首頁 > 資訊新聞 > Floki 在不斷擴大的以狗為主題的 Meme 硬幣市場中具有爆炸性增長潛力 – Dogeverse 會成為下一個 Floki 嗎?

Floki’s Explosive Growth Potential in the Expanding Dog-Themed Meme Coin Market – Could Dogeverse Be the Next Floki?

Floki 在不斷擴大的以狗為主題的 Meme 硬幣市場中具有爆炸性增長潛力 – Dogeverse 會成為下一個 Floki 嗎?

發布: 2024/05/25 04:04 閱讀: 310

原文作者:Inside Bitcoins


Floki's recent, unexpected price explosion has ignited bullish sentiment among analysts, fueling anticipation of a potential bull run in the coming days.

Floki 最近意外的價格爆炸點燃了分析師的看漲情緒,引發了對未來幾天潛在牛市的預期。

However, while Floki grabs the headlines, there's another project poised to replicate its success.

然而,儘管 Floki 佔據了頭條新聞,但還有另一個項目準備複製其成功。

This project, having already secured $15 million in its presale, is generating excitement and leading many to believe it could be the next Floki.

該項目已獲得 1500 萬美元的預售,引起了人們的興奮,並讓許多人相信它可能是下一個 Floki。

Could Floki's huge developments propel it past Shiba Inu?

Floki 的巨大發展能否超越柴犬?

Floki's story began as a meme coin, but its journey has evolved into a much richer project. Now, a passionate community fuels its development, and Floki offers a diverse ecosystem that goes far beyond hype.

Floki 的故事始於一枚迷因幣,但它的旅程已經演變成一個更豐富的計畫。現在,一個充滿熱情的社區推動了它的發展,Floki 提供了一個遠遠超出炒作的多樣化生態系統。

From play-to-earn NFT games to a staking platform (FLOKIFI) and even its educational initiative (University of Floki), the project caters to a wide range of interests within the crypto space.

從邊玩邊賺錢的 NFT 遊戲到質押平台 (FLOKIFI),甚至其教育計畫(Floki 大學),該計畫迎合了加密貨幣領域的廣泛興趣。

Three core values define Floki: community, utility, and charity. A strong and dedicated user base is the heart of its success. Floki goes beyond speculation by offering real-world applications for its tokens and services. The project integrates charitable giving, creating a positive social impact.

Floki 的三個核心價值是:社區、實用和慈善。強大而專注的用戶群是其成功的核心。 Floki 超越了猜測,為其代幣和服務提供了現實世界的應用程式。該項目融入慈善捐贈,產生了積極的社會影響。

Buying Floki is easy; it's available on major exchanges and decentralized platforms. The project also has an ambitious roadmap packed with exciting developments, including Floki debit cards, potential DeFi integration with Floki X Venus, and even Floki-powered bank accounts that could blur the lines between traditional finance and crypto.

購買 Floki 很容易;它可以在主要交易所和去中心化平台上使用。該項目還有一個雄心勃勃的路線圖,其中充滿了令人興奮的發展,包括Floki 借記卡、與Floki X Venus 的潛在DeFi 集成,甚至是由Floki 支持的銀行帳戶,這可能會模糊傳統金融和加密貨幣之間的界線。

The recent token burn, approved by the Floki DAO, showcases the community's commitment to long-term value. While the immediate price effect might be subtle, it reflects a proactive approach to managing the token supply, potentially benefiting FLOKI holders in the long run.

最近的代幣銷毀得到了 Floki DAO 的批准,展示了社區對長期價值的承諾。雖然直接的價格影響可能很微妙,但它反映了管理代幣供應的主動方法,從長遠來看可能有利於 FLOKI 持有者。

Floki's transformation from a meme coin to a feature-rich project with a strong community focus positions it for a promising future in the crypto landscape.

Floki 從迷因幣轉變為具有強大社群關注度的功能豐富的項目,使其在加密領域擁有光明的未來。

Floki (FLOKI) price analysis


Floki has recently made headlines with its remarkable price surge, defying expectations and capturing the attention of analysts who are now bullish about its potential for a sustained bull run. As of now, Floki is up by 6% for the week, boasting a market capitalization of approximately $2.1 billion.

Floki 最近因其顯著的價格飆升而成為頭條新聞,超出了預期,並引起了分析師的注意,他們現在看好其持續牛市的潛力。截至目前,Floki 本週上漲 6%,市值約 21 億美元。

This places it on the cusp of breaking into the top 55 cryptocurrencies by market cap, marking a significant milestone. While Shiba Inu achieved an impressive 18x increase at its peak, Floki's focus on community, utility, and charity could lead to sustained growth, potentially reaching 6.6x gains based on market cap comparisons.

這使其即將躋身市值排名前 55 位的加密貨幣,這是一個重要的里程碑。雖然 Shiba Inu 在巔峰時期實現了令人印象深刻的 18 倍增長,但 Floki 對社區、公用事業和慈善事業的關注可能會帶來持續增長,根據市值比較,可能會達到 6.6 倍的增長。

Floki's price displayed stability for a period before a surge of over 30% in mid-May. This momentum stalled recently with a slight price dip. Currently, Floki trades around $0.0002, with a total value exceeding $2 billion.

Floki 的價格在一段時間內保持穩定,之後在 5 月中旬飆升了 30% 以上。隨著價格小幅下跌,這種勢頭最近陷入停滯。目前,Floki 交易價格約為 0.0002 美元,總價值超過 20 億美元。

Floki (FLOKI) price prediction

Floki (FLOKI) 價格預測

Experts have mixed views on Floki's future. While a decline in new users and rising shorting activity could trigger a price drop, a healthy price-to-value ratio and increased buying pressure suggest a potential rebound. The next few days are crucial.

專家們對 Floki 的未來看法不一。雖然新用戶的減少和賣空活動的增加可能會引發價格下跌,但健康的性價比和購買壓力的增加表明潛在的反彈。接下來的幾天至關重要。

Regaining momentum could propel Floki to $0.00025 by week's end, up from its current price of $0.000226 (2.66% daily increase). Trading with a market cap of $2.16 billion and a daily volume of $314.55 million, analysts predict further gains to $0.000702 by June 23, 2024 (a 227% increase).

重新獲得動力可能會推動 Floki 在周末上漲至 0.00025 美元,高於目前的 0.000226 美元(日漲幅 2.66%)。交易市值為 21.6 億美元,每日交易量為 3.1455 億美元,分析師預測到 2024 年 6 月 23 日將進一步上漲至 0.000702 美元(成長 227%)。

However, a drop to $0.00018 remains a possibility. Investors are keeping a close eye on Floki's trajectory. For those seeking the top altcoin investment opportunities in 2024, explore our comprehensive guide featuring the most noteworthy choices.

然而,仍有可能跌至 0.00018 美元。投資者正在密切關注 Floki 的發展軌跡。對於那些尋求 2024 年頂級山寨幣投資機會的人來說,請探索我們的綜合指南,其中包含最值得關注的選擇。

High-yield investment opportunities to boost your portfolio


Investors are in a frenzy over Dogeverse, a hot new multi-chain meme coin. Fueled by a record-breaking $15 million presale, this viral project is hurtling towards its exchange debut. A countdown timer on the official website ticks down the final moments to grab DOGEVERSE tokens at the discounted presale price of $0.00031.

投資者對 Dogeverse(熱門的新型多鏈迷因幣)感到狂熱。在破紀錄的 1500 萬美元預售的推動下,這個病毒項目正朝著交易所首次亮相的方向飛速前進。官方網站上的倒數計時器會倒數計時,以 0.00031 美元的折扣預售價格搶奪 DOGEVERSE 代幣的最後時刻。

The presale for Dogeverse (DOGEVERSE) will end on June 3rd at 10 AM UTC, followed by the official launch scheduled for June 5th at 10 AM UTC. This represents the final chance to join Dogeverse on its blockchain journey before the official launch date. Potential investors can visit our guide on how to buy Dogeverse tokens here.

Dogeverse (DOGEVERSE) 的預售將於世界標準時間 6 月 3 日上午 10 點結束,隨後定於世界標準時間 6 月 5 日上午 10 點正式發布。這是在正式發布日期之前加入 Dogeverse 區塊鏈之旅的最後機會。潛在投資者可以在此處造訪我們有關如何購買 Dogeverse 代幣的指南。

Get ready to blast off with Cosmo! 🚀🌀

準備好與 Cosmo 一起起飛吧! 🚀🌀

⏳ #Presale ends on June 3rd at 10 AM UTC!

⏳ #預售將於世界標準時間 6 月 3 日上午 10 點結束!

🌐 Claim launches on June 5th at 10 AM UTC!

🌐 領取將於世界標準時間 6 月 5 日上午 10 點啟動!

This is your LAST CHANCE to join Cosmo on his #Blockchain adventures before the official launch! 🌌

這是您在正式發布之前與 Cosmo 一起參與 #Blockchain 冒險的最後機會! 🌌

Don't miss out! The clock is ticking! 📣… pic.twitter.com/QwpzWcm947

不要錯過!時鐘正在滴答作響! 📣… pic.twitter.com/QwpzWcm947

— DogeVerse (@The_DogeVerse) May 23, 2024

- DogeVerse (@The_DogeVerse) 2024 年 5 月 23 日

Dogeverse is shaping up to be a major player, similar to Floki, with its well-rounded approach and focus on utility. Unlike most meme coins, Dogeverse isn't confined to a single blockchain. It boasts multi-chain functionality, spanning Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, Polygon, Avalanche, Solana, and more.

Dogeverse 正在成為一個主要參與者,與 Floki 類似,其方法全面且注重實用性。與大多數 meme 幣不同,Dogeverse 並不局限於單一區塊鏈。它擁有多鏈功能,涵蓋以太坊、幣安智能鏈、Polygon、Avalanche、Solana 等。

This versatility broadens its appeal and reach, potentially fueling explosive growth. Potential investors can visit our guide on how to buy Dogeverse tokens here.

這種多功能性擴大了其吸引力和影響範圍,有可能推動爆炸性成長。潛在投資者可以在此處造訪我們有關如何購買 Dogeverse 代幣的指南。



Floki's surge, driven by its feature-rich ecosystem and passionate community, raises questions about its sustainability. Meanwhile, Dogeverse, backed by a record-breaking presale and a multi-chain strategy, emerges as a contender for the meme coin throne.

Floki 在其功能豐富的生態系統和熱情的社區的推動下激增,引發了人們對其可持續性的質疑。與此同時,Dogeverse 在破紀錄的預售和多鏈策略的支持下,成為迷因幣寶座的競爭者。

The upcoming weeks will be pivotal as Floki aims to consolidate its gains and Dogeverse prepares for a significant market debut. Both projects promise to attract investor interest and drive substantial developments in the crypto landscape, making them compelling to monitor as they chart their paths to growth and adoption.

未來幾週將是至關重要的,因為 Floki 旨在鞏固其收益,而 Dogeverse 則為重要的市場亮相做準備。這兩個項目都有望吸引投資者的興趣並推動加密貨幣領域的實質發展,使它們在規劃成長和採取路徑時引人注目。

To participate in the $DOGEVERSE token presale, visit thedogeverse.com.

若要參與 $DOGEVERSE 代幣預售,請造訪 thedogeverse.com。



DOG•GO•TO•THE•MOON Price Prediction: DOG Pumps 22% To Become A Top 10 Meme Coin, But Traders Rush To Buy Dogeverse Before Time Runs Out

DOG•GO•TO•THE•MOON 價格預測:DOG 暴漲 22%,成為十大 Meme 幣,但交易者在時間耗盡前爭相購買 Dogeverse

Floki Price Prediction: FLOKI Surges 11%, But Investors Are Flocking To This New Canine-Themed Competitor For Parabolic Gains

Floki 價格預測:FLOKI 飆升 11%,但投資者紛紛湧向這款以犬類為主題的新競爭對手以獲得拋物線收益

Can Floki Continue Its Upward Trend and Overtake Shiba Inu, or Will Another Dog-Themed Project Emerge as the Next Big Meme Coin?

Floki 能否繼續其上升趨勢並超越柴犬,或者另一個以狗為主題的項目是否會成為下一個大模因幣?

Is It Too Late To Buy PEPE? Pepe Price Soars 10% On Ethereum ETF Rally As Traders Flock To Dogeverse For Last Chance To Buy

現在購買PEPE是否太晚了?以太坊 ETF 上漲,Pepe 價格飆升 10%,交易者紛紛湧向 Dogeverse 尋求最後買入機會


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