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Forget Dogecoin and Bitcoin. Here’s Why Borroe Finance is way Forward

忘記狗狗幣​​和比特幣吧。這就是 Borroe Finance 不斷前進的原因

發布: 2023/08/31 16:30 閱讀: 915



For several years, Bitcoin (BTC) and Dogecoin (DOGE) have been dominating the crypto space with wild gains that have left investors mesmerized. However, recently these crypto have encountered a bearish trend which has made them lose their appeal. But, investors are not worried since Borroe ($ROE) has come to the space with its massive profits in its presale. It is projected to record more gains in the coming months, making it the best cryptocurrency to buy now.

多年來,比特幣(BTC)和狗狗幣(DOGE)一直主導著加密貨幣領域,其龐大的漲幅讓投資者著迷。然而,最近這些加密貨幣遇到了看跌趨勢,這使得它們失去了吸引力。但是,投資者並不擔心,因為 Borroe ($ROE) 已經在預售中獲得了巨額利潤。預計未來幾個月將錄得更多漲幅,使其成為現在最好購買的加密貨幣。


>>立即購買 $ROE 代幣

Dogecoin (DOGE) Faces Investor Fatigue and Market Downturn


Dogecoin (DOGE) has constantly been the wild card of the cryptocurrency world. Dogecoin’s (DOGE) exponential growth in 2021, gaining 10,000% to a staggering $0.741 per token, caught critics and enthusiasts by surprise. But, Dogecoin (DOGE) failed to sustain any of the gains, and the coin has since lost over 90% of that value.

狗狗幣(DOGE)一直是加密貨幣世界的通配符。狗狗幣 (DOGE) 在 2021 年呈指數級增長,上漲 10,000%,達到每枚代幣 0.741 美元,令批評者和愛好者感到驚訝。但是,狗狗幣 (DOGE) 未能維持任何漲幅,此後該幣值已損失了 90% 以上。

Dogecoin (DOGE) has very few use cases compared to Shiba Inu. The only notable primary utility of Dogecoin (DOGE) is just speculation for Elon Musk’s tweets.


While some analysts believe that Dogecoin (DOGE) can be used in Elon Musk’s rebranded ‘X’ platform, most Dogecoin (DOGE) holders are already tired of his antics. These Dogecoin (DOGE) holders are already seeking new lucrative opportunities in the memecoin market. Analysts expect Dogecoin (DOGE) to drop to $0.060 by the end of August 2023.

雖然一些分析師認為狗狗幣(DOGE)可以在馬斯克重新命名的「X」平台中使用,但大多數狗狗幣(DOGE)持有者已經厭倦了他的滑稽動作。這些狗狗幣(DOGE)持有者已經在迷因幣市場尋找新的利潤豐厚的機會。分析師預計狗狗幣 (DOGE) 到 2023 年 8 月底將跌至 0.060 美元。

Bitcoin (BTC) Plunged After Persistent Sluggishness


Bitcoin (BTC) has been locked up trading within a range between $29,100 and $30,500 since June 22, 2023. Not even increased interest from institutional investors could help increase the price of Bitcoin (BTC). 

自 2023 年 6 月 22 日起,比特幣 (BTC) 的交易價格一直鎖定在 29,100 美元至 30,500 美元之間。即使機構投資者的興趣增加,也無法幫助提高比特幣 (BTC) 的價格。

Nevertheless, excitement on Wall Street indicates that the SEC may approve Bitcoin (BTC) ETFs sooner than expected. Furthermore, Bitcoin (BTC) investors insist that the halving event expected to happen in 2024 may help increase Bitcoin’s (BTC) value more than three times.

儘管如此,華爾街的興奮表明美國證券交易委員會可能會比預期更早批准比特幣(BTC)ETF。此外,比特幣 (BTC) 投資者堅稱,預計 2024 年發生的減半事件可能有助於使比特幣 (BTC) 的價值增加三倍以上。

But, after stagnating for almost two months, Bitcoin (BTC) was at the center of a market implosion on August 18, diving from $29,110 to $25,740 within 24 hours. Experts say that Bitcoin (BTC) will struggle in the near term. 

但是,在停滯了近兩個月之後,比特幣 (BTC) 在 8 月 18 日陷入了市場崩盤的中心,在 24 小時內從 29,110 美元暴跌至 25,740 美元。專家表示,比特幣(BTC)短期內將陷入困境。

Nonetheless, as the halving event gets near, analysts say that Bitcoin (BTC) will rise toward $42,000 by January 2024. Hence, Bitcoin (BTC) is still a good crypto to buy despite the dip.

儘管如此,隨著減半事件的臨近,分析師表示,到2024 年1 月,比特幣(BTC) 將升至42,000 美元。因此,儘管比特幣(BTC) 下跌,但仍然是值得購買的不錯的加密貨幣。

Borroe ($ROE) Is A Powerhouse Offering Massive Profits in Presale Stage

Borroe ($ROE) 是一家在預售階段提供巨額利潤的巨頭

Borroe ($ROE) is making waves as a pioneer in the AI-powered marketplace space. Notably, Borroe ($ROE) gives content creators and Web3 users a unique chance to generate instant cash Supply. The cash is acquired through the sale of upcoming earnings from invoices, invoices, royalties, and subscriptions.

Borroe ($ROE) 作為人工智慧驅動的市場領域的先驅正在掀起波瀾。值得注意的是,Borroe ($ROE) 為內容創作者和 Web3 用戶提供了產生即時現金供應的獨特機會。現金是透過出售即將收到的發票、發票、特許權使用費和訂閱收入來獲得的。

While the conventional funding platforms encounter hiccups as they aim to adapt to the principles of Web3, Borroe ($ROE) integrates seamlessly with this technology. Moreover, Borroe ($ROE) offers an ideal platform for businesses to raise necessary funds quickly using non-fungible tokens (NFTs) that are derived from their future and pending invoices.

雖然傳統的融資平台在適應 Web3 原則時遇到了一些問題,但 Borroe ($ROE) 卻與這項技術無縫整合。此外,Borroe ($ROE) 為企業提供了一個理想的平台,可以使用源自未來和待處理發票的不可替代代幣 (NFT) 快速籌集必要的資金。

By minting and selling these NFTs at a discount, Borroe ($ROE) helps power a peer-to-peer ecosystem where users and investors can readily exchange these NFTs on secondary markets.

透過鑄造和折扣出售這些 NFT,Borroe ($ROE) 幫助推動了點對點生態系統,用戶和投資者可以在二級市場上輕鬆交換這些 NFT。

During its beta stage, Borroe ($ROE) was sold at $0.010. On transitioning to Stage 1 of its presale, early Borroe ($ROE) investors enjoyed a 25% profit as the token is now valued at $0.0125. 

在測試階段,Borroe ($ROE) 的售價為 0.010 美元。在過渡到預售的第一階段時,早期 Borroe ($ROE) 投資者獲得了 25% 的利潤,因為該代幣目前的價值為 0.0125 美元。

These price increases make Borroe ($ROE) the best cryptocurrency to buy today. In that context, the price of Borroe ($ROE) is set to increase to $0.015 in Stage 2 of its presale. Experts advise that you should invest in Borroe ($ROE) today before its surges further.

這些價格上漲使 Borroe ($ROE) 成為當今最值得購買的加密貨幣。在這種背景下,Borroe 的價格($ROE)將在預售第二階段上漲至 0.015 美元。專家建議您今天應該在 Borroe ($ROE) 進一步飆升之前進行投資。

Learn more about Borroe ($ROE) here:

在此了解更多關於 Borroe ($ROE) 的資訊:

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貼文忘記狗狗幣​​和比特幣。這就是為什麼 Borroe Finance 如此先進地首先出現在 CaptainAltcoin 上。


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