首頁 > 資訊新聞 > FTX 9 月 13 日的 34 億美元拋售會成為 Solana 和加密貨幣市場的轉捩點嗎?

Will FTX’s $3.4 Billion Selloff On September 13 Be A Tipping Point For Solana And The Crypto Market?

FTX 9 月 13 日的 34 億美元拋售會成為 Solana 和加密貨幣市場的轉捩點嗎?

發布: 2023/09/11 23:00 閱讀: 433

原文作者:CoinPedia News


這篇文章 FTX 9 月 13 日的 34 億美元拋售會成為 Solana 和加密貨幣市場的轉捩點嗎?首先出現在 Coinpedia 金融科技新聞上

FTX, formerly a top-tier cryptocurrency exchange now facing bankruptcy, is seeking court approval for a colossal $3.4 billion crypto selloff scheduled for September 13. The mere announcement of this planned liquidation has already sent the market into a downturn, signaling potential bearish trends for Wednesday. Notably, FTX holds a substantial amount of Solana, among other cryptocurrencies, in its portfolio. 

FTX 曾是一家頂級加密貨幣交易所,現已面臨破產,正在尋求法院批准定於9 月13 日進行的價值34 億美元的加密貨幣拋售。僅宣布這一計劃清算已經讓市場陷入低迷,預示著潛在的看跌趨勢週三。值得注意的是,FTX 在其投資組合中持有大量 Solana 以及其他加密貨幣。

Will FTX’s Selloff Really Impact The Crypto Market?


Set for a court hearing on September 13, the bankrupt FTX exchange has submitted a motion detailing its strategy to liquidate its cryptocurrency assets into fiat currency. The aim is to settle debts with creditors. Initially filed on August 23, the motion has garnered significant attention from creditors and token holders, who are keenly awaiting the hearing’s outcome. The proceedings could potentially facilitate the recovery of up to $3.4 billion. 

破產的 FTX 交易所將於 9 月 13 日舉行法庭聽證會,該交易所已提交一項動議,詳細說明其將加密貨幣資產清算為法定貨幣的策略。目的是與債權人解決債務問題。該動議最初於 8 月 23 日提交,引起了債權人和代幣持有者的高度關注,他們正在熱切等待聽證會的結果。該訴訟程序可能有助於追回高達 34 億美元的損失。

FTX’s legal filings indicate that the exchange plans to sell off no more than $100-$200 million in digital assets per week. This phased approach could result in a more gradual bearish impact on the market rather than causing a sudden plunge in asset prices if FTX were to liquidate its entire portfolio at once.

FTX 的法律文件顯示,該交易所計劃每週出售不超過 1 億至 2 億美元的數位資產。如果 FTX 立即清算其整個投資組合,這種分階段的做法可能會對市場產生更漸進的看跌影響,而不是導致資產價格突然暴跌。

As of January 17, FTX’s holdings included $685 million in Solana (SOL), $42 million in Dogecoin (DOGE), and $268 million in BTC. The exchange also holds other assets in its portfolio. 

截至 1 月 17 日,FTX 持有的資產包括 6.85 億美元的 Solana (SOL)、4,200 萬美元的狗狗幣 (DOGE) 和 2.68 億美元的 BTC。該交易所還在其投資組合中持有其他資產。

Nonetheless, FTX’s planned weekly selloff in the millions is unlikely to exert immediate downward pressure on asset prices. Even if the court grants approval by September 13, the liquidation may not start immediately. Furthermore, a large portion of their Solana assets are tied up in vesting agreements and will remain unsellable for an extended period. 

儘管如此,FTX 計劃的每週數百萬美元的拋售不太可能立即對資產價格造成下行壓力。即使法院在 9 月 13 日之前批准,清算也可能不會立即開始。此外,其 Solana 資產的很大一部分都與歸屬協議相關,並且將在很長一段時間內無法出售。

What’s Next For SOL Price?

SOL 價格的下一步是什麼?

Solana has been experiencing a gradual correction within the price range of $19.1 to $17.3. The bears have successfully capitalized on rallies, selling off when the price approaches the 20-day EMA, signaling that market sentiment remains bearish. As of writing, SOL price trades at $17.6, declining over 4% from yesterday’s rate. 

Solana 在 19.1 美元至 17.3 美元的價格範圍內經歷了逐步調整。空頭成功利用反彈,在價格接近 20 日均線時拋售,表明市場情緒仍然看跌。截至撰寫本文時,SOL 價格交易價格為 17.6 美元,較昨天下跌超過 4%。

The bulls’ continuous inability to push the price above the 20-day EMA indicates that the most likely direction for the asset is downward. If the bears manage to pull the price below the immediate support level of $17.1, the SOL price could potentially drop to $15.3. 

多頭持續無法將價格推高至 20 日均線上方,表示該資產最有可能的方向是下行。如果空頭設法將價格拉至 17.1 美元的直接支撐位以下,SOL 價格可能會跌至 15.3 美元。

However, the bulls are not without their strategies. They aim to drive the price above the 20-day EMA. If successful, the SOL price could target the next resistance level near $20. This is a crucial point for the bears to hold, as a breach above it could pave the way for a possible rally to $22.4.

然而,多頭並非沒有策略。他們的目標是推動價格突破 20 日均線。如果成功,SOL 價格可能會瞄準 20 美元附近的下一個阻力位。對於空頭來說,這是守住的關鍵點,因為突破該點可能為反彈至 22.4 美元鋪平道路。


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