首頁 > 資訊新聞 > Fresh Meme 幣受到投資者歡迎,超越 XRP 和狗狗幣

Fresh Meme Coin Gains Popularity Among Investors, Overshadowing XRP and Dogecoin

Fresh Meme 幣受到投資者歡迎,超越 XRP 和狗狗幣

發布: 2024/02/04 20:31 閱讀: 975

原文作者:CoinPedia News


Fresh Meme 幣受到投資者歡迎,超越 XRP 和狗狗幣

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Fresh Meme Coin 受到投資者歡迎,超越 XRP 和 Dogecoin 的貼文首先出現在 Coinpedia 金融科技新聞



  • Ripple Labs could pay a fine for selling XRP to institutional investors.
  • Ripple Labs 可能會因向機構投資者出售 XRP 而支付罰款。

  • Daily new active addresses on Dogecoin (DOGE) have soared spectacularly.
  • 狗狗幣(DOGE)的每日新活躍地址大幅飆升。

  • NuggetRush (NUGX) is now becoming a top-choice destination for winning exciting game rewards.
  • NuggetRush (NUGX) 現在正在成為贏得令人興奮的遊戲獎勵的首選目的地。

The SEC has demanded that Ripple Labs come clean over XRP sales from 2022 to 2023. Dogecoin has also recorded an increase in network activity.

美國證券交易委員會 (SEC) 要求 Ripple Labs 就 2022 年至 2023 年的 XRP 銷售情況進行坦白。狗狗幣的網路活動也有所增加。

Yet, NuggetRush (NUGX), a mining game that offers financial rewards each time you play, is attracting tons of crypto users. Many have purchased tokens in its presale. Yet, can NUGX outperform top altcoins like XRP and DOGE? Let’s discuss.

然而,NuggetRush (NUGX) 是一款每次玩遊戲都會提供經濟獎勵的挖礦遊戲,吸引了大量的加密貨幣用戶。許多人在預售中購買了代幣。然而,NUGX 的表現能否超越 XRP 和 DOGE 等頂級山寨幣?來!我們討論一下。

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NuggetRush: The P2E Network For Everyone

NuggetRush:適合所有人的 P2E 網絡

By 2028, the P2E gaming industry will expand considerably. Its market value already stands at USD 8,856.95 million. The industry’s strong growth is good news for investors and P2E gamers seeking new, exciting, and profitable projects to join. Unsurprisingly, news of NuggetRush’s NFT gaming release is already creating a mega buzz in the crypto industry.

到2028年,P2E遊戲產業將大幅擴張。其市值已達88.5695億美元。該行業的強勁成長對於尋求加入新的、令人興奮的且有利可圖的專案的投資者和 P2E 遊戲玩家來說是個好消息。不出所料,NuggetRush 發布 NFT 遊戲的消息已經在加密行業引起了巨大轟動。

NuggetRush (NUGX) is introducing the first-ever blockchain mining game. It promises an unmatched strategy-gaming experience with high-value financial rewards for dedicated players. Crypto investors are more captivated by NUGX’s stellar price jump.

NuggetRush (NUGX) 正在推出首款區塊鏈挖礦遊戲。它承諾為忠實玩家提供無與倫比的策略遊戲體驗和高價值的經濟獎勵。加密貨幣投資者對 NUGX 的驚人價格上漲更加著迷。

On NuggetRush (NUGX), players build an efficient mining business. The general gameplay involves managing several capable NFT miners, collecting machinery, and utilizing real-world mining techniques. Successful players will receive more effective workers and machinery that boosts their operational efficiency.

在 NuggetRush (NUGX) 上,玩家建立高效率的挖礦業務。一般遊戲玩法包括管理幾個有能力的 NFT 礦工、收集機器以及利用現實世界的採礦技術。成功的參與者將獲得更有效率的工人和機器,從而提高他們的營運效率。

Stakeholders eager to earn from NuggetRush (NUGX) have two primary ways. The first involves trading in-game NFT assets. Depending on their rarity, these assets can fetch a player low-to-high financial rewards. The secondary wealth-generation method on NuggetRush involves staking NFTs to receive a 20% APY reward.

渴望從 NuggetRush (NUGX) 中獲利的利害關係人有兩種主要方式。第一個涉及遊戲內 NFT 資產交易。根據其稀有程度,這些資產可以為玩家帶來從低到高的經濟獎勵。 NuggetRush 上的二次財富生成方法涉及質押 NFT 以獲得 20% APY 獎勵。

Additionally, the NUGX token presents another opportunity for careful investors to make gains. Since round one of its presale, NUGX has sold over 168 million tokens. It has also grown by 80% in market value to reach $0.018 by round five of its presale. 

此外,NUGX 代幣為謹慎的投資者提供了另一個獲利的機會。自第一輪預售以來,NUGX 已售出超過 1.68 億枚代幣。在第五輪預售中,其市值也成長了 80%,達到 0.018 美元。

Investors are already pegging the token for another 11.1% price jump to reach $0.020 when NUGX gets listed. Analysts say the project’s unique features will make it one of the top DeFi projects.

投資者已經預計,當 NUGX 上市時,代幣價格將再上漲 11.1%,達到 0.020 美元。分析師表示,該專案的獨特功能將使其成為頂級 DeFi 專案之一。

Ripple Labs Could Pay Fines Over the Sale XRP to Institutional Investors

Ripple Labs 可能會因向機構投資者出售 XRP 而支付罰款

Many investors are predicting the likely outcomes of XRP’s battle against the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). One recurring notion among most predictions is that Ripple Labs will have to pay fines for selling XRP tokens to institutional investors. Earlier in July 2023, a federal Judge ruled that institutional sales of XRP could be considered securities.

許多投資者正在預測 XRP 與美國證券交易委員會 (SEC) 之爭的可能結果。大多數預測中反覆出現的一個想法是,Ripple Labs 將不得不因向機構投資者出售 XRP 代幣而支付罰款。 2023 年 7 月早些時候,聯邦法官裁定 XRP 的機構銷售可以被視為證券。

Citing the judgment, the SEC is now asking a court to give it access to financial records of XRP sales. The ensuing chaos comes amid XRP’s struggle to return to the $0.60 region. XRP sold at $0.6254 on January 2. Nearly three weeks later, XRP fell by 12.6% to $0.5461 on January 21 before falling by 4.0% to $0.5241 on January 27.

SEC 現在援引該判決,要求法院允許其獲取 XRP 銷售的財務記錄。隨之而來的混亂發生在 XRP 努力重返 0.60 美元區域之際。 XRP 於 1 月 2 日以 0.6254 美元的價格出售。近三週後,XRP 在 1 月 21 日下跌 12.6% 至 0.5461 美元,然後在 1 月 27 日下跌 4.0% 至 0.5241 美元。

Analysts say a settlement with the SEC might be in XRP’s best interest. A settlement will round up the legal proceedings, paving the way for investors to trade XRP altcoins freely. If such a scenario occurs, XRP could rise by 27.8% to $0.6700.

分析師表示,與 SEC 達成和解可能符合 XRP 的最佳利益。和解協議將結束法律訴訟,為投資者自由交易 XRP 山寨幣鋪路。如果發生這種情況,XRP 可能會上漲 27.8% 至 0.6700 美元。

Dogecoin Records Network Activity Surge


On January 29, 2024, Dogecoin (DOGE) recorded increased network activity. Daily new addresses on Dogecoin hit an all-time high, reaching 247,240 on that day. Furthermore, it comes amid the growing popularity of Doginals, an Inscription protocol for Dogecoin (DOGE).

2024 年 1 月 29 日,狗狗幣 (DOGE) 的網路活動增加。狗狗幣每日新地址創下歷史新高,當天達到 247,240 個。此外,它是在狗狗幣(DOGE)的銘文協議 Doginals 日益流行的背景下出現的。

The surge in Dogecoin’s network activity follows DOGE’s recent decline. DOGE traded at $0.0912 on January 2. It fell by 12.3% to $0.07998 on January 14. DOGE fell by 2.5% to $0.07793 on January 25 before recovering by 4.3% to $0.08129 on January 29.

狗狗幣網路活動在 DOGE 最近下跌之後激增。 DOGE於1月2日交易價格為0.0912美元。1月14日下跌12.3%至0.07998美元。1月25日DOGE下跌2.5%至0.07793美元,然後1月29日回升4.3%至0.08129美元。

Dogecoin’s (DOGE) growing user count might not be unconnected to the surge of inscription activity. Inscriptions have become a very popular side of the crypto industry. 


Dogecoin Inscriptions, Doginals, became more popular following the launch of Doom video game on the network. Analysts say Dogecoin’s (DOGE) network activity could keep rising as demand for Inscriptions soars. This could push DOGE’s price up by 11.9% to $0.09103. Still, analysts say DOGE is still well below the list of top crypto coins.

隨著《毀滅戰士》電玩遊戲在網路上推出,狗狗幣銘文(即 Doginals)變得更加流行。分析師表示,隨著銘文需求的飆升,狗狗幣(DOGE)的網路活動可能會持續上升。這可能會使 DOGE 的價格上漲 11.9% 至 0.09103 美元。儘管如此,分析師表示 DOGE 仍遠低於頂級加密貨幣的排名。

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