首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 從 FOMO 到領跑者——DeeStream (DST) 崛起如何挑戰萊特幣 (LTC) 和狗狗幣 (DOGE) 的市場控制力

From FOMO to Front-Runner – How DeeStream (DST) Uprising Challenges Litecoin (LTC) and Dogecoin (DOGE)’s Market Grip

從 FOMO 到領跑者——DeeStream (DST) 崛起如何挑戰萊特幣 (LTC) 和狗狗幣 (DOGE) 的市場控制力

發布: 2024/02/10 06:05 閱讀: 812

原文作者:TheCoinrise Media


從 FOMO 到領跑者——DeeStream (DST) 崛起如何挑戰萊特幣 (LTC) 和狗狗幣 (DOGE) 的市場控制力

There’s nothing crypto markets love more than a spirited innovator to shake up the status quo. 2024 is no different with the advent of DeeStream (DST), one of the new rising crypto stars. Its emergence as a crypto front-runner in 2024 at the expense of Litecoin (LTC) and Dogecoin (DOGE) has taken the investment community by storm. Here’s why it’s gaining widespread support and looks set to be one of 2024’s best performers.

沒有什麼比充滿活力的創新者來改變現狀更受加密貨幣市場歡迎的了。 2024 年也不例外,DeeStream(DST)是新崛起的加密貨幣新星之一。它在 2024 年取代萊特幣 (LTC) 和狗狗幣 (DOGE) 成為加密貨幣領跑者,席捲了投資界。這就是為什麼它獲得了廣泛的支持,並且看起來將成為 2024 年表現最好的產品之一。

DeeStream (DST): Revolutionizing the online streaming world

DeeStream (DST):徹底改變線上串流媒體世界

DeeStream (DST) is making serious waves in the crypto world thanks to its unique features, making it the world’s first decentralized streaming platform. By using the power of blockchain technology, DeeStream (DST) will provide viewers and creators with a seamless streaming experience in an environment that promotes genuine free speech.


Users can take advantage of low fees compared to Kick and Twitch while enjoying unique revenue-sharing opportunities and a comprehensive rewards scheme.

與 Kick 和 Twitch 相比,用戶可以享受較低的費用,同時享受獨特的收入分享機會和全面的獎勵計劃。

Investors have been flocking to the DeeStream (DST) presale, building a burgeoning community during the fast-selling opening ICO phase. Prices remain at just $0.035 until the first stage allocation sells out sooner rather than later.

投資者紛紛湧向 DeeStream (DST) 預售,在快速銷售的 ICO 開放階段建立了一個蓬勃發展的社群。價格維持在 0.035 美元,直到第一階段分配儘早售完為止。

Litecoin (LTC): Wilderness blockchain lacks positive price performance


Litecoin (LTC) will always have a place in the history of crypto’s evolution from a costly, premium service to an accessible development environment welcoming all comers. Developed as a low-cost and more efficient alternative to its bigger sibling, Bitcoin (BTC), Litecoin was a popular entry point for developers.

萊特幣(LTC)將永遠在加密貨幣的發展史上佔有一席之地,從昂貴的優質服務到歡迎所有人的可訪問開發環境。萊特幣是作為其更大的兄弟比特幣 (BTC) 的低成本、更高效的替代品而開發的,是開發人員的熱門切入點。

However, as newer, more flexible, and adaptable blockchains have hit the market, Litecoin (LTC) has seen its luster fade. Its inability to adapt and move with the times has seen it dubbed in some circles as the “ghost chain.” As a result, investors are looking elsewhere for value and abandoning Litecoin (LTC) in their droves.

然而,隨著更新、更靈活、更具適應性的區塊鏈進入市場,萊特幣 (LTC) 的光彩逐漸褪色。它無法適應時代並與時俱進,在某些圈子裡被稱為「幽靈鏈」。結果,投資者開始在其他地方尋找價值,並紛紛放棄萊特幣(LTC)。

Dogecoin (DOGE): Original meme coin flatlining


Dogecoin (DOGE) was the original meme coin, designed as a light-hearted response to the serious world of Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH). Dogecoin (DOGE) quickly grabbed an enormous, loyal, dedicated community. However, since its 2021 peak, partly driven by a tweet from Elon Musk, fewer investors are finding the joke funny anymore.

狗狗幣(DOGE)是最初的迷因幣,旨在對比特幣(BTC)和以太坊(ETH)的嚴肅世界做出輕鬆的回應。狗狗幣(DOGE)很快就吸引了一個龐大、忠誠、專注的社群。然而,自 2021 年達到頂峰(部分受到伊隆馬斯克的一條推文推動)以來,覺得這個笑話好笑的投資者越來越少了。

Although Dogecoin (DOGE) did briefly regain momentum in early January 2024 upon news that it could become a means of payment on X (formerly Twitter), that hope faded almost as quickly as the positive price performance. Analysts remain skeptical about the potential for Dogecoin (DOGE) to launch a full recovery despite the imminent Bitcoin (BTC) halving.

儘管狗狗幣(DOGE) 確實在2024 年1 月初短暫恢復了勢頭,因為有消息稱它可能成為X(以前稱為Twitter)上的一種支付方式,但這種希望幾乎與積極的價格表現一樣快地消失了。儘管比特幣(BTC)即將減半,但分析師仍對狗狗幣(DOGE)全面復甦的潛力持懷疑態度。



While Dogecoin (DOGE) and Litecoin (LTC) face a battle to remain relevant in the light of newer upstart projects like DeeStream (DST), existing high market caps will sustain them for the time being. However, how long this strength will last as DeeStream (DST) revolutionizes the world of online streaming and brings 50x growth potential remains to be seen.

儘管狗狗幣 (DOGE) 和萊特幣 (LTC) 面臨在 DeeStream (DST) 等新貴項目的影響下保持相關性的鬥爭,但現有的高市值將暫時維持它們。然而,隨著 DeeStream (DST) 徹底改變線上串流媒體世界並帶來 50 倍的成長潛力,這種優勢將持續多久還有待觀察。

Find out more about the DeeStream presale at their official website.

在其官方網站上了解有關 DeeStream 預售的更多資訊。

The post From FOMO to Front-Runner – How DeeStream (DST) Uprising Challenges Litecoin (LTC) and Dogecoin (DOGE)’s Market Grip appeared first on Latest News and Insights on Blockchain, Cryptocurrency, and Investing.

從 FOMO 到領跑者 – DeeStream (DST) 崛起如何挑戰萊特幣 (LTC) 和狗狗幣 (DOGE) 的市場掌控力一文首先出現在區塊鏈、加密貨幣和投資的最新新聞和見解上。


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