network, enabling community members to assess and choose the best infrastructure providers and decentralized oracles to allocate their capital.

Flare Network 與領先的區塊鏈服務公司 Bloxico 最近的合作為生態系統增添了另一層創新。 Bloxico 的專業知識將為 Flare 網路引入聲譽評分,使社群成員能夠評估和選擇最佳的基礎設施提供者和去中心化預言機來分配其資本。

The post Flare Network to Bring New Utility to BTC, XRP, and DOGE appeared first on CoinGape.

Flare Network 為 BTC、XRP 和 DOGE 帶來新實用性的貼文首先出現在 CoinGape 上。


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