首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 2024 年 5 個最佳免費加密貨幣雲端挖礦網站 – 每日支付

5 Best Free Cryptocurrency Cloud Mining Sites in 2024 – Daily Payouts

2024 年 5 個最佳免費加密貨幣雲端挖礦網站 – 每日支付

發布: 2024/04/09 21:36 閱讀: 889

原文作者:CoinPedia News


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2024 年 5 個最佳免費加密貨幣雲端挖礦網站 – 每日支付首次出現在 Coinpedia 金融科技新聞

Cloud mining of cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, Litecoin, Dash, and Dogecoin has become an increasingly popular method of generating passive income. Therefore, team of analysts has compiled a shortlist of five reliable and profitable cryptocurrency cloud mining sites. These sites are selected based on a variety of factors, including reliability, reputation, and profitability. These cloud mining services will add more passive income for you.


1.ARKMining(9.8 points)


2.Binance (9.5 points)


3.ECOS (9.2 points)


4.NiceHash (9.0 points)


5.Bitdeer (9.0 points)


1.ARKMining(9.8 points)


Founded in 2017, ARKMining is one of the first companies to provide cloud mining services. It has won the trust of more than 650,000 customers worldwide. By registering with ARKMining, you can quickly and easily participate in cloud mining. Everyone can invest and earn passive income for free.


  • $50 sign-up bonus: Get a $50 bonus after signing up, and everyone can invest for free.
  • 50美元開卡獎勵:註冊後獲得50美元獎勵,每個人都可以免費投資。

  • Daily income: ARKMining provides daily income, so you can quickly and easily check your income.
  • 每日收益:ARKMining提供每日收益,讓您可以快速且方便的查看自己的收益。

  • Low barrier to entry: The platform has a low threshold for withdrawing funds, so you can easily and quickly withdraw money.
  • 進入門檻低:平台提款門檻低,您可以輕鬆快速提款。

  • Alliance program: ARKMining offers up to 3.5% lifetime rewards for referring new users to the platform, so you can earn more by inviting friends to join.
  • 聯盟計畫:ARKMining 為推薦新用戶到平台提供高達 3.5% 的終身獎勵,因此您可以透過邀請朋友加入來賺取更多收入。

  • 24/7 customer support: ARKMining has a responsive and knowledgeable support team that provides help 24/7 to solve any questions you may have.
  • 24/7 客戶支援:ARKMining 擁有一支反應敏捷、知識淵博的支援團隊,可 24/7 提供協助,解決您可能遇到的任何問題。

  • DDos and SSL protection: ARKMining’s system is protected by DDoS and SSL security measures, ensuring that your account and transactions are secure.
  • DDoS與SSL保護:ARKMining的系統受到DDoS和SSL安全措施的保護,確保您的帳戶和交易安全。

  • Environmentally friendly mining: ARKMining uses renewable energy to power its mining operations, making it an environmentally friendly choice for cryptocurrency mining.
  • 環保挖礦:ARKMining 使用再生能源為其挖礦作業提供動力,使其成為加密貨幣挖礦的環保選擇。







50 美元

1 天



200 美元

1 天



600 美元




1200 美元





6 天



Contract price Contract terms Fixed return Daily rate
$50 1 Days $50+$1 2%
$200 1 Days $200+$5 2.5%
$600 3 Days $600+$29.70 1.65%
$1200 5 Days $1200+$108.00 1.8%
$3600 6 Days $3600+$410.40 1.9%

For additional information on ARKMining, please visit their website at https://arkmining.com

有關 ARKMining 的更多信息,請訪問他們的網站:https://arkmining.com

2.Binance (9.5 points)


Binance Cloud Mining is one of the most innovative products offered by Binance, a leading cryptocurrency exchange worldwide. The platform allows users to mine Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies without having to purchase or manage their own mining equipment. Here is a comprehensive overview of what you need to know about Binance Cloud Mining:




  • Flexible mining plans: Binance Cloud Mining provides users with a range of flexible mining plans that can be customized based on their individual needs and investment goals 
  • 靈活的挖礦計劃:幣安雲挖礦為用戶提供一系列靈活的挖礦計劃,可根據個人需求和投資目標進行客製化

  • Low entry barrier: The platform has a low entry barrier, with plans starting at only $10, making it suitable for users with different budget constraints.
  • 低進入門檻:該平台准入門檻低,套餐起價僅 10 美元,適合不同預算限制的用戶。

  • Multiple payment methods: Binance Cloud Mining accepts multiple payment methods, including cryptocurrency such as Bitcoin and Ethereum, as well as legal tender such as USD and EUR.
  • 多種支付方式:幣安雲挖礦接受多種支付方式,包括比特幣、以太幣等加密貨幣,以及美元、歐元等法定貨幣。

  • Secure and reliable: Binance Cloud Mining is built on top of Binance’s robust and secure infrastructure, ensuring that users can safely mine cryptocurrencies.
  • 安全可靠:幣安雲挖礦建立在幣安強大且安全的基礎設施之上,確保用戶可以安全地挖掘加密貨幣。

  • User-friendly interface: The platform has a simple and user-friendly interface, making it easy for users to set up and manage their mining activities.
  • 使用者友善的介面:該平台具有簡單且用戶友好的介面,使用戶可以輕鬆設定和管理他們的挖礦活動。

  • 24/7 customer support: Binance provides 24/7 customer support to ensure that users have access to help and support whenever they need it.
  • 24/7 客戶支援:幣安提供 24/7 客戶支持,以確保用戶在需要時能夠獲得幫助和支持。

Binance Cloud Mining is a great option for users who are interested in cryptocurrency mining but do not have the resources or expertise to manage their own mining equipment. With its flexible plans, low entry barrier, and reliable infrastructure, it is a trusted platform that can help users achieve their investment goals. If you are interested in starting cloud mining, Binance Cloud Mining is an absolute must-consider.


3.ECOS (9.2 points)


ECOS is a cloud mining platform that provides users with a simple and efficient way to mine various cryptocurrencies. Here are some of the main features of ECOS:

ECOS是一個雲端挖礦平台,為用戶提供簡單且有效率的方式來挖掘各種加密貨幣。以下是 ECOS 的一些主要功能:



  • Flexible plans: ECOS offers multiple cloud mining plans with different hashing power options, allowing users to choose the plan that fits their needs and budget.
  • 靈活的計劃:ECOS提供多種具有不同算力選項的雲端挖礦計劃,讓使用者可以選擇適合自己需求和預算的計劃。

  • Efficient mining equipment: ECOS uses the latest and most efficient mining equipment to maximize user profits.
  • 高效挖礦設備:ECOS採用最新、最高效的挖礦設備,以實現用戶利潤最大化。

  • 24/7 monitoring: The platform provides 24/7 mining device monitoring to ensure optimal performance and shortest downtime.
  • 24/7 監控:平台提供 24/7 挖礦設備監控,確保最佳效能和最短停機時間。

  • Transparent fees: ECOS charges transparent and competitive fees for its cloud mining services, without any hidden fees.
  • 費用透明:ECOS對其雲端挖礦服務收取透明且有競爭力的費用,沒有任何隱藏費用。

  • User-friendly interface: The platform has a simple and intuitive interface, making it easy for users to browse and manage their mining activities.
  • 使用者友善的介面:該平台具有簡單直覺的介面,使用戶可以輕鬆瀏覽和管理他們的挖礦活動。

  • Secure platform: ECOS uses the latest security measures to ensure the safety and confidentiality of user data and transactions.
  • 安全平台:ECOS採用最新的安全措施,確保用戶資料和交易的安全保密。

  • Exceptional customer support: ECOS has a dedicated customer support team that provides assistance 24/7/365, solving any issues users may have.
  • 卓越的客戶支援:ECOS 擁有專門的客戶支援團隊,提供 24/7/365 的協助,解決用戶可能遇到的任何問題。

In addition to cloud mining services, ECOS also offers a range of related services related to cryptocurrency, such as mining pool management, trading, and consulting. The platform’s minimum investment requirement is only $10, making it suitable for users with different budgets. Overall, ECOS is a reliable and efficient platform that is ideal for anyone who wants to mine cryptocurrencies without dealing with the complexity of setting up and maintaining mining equipment.

除了雲端挖礦服務外,ECOS還提供一系列與加密貨幣相關的服務,例如礦池管理、交易和諮詢。該平台的最低投資要求僅10美元,適合不同預算的用戶。總體而言,ECOS 是一個可靠且高效的平台,對於想要挖掘加密貨幣而無需處理設置和維護採礦設備的複雜性的人來說是理想的選擇。

4.NiceHash (9.0 points)


NiceHash is a cryptocurrency mining market that connects buyers and sellers of hash power. The platform was founded in 2014 and has since grown to become one of the largest and most reliable mining markets in the industry.

NiceHash 是一個連結算力買家和賣家的加密貨幣挖礦市場。該平台成立於 2014 年,現已發展成為業界最大、最可靠的挖礦市場之一。

Some of the features of NiceHash include:

NiceHash 的一些功能包括:

  • A user-friendly platform: NiceHash provides a user-friendly platform that makes it easy for buyers and sellers to browse and transact.
  • 一個用戶友好的平台:NiceHash提供了一個用戶友好的平台,讓買家和賣家可以輕鬆瀏覽和交易。

  • A wide range of mining algorithms: The platform supports a wide range of mining algorithms, including SHA-256, Scrypt, Ethash, and Equihash.
  • 多種挖礦演算法:平台支援多種挖礦演算法,包括SHA-256、Scrypt、Ethash、Equihash等。

  • Competitive prices: NiceHash provides competitive prices for buyers, while offering sellers the opportunity to earn more from their mining activities.
  • 有競爭力的價格:NiceHash 為買家提供有競爭力的價格,同時為賣家提供從挖礦活動中賺取更多收入的機會。

  • Advanced statistics: NiceHash provides users with detailed statistics and data to track their mining activities and profits.
  • 進階統計:NiceHash為用戶提供詳細的統計數據和數據來追蹤他們的挖礦活動和利潤。

  • Secure and reliable: NiceHash is known for its secure and reliable platform, with strong encryption features and protection against network attacks.
  • 安全可靠:NiceHash以其安全可靠的平台而聞名,具有強大的加密功能和抵禦網路攻擊的能力。

  • 24/7 customer support: NiceHash provides 24/7 customer support to help users address any issues they may have.
  • 24/7 客戶支援:NiceHash 提供 24/7 客戶支持,幫助使用者解決他們可能遇到的任何問題。

NiceHash also offers a NiceHash wallet, which allows users to easily store and manage their cryptocurrency income. The platform supports multiple payment methods, including Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Zcash.


In summary, NiceHash is a reliable and user-friendly mining market that provides a wide range of features and benefits to its users. Whether you are a buyer or seller of hash power, NiceHash has something to offer.

總而言之,NiceHash 是一個可靠且用戶友好的挖礦市場,為用戶提供了廣泛的功能和好處。無論您是算力的買家還是賣家,NiceHash 都能提供一些東西。

5.Bitdeer (9.0 points)


Here are some key features of the popular cloud mining platform, BitDeer :

以下是流行的雲端挖礦平台 BitDeer 的一些主要功能:

  • User-friendly interface: BitDeer has a user-friendly interface that makes it easy for users to purchase and manage their mining contracts.
  • 使用者友善的介面:BitDeer擁有用戶友好的介面,使用戶可以輕鬆購買和管理挖礦合約。

  • Flexibility: BitDeer offers a range of plans to meet the needs of users with different budgets and mining requirements. The platform supports a variety of cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Litecoin.
  • 靈活性:BitDeer提供一系列的計畫來滿足不同預算和挖礦需求的使用者的需求。該平台支援多種加密貨幣,包括比特幣、以太坊和萊特幣。

  • Professional customer support: BitDeer has a dedicated customer support team that is available 24/7 to help users with any questions or issues they may have.
  • 專業的客戶支援:BitDeer 擁有專門的客戶支援團隊,24/7 全天候為使用者提供協助,解決他們可能遇到的任何疑問或問題。

  • Referral program: BitDeer offers a referral program that rewards users for referring new customers to the platform. The program allows users to earn up to 20% in mining income as a referral bonus.
  • 推薦計畫:BitDeer 提供推薦計劃,獎勵向平台推薦新客戶的用戶。該計劃允許用戶賺取高達 20% 的挖礦收入作為推薦獎金。

  • Minimum investment: BitDeer has a minimum investment of only $10, making it accessible to most users. The platform also offers daily payments, so users can receive their mining income daily.
  • 最低投資:BitDeer的最低投資金額僅10美元,適合多數用戶。該平台還提供每日支付功能,因此用戶每天都可以收到挖礦收入。

  • Simple and transparent pricing: BitDeer has a simple and transparent pricing model, with no hidden fees or charges.
  • 簡單透明的定價:BitDeer 擁有簡單透明的定價模式,沒有任何隱藏費用或收費。

Overall, BitDeer is a reliable and secure cloud mining platform that offers a range of features and benefits to its users. Whether you are an experienced miner or a new user looking to start mining, BitDeer has something to offer.

總體而言,BitDeer 是一個可靠且安全的雲端挖礦平台,為使用者提供了一系列功能和優勢。無論您是經驗豐富的礦工還是想要開始挖礦的新用戶,BitDeer 都能為您提供協助。


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